This was posted 2 years 2 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Death Stranding: Directors Cut Upgrade $8.99 (Base Game Required) @ Epic Games


After claiming the free game from Epic Games, I noticed my PS5 controller was not supported. Only the DC add-on supports the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback on ps5 controller.

Thanks to "ce5himm", I would be able to get DC upgrade for $8.99 (I can't find it on Epic apps, but only add it from a web browser)

I bought a PS5 controller ($66 from JB with a $10 Perk voucher). Haptic feedback and adaptive triggers are natively supported. It felt like a different game.

Mod: Removed Duplicate from title

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2022

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closed Comments

    • +37

      So they should give out a free upgrade to those who already got the game for free?
      Seems a tad entitled of you.

      • +17

        there' s something wrong with king stewie

        you can get the game right now for free

        you are PRIVILEGED to be living in the here and and now and able to claim this deal

        its now 10pm… you have 5hrs until 3am when the deal lapses

        feel that PRIVILEGE!

        • +10

          He's got a point though… kinda unfair to those who didn't get to claim it.

          This is coming from someone who claimed it on both accounts.

        • +6

          You should consider yourself privileged to breathe the same air as king stewie and lick the dirt off his boots.

          • +1

            @Budju: Hire that man!

            • +1

              @King Steuart: but that would entire PAYING them and we all know that people in positions of power and privilege don't pay for anything.

    • +3

      I think the word you're after is "lucky" or "fortunate" rather than privileged.

  • Wasn't this the freebie today? I didn't pay for the DC upgrade, it was for free wasn't it?

    • +1

      base game free right now but DLC is not

      • Oh then how come when I go to library it says I can install DC version?

        • +17

          For a few hours after the freebie launched, it was the DC version. After that Epic corrected it to the standard version

    • +10

      Epic messed up and made DC free instead of the base game. That was fixed after a few hours.

      • +9

        Oh nice, I was lucky to get it then

        • +2

          damn lol

          sweeney messed up big time

  • +4

    this needs to be played on a big screen to appreciate the environment as you hike around.

    • +9

      A friendly reminder that you can hook a gaming PC up to the big screen TV or projector in your living room or home theatre.

      Just need an HDMI cable and (optionally) whatever controller(s) you already have.

      (Current and last gen console controllers all work on PC these days without much difficulty).

      I don't play at a desk anymore. For single player cinematic story/action games, nothing beats being immersed in a massive 120 inch environment (at least for non-VR games).

      • +6

        I’ve had a great time gaming using the steam link to my tv.
        Using over a wired connection is surprisingly good!

  • +1

    What is the usual upgrade price?

  • +1

    Is there any point to get this DC upgrade if you don't own a PS5 controller?

    • +18

      (TLDR: Yes)

      List of everthing new in Death Stranding Directors Cut⁣

      The new content is unlocked by progressing through the game.

      New graphics technology:
      Improved water effects
      AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution
      NVIDIA DLSS 2.3.7
      NVIDIA Image Scaling
      Intel XeSS

      New controller functions:
      DualSense Haptic Feedback

      New story missions:
      2 missions available in chapter 2
      1 mission available after finishing the game

      New standard orders:
      40 new orders

      New location:
      Ruined Factory available in the eastern region

      New roads:
      National roads can now be built in mountainous areas

      New combat mechanics:
      Upgraded melee system with new moves
      Mules are using mounted machine guns against the player
      Mounted machine guns can be used by the player

      New mechanics:
      Ziplines can be used with floating carriers
      Strands can be used to tie down cargo
      You can now rest on the bike
      Items can now be collected from the bike while standing still

      New Facilities:
      Firing Range with Drills (VR like missions)

      New Weapons:
      Maser Gun

      New Vehicles:
      Roadster Long Range
      Transporter Bike with an attached carrier

      New Delivery Equipment:
      Buddy Bot
      Support Skeleton
      Ammo Pouch Level 2
      Battery Level 4
      Stabilizer Level 3

      New buildable structures:
      Jump Ramps
      Cargo Catapult
      Chiral Bridges

      New Racetrack:
      Fragile Circuit

      New Customization:
      BB Pod Colors
      Buddy Bot Colors
      Backpack Patches
      Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
      BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
      Power Gloves (Gold)
      Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
      BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
      Power Gloves (Silver)

