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[PC, Steam] Age of Empires II - Definitive Edition (HD Remastered) $5.73 @ Steam


Easily one of the best top down strategy games ever made, fully remastered in HD.

Have been playing this for a year and it is flawless.

Grab it while it's on sale !

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closed Comments

  • +1

    wish it worked on Mac

    • +6

      use an app called "crossover for Mac" it will allow you to play this game on Mac OS natively no windows needed.

      • does this work for all games?

        • it has support for a lot of games. you need to check there site for compatibility fully support M1 M2 etc Macs too.

    • +7

      FYI. Porting Kit is free and helps make a lot of older Windows games run flawlessly on Intel and M1 Macs.

      Looks like Age of Empires 2 HD is covered on Porting Kit: https://www.portingkit.com/game/385

    • +3

      you're better off getting a PC

    • Cant you run Windows virtually on a Mac?

      • Not as straightforward on the newer M1 Macs.

  • +5

    this is on gamepass fyi

  • +6

    $5.73 doesn't include the DLC, though they are also on sale, eg. Lords of the West is $7.47 by itself

    • +7

      Good pick up, the DLC's are NOT include for $5.73

      Enhanced Graphics Pack - Free
      Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Soundtrack @ A$ 7.25
      Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West @ A$ 7.47
      Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Dawn of the Dukes @ A$ 5.97
      Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Dynasties of India @ A$ 7.17

    • +6

      Yeah I think this person is a bit confused. The definitive editions comes with all age of empires 2 original dlc, but not the new ones that they sell seperately.

      • +5

        Yeah for most, even old players, you don't need this DLC. There's loads of Civs and you won't be bored, but once you've put in 100 hrs you might want to pick a DLC or two up.

        • That's what I'll be doing as an old player, they go on sale often so you'll have a chance to pick them up at a later date for cheap.

  • +5

    All of Age of Empires games are on sale, including the bundle

    • Age of Empires: Definitive Edition @ $5.61

    • Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition @ $5.73

    • Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition @ $7.48

    • Age of Empires 25th Anniversary Collection BUNDLE @ $47.72
      *Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
      *Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
      *Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Lords of the West
      *Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Dawn of the Dukes
      *Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Dynasties of India
      *Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
      *Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - United States Civilization
      *Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Mexico Civilization
      *Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - The African Royals
      *Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition - Knights of the Mediterranean
      *Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition
      *Age of Mythology: Extended Edition
      *Age of Mythology EX: Tale of the Dragon

    • +16

      I would recommend starting with AOE2 if you haven't played these before, don't be fooled by the 3d graphics in AOE3 and AOE4.

      Newer isn't better.

    • This bundle shows as $64 for me and I already own some of the items…

      • Sorry, I do already own some items

    • the 25th Anniversary Collection shows up as $78.71 for me

    • +1

      If you already own the 2013 HD release of Age of Empires II you can pick up the Definitive Edition for around 80% off.

      • +2

        Which, for those like me who were wondering, currently comes to $4.30.

    • how did you get $47.72, shows A$ 78.71 for me

      • Sorry, I realised that I do already own some items

    • What is the aoe 4 anniversary edition?

  • -1

    Will this run with a 4080?

    • It should run on any computer without the enhanced graphics addon. Most basic graphic cards should easily run 1080p. Not sure about 4k.

      • The game did not work on ThinkPad i7 8th Gen, 16GB ram, Radeon Graphics. It Stuttered all the way. When the enhanced graphics add-on was enabled, the game crashed.

        • Runs fine on my 8th gen i7. Likely to be something on that laptop causing the issue. Anti virus is a common cause of stuttering issues

    • +6

      Nah, you need a 4090 to run it at 720p

      • +1

        You'll need 720p to actually see what your doing on a larger display. At the standard higher resulotions the zoom levels dont get far enough.

        • +1

          Higher resolution screens let you zoom out further. The 4K texture pack is what prevents you zooming out more

  • +1

    We are without a leader. The dead king of Scotland has no heir.

  • It charges me $78.71 for a bundle not $47.72, did I do it wrong?

    • +2

      I think that person didn't account for the fact they already had some of the games (therefore the price is different for them)

  • Not bad

  • +9

    This vs Nutra grain version?

