Diablo IV is the ultimate action RPG experience with endless evil to slaughter, countless abilities to master, nightmarish dungeons, and legendary loot. Embark on the campaign solo or with friends, meeting memorable characters through beautifully dark settings and a gripping story, or explore an expansive end game and shared world where players can meet in towns to trade, team up to battle world bosses, or descend into PVP zones to test their skills against other players – no lobbies necessary – with cross-play and cross-progression on all available platforms. Releasing June 6, 2023.
[Pre Order, PS4, PS5, XSX] Diablo IV $79.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 27/12/2022 - 15:57 by 2 other users

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RRP is $109.95
is RRP stil exist ?
Yes. Blizzard, EB are charging full price. JB is slightly cheaper but still $10 more expensive than Amazon.
Smart shoppers will look around and avoid paying RRP when possible though.
Free with gamepass later? 🤔🤔🤔
“ the recent 12th June Xbox/Bethesda conference confirmed Diablo 4 will launch on Game Pass day 1.”
Hope it will be true@ChickenDinner123: Considering I play on PlayStation and not Xbox, it probably means less games on my preferred platform moving forward.
@dreamstation: You could always buy an Xbox, I know you might shudder at the thought but you are allowed to own more than 1 console!
@Mooncakes: I've never liked any of the Xbox exclusives so why would I buy a console for one game?! I also really dislike the controller. Doesn't feel right having the sticks like that…
@dreamstation: Well the Bethesda and Activision deals aren't the last and I find it hard to believe out of those two + more in the future there won't be any games you like, I feel like there might be more under what you are saying, it's ok to come out and just say it :P
@Mooncakes: Considering that I have a PC as well, if I really wanted to play any of their games I could do so on there.
@dreamstation: If you have both the PS5 and PC, there’s no way PC wouldn’t be your preferred platform for Diablo, it’s built for mouse and keyboard
@cille745: That would be my ideal scenario but my PC is aging and Blizzard want $109.95. At least with the PS5 version I can still play with my friends on PC and play local co-op with my daughter.
@cille745: I’ll buy it on PC and you’re right mouse and keyboard is the ultimate way to play the game.
But you’ll be surprised how well and natural it plays with a controller. After playing Diablo 3 on PS4 for a few months the controller setup is excellent it was only slightly behind a mouse and keyboard.
@cille745: There's a chance you'll be able to play with mouse and keyboard on the PS5. Other games are already possible
@Mooncakes: People just don’t like the industry consolidation. Which is completely understandable given 99% of people don’t want to buy two gaming consoles that basically can do the exact same thing. It’s wasteful and I respect any publisher that stays a 3rd party. I’m over owning multiple systems tbh
@dreamstation: I just did i quick google search since I know nothing about this acquisition.
So you want the toxic working conditions (let alone the sexual harassment) to continue for a large portion of the employees? Are you ok with enabling others to be toxic? Nobody should be forced to work in a toxic work environment but it seems to me you don't care about that. It actually seems to me you care more about PlayStation than other human beings working in awful working environments
@OzBoganYeah: So on that theory, I assume you never purchase anything from China where there is slave labor?
Otherwise if you do, are you condoning the slave labor of these countries 🤔
@chadleyshe: You've missed my point. Are you, as well as op, completely fine with those working in a toxic work environment? I try to limit my purchases from China and other companies but i know it's going to fall on deaf ears
@dreamstation: because your anti-consumer Sony told you its bad?
Wake up, Sony isnt the old sony anymore
they said it would come to gamepass, not day one
Oh shit I forgot about Microsoft buying Activision.
how's gamepass going with fuser?
Don't preorder.
That is up to the individual. Just sharing one of the cheapest available prices. I recommend putting in a pre-order in case the price drops between now and release as Amazon always drop the price of your pre-order when that happens. Can always cancel just before release if necessary.
No, literally no benefit to pre-ordering especially if the game is digital. Unless you are fooled by a cosmetic trinket.
Best to wait for reviews to come out and then buy. Don't suppoet predatory practices by game publishers.
Sometimes game prices are cheaper to entice pre-orders and then increase to standard price come release. Considering this place is about saving money, I think it is worth sharing for anyone that cares. If you don't, the door is that way —>
@dreamstation: You're banking on blizzard making a diablo game people want all of a sudden?
You could have wasted $79 preordering garbage or saved a few dollars. I'm happy to wait and buy it on sale after people like you finish beta testing it for me or not buy it at all.
@Nitr0: Fair enough. I've enjoyed every Diablo release at launch. Diablo 3 being the worst, but still decent fun with the same friends I played the original two with!
@dreamstation: I've enjoyed all of them except Immortal. Well… to be fair I did enjoy it at the beginning until I hit the half-a-million-dollar paywall.
Ignore the game play, the story and cinematic along is worth the rrp.
In this case, there is actually a benefit in that you get 'early access' to the open beta next year when pre-ordering. Whether that's a value proposition is up each person I guess.
This is what I used to say exactly, not like they are going to run out of digital copies!
But then a friend explained the benefits of the Amazon pre-order to me. If you are buying the game day1 anyway (ie not waiting for reviews) this Amazon pre-order is purely a cost saving benefit. You pay nothing up front plus Amazon also price match any lower price until release.
I put a reminder to check if I still want the pre-order 1 week before it ships.
To me, locking in this lower price is a benefit for minimal effort.