      New Music:
      8 new tracks

      New optional cutscenes:
      2 Nightmare cutscenes

      Quality of Life Updates:
      Replayable Boss battles
      Route planning tutorial in Episode 1
      Fast travel locations can now be selected from the map instead of using a list
      Adjusted guides and tips with the option to change the frequency in the menu
      Compass Mode now shows the goal of your current mission, needed materials to upgrade your structures and Likes

      Online Functions:
      Friend Play (Friends can be added as a strand contracts)
      Ranked Boss battles with leader bords
      Ranked Drills with leader bords
      Ranked Races with leader bords

      New Holograms can be unlocked
      Ludens Ducks can be seen in Hot Springs
      Monster Energy drinks are replaced with Bridges Energy drinks
      Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)

      • +26

        I was 'privileged' enough to get the directors cut this morning but it's crazy they would lock things like DLSS/FidelityFX in the DLC. Read up on this just now and apparently there are very noticeable ghosting (lol) issues in the original game.

        • +7

          A lot on that list sound like patches.

          This game was fairly divisive when it came out if I recall and a lot of people didn't like it…

      • +2

        Apparently the "Quality of life" updates make the game much easier, which might defeat the gratification some players get out of it. People seem to like it because it is hard and not casual.

        • I'm not sure about that haha. The penalty for dying, which is pretty hard to do, is low, and the original game featured a certain structure that made traversal very easy and fast.

          • @AlanHB: [spoilers] You literally have a robot that can make deliveries for you. Plus there is a catapult now which you can fling your deliveries across crevices which would take you an hour to walk around. Just sounds like the gratification you get from making those long hard deliveries is kind of lost. Although for more casual players they might like it, but then it kind of defeats the purpose making the bit that is gratifying easy.

      • +7

        Madness. this just sounds like a patched version of the game…

        • +5

          The FSR update should have come to the base game.

        • +2

          Yeah, paying for controller support seems pretty trash. Still, the base game was free so I'll pay for the DC I reckon.

          • @Hurg: I paid it. 9 or so bucks for DC is a good deal (using a little selective memory)

          • @Hurg: yup.. I paid the $9 for the upgrade on pc - alternative was pay $10 for upgrade on the PS4 -> PS5 upgrade. May as well give EPIC some money in return for all the free games they've given me over the year.

  • +30

    You need to pay for DLC to use another controller option?

    That's worse than Horse Armor.

    What a joke.

      • +17

        Spoilt entitlement?

        I think you can smell the Fanboy who defends that.

        I buy plenty of DLC. None of which locks control options.

          • +19

            @lordezekiel: Mate they're not arguing that theh should get the directors cut for free which is a big update. They are arguing that locking dualsense support behind a paywall is a joke.

              • +10

                @lordezekiel: New game content and missions are fair to be locked behind a paywall, but quality of life and controller options and graphics settings feel a bit dirty to me. Witcher 3 just got new graphics updates for free and Metro Exodus gave out their ray tracing update for free too.

                • -1

                  @SpiceWeasel: and how many other companies even bother to continue patching and supporting their games 2-3 years after release? Very, very few. Even for basic patches it takes time and effort and salary to pay the programmers and testers. I'd say that specifically The Witcher 3 patch was tied in with the Cyberpunk 2077 engine upgrades so was an easy cross migration and pretty much a cert to eke out the dollars from those younger gamers who had never played the original game and turn up their nose at anything not 4K and ray traced.

          • +1

            @lordezekiel: Geez. Why even bother relying to you. I never said I want the DLC free.

            Already purchased the game on Steam anyway and haven't played it.

            A chunk of the DLC is just normal free patches. It's easily the worst DLC I've ever seen.

      • +3

        Ohhh lootbox me harder EA.