    • +5

      The best free game ever

  • +1

    I came across a site called Stream db that tracks steam price history. According to that site, games are sold for peanuts in countries like Argentina or Turkey. What is preventing people from using those countries via VPN?

    • +4

      Two things are preventing people from doing it:
      1) Time and effort
      2) The risk of your Steam account being banned from doing what you mentioned. Not sure what the chance is, but plenty of people spend lots of money in their Steam account that the risk is likely not worth how much money they'd save

      • +3

        Depends on how much could save. How about using a spare account with vpn for some just-want-to-try games

        • Tried to create a turkey account so i can gift games to my main account but it saying can't create account…maybe because I'm using vpn

    • Nothing. I use the Indian store myself. You need to change your store to whatever country however to do this you need a credit card and IP address from that country. The IP address is the easy part. For me, I changed it when I was on holidays in India over 8 years ago (I have family there) hence I was also able to get a n Indian CC.

  • +7


  • +1

    My favourite AoE2 game with plenty of single player content and still a pretty large online playerbase last I checked.

  • -8

    Just (profanity) make it for free. It is a 30 year old game, jesus.

    • +1

      Its a 3 year old game with regular updates bud

  • +1

    Would this game be OK for someone who hasn't played any of the games before? Also, which 'team' should you choose to play as (who is the most fun)?

    I'm on the fence whether i would buy it for my brother, not sure if he'll enjoy it

    • +1

      It was the second game I played as a kid, Mario Kart of course was first. Great memories, he'll love it.

    • +2

      Play the campaigns first, great fun. Franks are a great beginner civ for multiplayer.

    • For sure, it was one of the first games I played as a kid and even without knowing the mechanics it was super fun! I loved playing against AI and would sometimes lose to them haha

  • Only Age of Empires fans will get this https://youtu.be/F7MDYxle1DE

  • +3

    Another freebie … Any 0ad fans among the AoE fans ? https://play0ad.com/

  • +3

    Worth it at full price, excellent multiplayer scene

  • +1

    Merry Christmas!

  • -1


  • +6

    Have played this game so much since it came out. Has a massive learning curve if you're new to these kinds of things, but is highly rewarding once you improve.

    There is a competitive scene if that's your flavour, but would recommend polishing up on your skills a little before jumping in to it. Regardless, you'll likely get beaten in your first 8-10 games before the match-maker puts you up against similarly skilled players. Once you're matching up against player of your level, it's a lot of fun!

    There is a heap of single-player content included in the base game if multi-player isn't for you. There's a pile of enjoyable campaigns to play, (and as a bonus, while you're there, you may learn a little about historical events too). You can also play random map battles and death-matches against the AI, or even create your own maps and campaigns in the scenario editor. Plus the community has created many custom game types and mods which are free and easy to download as well!

    Considering it's only around the price of a serve of fries at a cafe or even a pair of socks, you're getting an incredible amount of value and content.

    • +2

      I’m happy to help anyone new the the game!

  • AOE is dear to me, especially part three!

  • +2

    Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition is just one of many games that have been earlier discounted as part of the Xbox Game Studios & Bethesda Winter (2022) Sale promotion on Steam and the Countdown (2022) Sale on Microsoft Store

    • Is there any disadvantage to get it from MS Store? I don't have a steam account so I am thinking of getting from MS store for the same price.

  • +1

    how do you turn this on

  • +1

    This games chews up RAM, 16gb barely enough.

    • I played AOE2 with 32 MB RAM :/

      • I only have 8 GB, will it be very slow? I was planning to buy but may buy it next time when I get a gaming laptop/desktop with 16GB.

        • +1

          Nah, you'll get by comfortably with 8gb. Worked perfectly on my old PC with 4th gen i5, 8gb DDR3, gtx750ti.

          Also, I found (at least for me) the best thing was to play without the "enhanced graphics pack", as you could zoom out a little further and see more of what's going on. I also forced the graphics card to fake output "2560 x 1440p" to my 1920 x 1080p monitor with the Nvidia software's "DSR" which gives you an even larger field of view, and the old graphics card was fine with it.

    • What resolution and framerate?

  • +4

    A very humbling experience jumping into online multiplayer, thinking you're not too bad at this game and getting absolutely obliterated.

  • +1


    Adding 2013 edition makes this 4.3$ only. Am i missing anything here?

    • It shows $15.15 for me.

  • the GOAT

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