Especially from Activision Blizzard.
gaymers lol
Stay a while and listen.
Did someone say KFC?
Shut up and take my chicken!
Deckard Cain better be in this game
Wonder how they would revive him. Killing off the most beloved character in the franchise was such a boneheaded decision for Diablo 3.
Literally just put him as an NPC in heaven lol problem solved
Has it been confirmed that the Battlepass is only for cosmetics?
It better friggin be, unless they want to repeat the train wreck of Diablo Immortal.
They made over $300 million on Immortal, so I'm not sure it was such a train wreck from their perspective.
did you pre-order op ?
Yes, but that does not mean I will keep the pre-order come release. I pre-order a lot of games on Amazon in case the price drops between now and release. Amazon always drops your pre-order price to the cheapest available from when you place the order until release day. Having said that I do cancel probably 90% of them before release as the price doesn't drop enough or I just don't want the game.
I'd prefer to play on PC but Blizzard want $109.95 for the standard edition. At least I can play two player couch co-op with my daughter on the PS5.
thanks but i will wait for this game for 10 bucks
You might be waiting a while. Good luck.
@HolyCr4p: looks like someone doesn't get enough attention in real life and needs to troll for responses lol
This is the way.
Do you have PS plus? looks like even couch co-op will need PS plus to play……
After the disappointment of D3, i will definitely be waiting this one out.
D3 was surprisingly good after RoS. Sure it wasn't D2, but i found it very fun.
I really enjoyed it. Wasn't expecting to play it much on console but I ended up playing a lot for a season or two.
D3 was great imo. But if you were to say the dissapointment of Diablo Immortal… im all aboard the hate train.
Well the problem was after the Difficulty debacle "and then doubled it" i stopped playing. Didnt wait around for more of the updates.
Yeah I didn't mind D3 but didn't like how it did away with the horror elements. Thankfully it looks like D4 tone is going to be even darker than D1/2.
I suspect the horror elements will remain mild but not childish like D3, much to our disappointment.
Well yo be fair they completely trashed all those that took part in making D3 including Wyatt Cheng. It's all new people and directors who make this.
Instead of listening to me though, there's heaps of reviewers who's had a taste of the beta. Sure Beta wouldn't be the actual game ( due to updates and last minute changes) unlikely it's gonna deviate too much from the beta, however the game may change organically overtime.
disappointment? Why did it sell so well then?
Don’t you guys not have phones
Its 2023 almost, get over it
Thanks OP, I can understand why people are opposed to preordering - but I'm happy to lock in a good price without paying a dime until release.
Can't wait to see how Blizzard fk it up
After D3 and Immortal, DON'T PRE ORDER, THIS SHIT GONNA SUCK!!!!!!!!
edit: obvious dreamstation downvote ;-)
edit: obvious dreamstation downvote ;-)
my condolence,,, it is hard to be a fan boi.. feel free to downvote this comment so i can get most hated badges comment
vote u up
It wasn't me actually. I have already used my 5 downvotes in 24 hours :P
I massively regret pre ordering the collector’s edition of D3, I won’t be touching this
Why? What was wrong with it?
Ignoring what's gone on post D3. D3 at launch on PC featured an auction house featuring real money transactions.
Compounded was the difficulty when you went to nightmare or at least the 2nd tier difficulty, when you hit the 2nd act of that one you literally would hit a gear wall, that's where i gave up because it was just too hard to continue.
When the console releases arrived they had revamped the difficulty and retuned things and gotten rid of the Auction House.
As a player who preorder D3, I do have hesitation in doing it again… 😂
Waiting for the $20 EB pricing error.
Nothing wrong with preordering, amazon doesnt charge you till its shipped, and you can cancel at anytime leading up to it,
Yea I tried explaining that but can't get through to some.
no dont’t preorder reeeeeeeeeeeee
Hopefully prices will drop for the pc ver. Cant justify spending $109.95.
Diablo series is one of my favourites of all time, very excited about Diablo 4! Gotta stick to my rule of not pre-ordering though.
Not sure why there are so many weird/negative comments in here.because when it comes to gaming, the dredges of society like to show up like angry incel virgin party
Probably because Activision/Blizzard has really done some dirties with Warcraft 3, Diablo Immortal etc recently.
I wouldn't be preordering it myself till at least people have checked it out at launch
I just can't play Diablo on game console, don't know why
Neither do I… it's my favourite way to play, no more RSI!
Why everyone hating on d3? I made a stack on the real money auction house before they took it away :(
Was casually making around $10 per hour gaming. Paid itself off in the first day 😏u could make a lot more doing a job
I do make a lot more doing a job. Happy to make a side hustle on my hobby tho 😏
Good deal, thanks mate. From all I have seen and the stance they are taking the mtx for this I have no doubts that D4 will be a great game. Dont prove me wrong Blizz…
D3 feels great on console and was very happy after sinking over a thousand hours into the PC version to try it out on PS4 and Switch.
D2 Resurrected is a little rough on console as it's clearly not designed for it in mind but certainly playable.
I expect D4 to be great on console with all they've learntThere are some weird comments that feel like a 12 yr old wrote them…
Ozbargain is mostly 35-50 year old neckbeards with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.
Plenty of chilld peeps enjoying ozb.
Its just annoying peeps are usually the ones u see reacting. Nice peeps cant be bothered
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So what is the bargain????