    • +1

      That and copied from above:
      New story missions:
      2 missions available in chapter 2
      1 mission available after finishing the game

      New standard orders:
      40 new orders

      New location:
      Ruined Factory available in the eastern region

      New roads:
      National roads can now be built in mountainous areas

      New combat mechanics:
      Upgraded melee system with new moves
      Mules are using mounted machine guns against the player
      Mounted machine guns can be used by the player

      New mechanics:
      Ziplines can be used with floating carriers
      Strands can be used to tie down cargo
      You can now rest on the bike
      Items can now be collected from the bike while standing still

      New Facilities:
      Firing Range with Drills (VR like missions)

      New Weapons:
      Maser Gun

      New Vehicles:
      Roadster Long Range
      Transporter Bike with an attached carrier

      New Delivery Equipment:
      Buddy Bot
      Support Skeleton
      Ammo Pouch Level 2
      Battery Level 4
      Stabilizer Level 3

      New buildable structures:
      Jump Ramps
      Cargo Catapult
      Chiral Bridges

      New Racetrack:
      Fragile Circuit

      New Customization:
      BB Pod Colors
      Buddy Bot Colors
      Backpack Patches
      Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Gold)
      BB pod customization (Chiral Gold)
      Power Gloves (Gold)
      Bridges Special Delivery Team Suit (Silver)
      BB pod customization (Omnireflector)
      Power Gloves (Silver)

      New Music:
      8 new tracks

      New optional cutscenes:
      2 Nightmare cutscenes

      Quality of Life Updates:
      Replayable Boss battles
      Route planning tutorial in Episode 1
      Fast travel locations can now be selected from the map instead of using a list
      Adjusted guides and tips with the option to change the frequency in the menu
      Compass Mode now shows the goal of your current mission, needed materials to upgrade your structures and Likes

      Online Functions:
      Friend Play (Friends can be added as a strand contracts)
      Ranked Boss battles with leader bords
      Ranked Drills with leader bords
      Ranked Races with leader bords

      New Holograms can be unlocked
      Ludens Ducks can be seen in Hot Springs
      Monster Energy drinks are replaced with Bridges Energy drinks
      Selections From ‘The Art of DEATH STRANDING’” Digital Book (by Titan Books)

      • +7

        Quality of life updates, online functions and other are pretty terrible in that list….

        That's free patches normally.

        The rest, yeah sure. But you can't put that stuff behind a pay wall.

        • +1

          And new mechanics. Lol.

          'You can now rest on the bike'

        • I agree.

    • I paid $5 to steam to make my ps5 controller work wirelessly with the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback function.

      • And that works across the platform/other games?

        That's fine (being generous here…).

        If it's just this, that's terrible.

        • +1

          It makes Dualsense work across all PC games.But only few mods for the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback to work on few games.

      • +2

        if you're going to post things like this at least please give the source / link to the app that makes the bloody thing work -

  • -5

    giving epic game money?…… hmmm …. NEVER!!!

    • +4

      Hope you don't own a single game that uses unreal engine then lol.

      • -5

        All my games are on Steam, Origin, Blizzard, and Ubisoft on PC.

        I will never buy a guys on epic, and if people are stupid enough to buy from epic well I am sure they are with Optus and Medibank too.

        • +1

          Boy do I have news for you…

        • +1

          Are you drunk?

  • +1

    Is it the same with an Xbox controller?

    • +2

      xbox controller works with almost every single game on Windows.
      It does work with my PS5 controller (need to add the game to steam to launch), but it won't have adaptive triggers and haptic feedback function.

      • +2

        Wait, that's a bit confusing.

        You mean both controllers work with this game, but unlike the Xbox controller, the DS5 (PS5 controller) has adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, which are supported in this new Directors Cut.


        • +4

          correct, Epic app won't recognize PS5 controller at all when I play the base game, I have to add the game to steam to play on my ps5 controller. However when I play the DC version, just plug in, and all set.

  • +3

    I think if you are on the fence about the DC edition, play the free version first, if you are really into it then the DC purchase will be worth it!

    • +3

      Apparently the DC changes the game somewhat, so if you are liking the original, just keep on with that. If you find the original too grinding, but enjoying the game, get the DC. I think you can just port over your saves.

  • I bought the upgrade but it's not showing up in my Library. (Says "In Library on the store page though) How do I access the director's cut version? I have the regular version installed.

    Edit: Nvm, took an while, but eventually it showed up.

  • +3

    Looks like guy from walking dead.

    • No, it's Murphy MacManus

  • +1

    DC has extra stuff. That's nice. It's still the same basic game which sounds so dull. Can't ever imagine it reaching the top of my pile of shame

    • +1

      You’ll be missing out on an absolutely fantastic experience. After first few hours, story opens up into a real mindf- till the very end. It was an utterly brilliant experience.

  • +9

    This is textbook how not to run a promotion. The point of a promotion is to garner positive feeling that will translate to sales. When you give something away for free to some people and tell the rest "Sorry we messed up, you can just have a discount", it's going to leave a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. You can call them entitled till you go blue and i'd even argue that you're right, it is enittled. But the bottom line is you just paid for a promo that makes a lot of people feel bad about your company and who now are LESS likely to spend money with you.

    On that basis I don't understand the logic here. Perhaps they think it's worth burning the good sentiment to get some people to make their first purchase with Epic to upgrade to director's cut out of FOMO? Either way it's a terrible strategy. If it were up to me in Epic's shoes I'd be giving out both versions for free for a week and giving store credit to anyone that bought the upgrade.

    Personally I'll happily just stay with the standard version and say "Thank you".

    • +2

      I think it is great marketing:

      • Epic probably told Kojima Production that with the Game Rewards showing DS2, let's run a promotion, give the base game away for free to entice people to upgrade.
      • The accidental free Director's Cut give away earlier on actually helps. Normally, I wouldn't bother buying the upgrade (since if I have not bought the game for so long, it obviously is not a must play for me). However, knowing some people got the DC version of free actually is now tricking my brain to get it.

      The OZB spirit should be Thank you for the base game, but no thanks for the paid Director's Cut quality of life enhancement charge. However, considered so many of us are unhappy (honestly, because we missed out snatching the DC version), this whole stunt (even if unintentional) is working.

      • Really? You think making people unhappy and less willing to spend money with Epic is a win??? For every $9 sale, how many shirty customers did they push away?

        • +2

          They are not making people unhappy. We are the ones making ourselves unhappy. We are both happy for people who managed to get the Director's Cut so what exactly is the issue?

          It comes down to whether I can come to my senses (given the fact that I have not yet installed the game, and it is not the type of games for me) and resist buying the DC add-on.

          how many shirty customers did they push away?

          Come on, let's be frank here. All those other free games I collected from Epic game store is the reason why I am considering getting the DC add-on. One wrong (and it was unintentional) and the store is going to be blacklisted? Also, it is $9 and we regular OZBers waste more money on other toys.

          Epic is NOT asking you to buy DC add-on. Some other OZBers are posting this deal to dangle it to us.

          • @netsurfer: It's quite normal to feel unhappy about missing out on something when you could have had it and others did just due to circumstances.

            By the way I think your compulsion to buy an addon for a game you won't play is exactly what the FTC fine is all about. It's nice that they're giving things away. That's exactly why they run the promos - to garner that nice feeling and the loyalty you're displaying here. But it's all business, and they aren't doing it because they love you. To be blunt I'm worried that one fine day they'll decide to yank all the freebies back away because if it suited their purposes and they could get away with it I think they'd do that in a heartbeat. I'm grateful for the games, but at the same time I know their motives aren't all rainbows and puppy dogs.

            And yep there will be other people who are going to be much more wary of spending with Epic now. Once bitten, as they say…

            • @syousef: Honestly, I don't really see a big deal. This is a game where we both HAVE NOT purchased. Honestly, for me, if this game weren't made by Kojima, I would even think twice to collect it.

              It's not straightforward to buy this add-on so Epic is not trying to actively sell us the add-on. There is no doubt that I have collected more free games from Epic (value wise) than any other stores. They won't yank those games. They already negotiated deals with the game publishers. Epic store still have a long way to go to match Steam.

              There is a game where I can get it cheaper on Epic store, yet I still elected to purchase it from Steam.

              The main reason that I am not buying DC is that I still have no intention to play the game (because my pile of shame is so long). Furthermore, if I really want the DC, I would rather join PS Plus Extra tier for 1 month and play a lot more games.

              • @netsurfer: I'm not saying I care. I collected the standard edition and I'm moving on (and likely won't get around to playing it). I am just providing some perspective for the ****ed off comments I'm seeing. It's human nature to be annoyed at missing out.

                The truth is no game store will live forever. The only question is if it will outlive you.

                • +1

                  @syousef: I am not seeing anyone neg vote this and I feel that we should give OZBers more credit.

                  As for no game store will live forever, that doesn't equate to Epic will revoke those freebies we collected. So what if those free games disappeared because Epic went belly up? Did we pay for them?

                  Honestly, compared to what Apple pulled, zap my old iPhone so I cannot run any 32-bit apps and the remote kill forced me to upgrade the iOS. Apple doesn't give a damn about I can no longer run my paid 32-bit apps. Also, the BS, free lifetime upgrades for a lot of the apps (i.e. a lot of the GPS apps).

                  It's Christmas, so if you have some time, play games in your pile of shame. They are just games, so we'll live. Government and councils ripped / rip us off so much more.

                  • @netsurfer: There was griping on this thread or the other one. I can't be bothered looking for it.

                    It's not a very merry Christmas when you're ok with being ripped off because others ripped you off even more. I think I'll just let this thread go. I've said my piece.

                    • +1

                      @syousef: I just want to clarify, the DC add-on discount was NOT introduced after the giveaway glitch. It is just the one of the typical Christmas to New Year discounts. Also, this "add-on" isn't just for people who collected the standard edition free. It is for people who bought the standard edition.

                      For people who have the steam version, there are cheaper deals on the upgrade ($7.32):


                      As far as I know, Epic has not offered any additional discount after the glitch. So Epic has not gone "you can just have the discount". Epic has corrected that free giveaway glitch and that's all. Anyone who wants the add-on can get the holiday discount price, but it has nothing to do with the free game. The holiday discount ends early Jan.

                      One key issue for me to get the DC upgrade is the offer price is still too expensive. Don't get me wrong, I am still happy with the free standard edition.

      • I was happily surprised to see it as a free give away. Feeling a bit like 'giving back' but also wanting the quality of life improvements. I paid for the upgrade.

        It's a win-win for everyone. I get a game I wanted but probably would have never bought, gaming studio gets a minor sale from a fringe customer + possibility to get me hooked for sequel, and EPIC gets a small commission for facilitating.

  • The base game for this add on is death stranding director's cut? OR the freebie version? Because when I go to the Epic Store, it shows that the base game is 35.99 Director's cut version.

    The freebie that I got yesterday is not available in the store. (I also got 3 add on for that one) Are these three add on same as this 9 dollar add on?

    • +2

      If you search 'Death Stranding upgrade' in the store you should get the $8.99 version. It's just a discounted price on the Directors Cut for people that own the base (freebie) version. They show as separate games in the store if you have both. I think those 3 add ons are a digital art book, etc.

  • +1

    Game is $8.97 on steam to upgrade for those that have it there.

  • +8

    I dont understand gaming these days. How many times do your have to pay to access the entire game? Jesus.

    • +2

      This is due largely to $ony not willing to offer free upgrade for PS5. Since $ony funded the project (including letting Kojima's team use the Decima engine), PC gamers need to suffer the same way as PS5 owners.

  • +1

    I have the PS4 version is it worth it to buy the PS5 Version just for the Director's Cut or just upgrade Director's Cut for PS4?

    • +1

      When the time comes (when you have time to play games and your current PS Plus (Basic) runs out), get PS Plus Extras for a month (since PS5 Director's Cut is included in PS Plus Extras tier), play it.

      If you really love the game, then wait for the PS5 DC version to drop to bargain price and pick it up. I reckon PS5 version will have fast loading, which is a decent quality of life improvement.

    • +1

      If you upgrade to the Director's Cut version from PS4 then it upgrades to the PS5 version I think. I don't think you'd need to buy the whole game over again.

  • +1

    This is a delivery simulator. Other delivery guys will help you to do your job easily. Don't forget to give them thumbs up.

  • After upgrading to Director's Cut - should the game update and show Director's Cut anywhere on the menu or library cover? I paid for the upgrade but it looks the same, any advice is appreciated.

  • The directors cut upgrade is currently available on steam for $8.97 for anyone who already has the base game on steam.

    Also, I tried getting the base game on epic but can't seem to access it ..

    • Free base game offer already ended yesterday. I don't think Epic sell just the base game anymore, only the Director's Cut version.

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