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Samsung S95B QD-OLED TV 55" $1,799.10 Delivered, 65" $2,699.10 @ Samsung EDU Store

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For those of you who have access to the Samsung EDU store, or have friends who have access, this is a repeat deal of earlier this month. If you have a Samsung and download the Samsung Member App there is a 15% off voucher that will bring the tv on the normal store lower than this deal:

Normal Site w/t discount code:
55: $1,699.15
65: $2,549.15

Edit: Shared the normal site prices with discount and got JB to price beat at 55: $1615 and 65: $2499

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closed Comments

  • +5

    No dolby vision.

    • +1

      Every thread

  • -1

    vs C2?

    • I wanna know too 🙄

    • i reckon you'd be super happy with either. some scenes look better on the samsung, some look better on the c2.

      personally - samsungs quality control doesn't fill me with confidence but if you purchase from JB or one of the other bigger retailers, you should be ok.

    • -1

      QD OLED (Sony A95K) > QD OLED ( Sammy S95B) > OLED ( LG C2).

      • -3

        83” LG C2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>65” Samsung S95B (unless your viewing habits are Neighbours/Grand Designs, not home cinema)

  • -2

    Do you think getting an extended warranty for 48 months is wise for Samsung Tv’s. Its $400 extra but gives peace of mind

    • +1


    • -3

      I probably would. Samsung support are hell to deal with and there are plenty of reports out there of faulty S95s out there.

      But that’s just me

    • Where is the $400 extended warranty from? What store?

      If you can, get it from JB Hi-Fi as their extended warranty pricing is very good compared to HN, TGG etc.

  • +1

    did anyone try and use the loyalty voucher code to get additional % off?

    • Tried but it was 15% off as well and the codes don't stack with each other :(

  • 55" C2 or 55" S95B are my options, thoughts? Will be connected to my PC so I don't care about UI.
    No gaming, mostly for movies (thrillers/action with lots of dark scenes) and anime.

    Every time there's a deal on ozbargain you have people talking down both TV, so maybe everybody just loves picking on flaws?

    Afaik the Samsung is brighter (only LG G2 with heatsink comes close) and has a higher colour gamut but Samsung colour tuning is traditionally a bit "extreme".

    Samsing has QC problems and no Dolby Vision. I'm unsure how much better Dolby Vision is.

    I'm leaning towards the Samsung but although I wouldn't call myself a cinemaphile, I'd rather see movies "as intended" which I'm guessing the LG may do better?

    • +2

      I was having the same issue, but after watching around 20 different reviews from all types of people I went with the S95B. Key pointer for me was the pricing, S95B is cheaper and then the picture quality, watched content in store and looked better on this than the C2.

      Seen alot of comments around the QC of samsung, but after looking into the C2 as well, it seems LG has a big QC problem themselves. So will be interesting to see how the TVs come out, I'm slightly worried as moving house in 6 months I will bend it, but this deal was too good to not buy

      • Howard74 down in his comment below seems to go again this with a side by side comparison of his old C8 (not sure if he's had time to tweak the S95B or if he returned it already). I also expected the S95B to be better overall TV over the LG C2 or CS, but was put off by the build quality issues. If the LG also has QC issues (What were the ones you read about? Do you remember?), then I would have thought the Samsung would be the easy pick?

    • +1

      Samsing has QC problems and no Dolby Vision. I'm unsure how much better Dolby Vision is.

      Dolby Vision and HDR10+ are basically equivalent, the problem is HDR10+ support is still limited, but it is royalty-free so should ramp over time. The other current issue for dynamic metadata in general is that most of the HDR mastering done via Dolby Vision is really not that good and often ruins the HDR experience. So we need better HDR10+ adoption, and better HDR mastering in general.

      Another issue that arises on the Samsung is that has issue with HDR container formats due to choosing to follow MaxMDL (mastering display luminance) metadata as a guideline instead of MaxCLL (maximum point brightness of the brightest pixel), resulting in an overly dimmer picture for some video shown in a 4000-nit HDR container. There may also still be an issue with colour gamut auto-switching, but I would expect that to eventually see a fix.

      I believe that MaxMDL/CLL choice can be patched as needed, but was an intentional choice by Samsung with respect to typical usage of their TVs (mixed content).

    • I'm leaning towards the Samsung but although I wouldn't call myself a cinemaphile, I'd rather see movies "as intended" which I'm guessing the LG may do better?

      I wouldn't mind an opinion on this as well. I read online at AVSforum that you can tweak the S95B to get decent colour accuracy, but not sure how it is out of the box. Wouldn't mind some comments from people that have experience with either the LG or Samsung. I've always read that Sony has the best colour accuracy, processing and motion handling, but usually most Sony high end models have a huge price premium, so they're not affordable for me.

  • +1

    Hi I am trying to buy 65 inch samsung S95B QD-OLED TV with 2549 do you have any discount code for it or receipt ?

  • +1

    Just picked up the S95B as a replacement for my older C8 LG OLED.. I set them up next to one another at home and my 4yr old LG looks and performs better.. on its own sure the Samsung looked good in store but side by side I'm so disappointed and returning it to get the CS or C2. Anyone that bought one check left and right side of screen as the picture shifts and is sitting about 5mil in from the bezel edge - done some research and they do this to prevent image burn but it makes my picture smaller - this thing is dodgy - never should have bought their first gen - rubbish!

    • Very interesting. About a week or so ago, I was all set on the S95B, but not sure now. I see the LG CS is also on special for a cheaper price in the 55" size. It's really great that someone has been able to compare them side by side as I would have thought the S95B would be better than the LG equivalents. Have you returned the TV yet, or are you still using it, and if so, have you tried tweaking it a bit?

      I'm now wondering whether or not to sit this round of TVs out and wait for next year's models. I was going to buy the TV for myself and give my current TV to my mum, but since she had been without a TV for weeks, I ended up getting her a stopgap TV from FB MP which is actually pretty good, so now I don't need to get one right away anymore.

      Still, these are great prices, so I still have a few days to think about it.

      • I picked up a 55 LG CS with my S95Bs. The S95B trounces the LG (Do keep in mind the base colour profile out of box isnt the best so I copied a tech guy off youtube and it improved the qauilty tenfold).

        If both are similar price and you need a tv, in my opinion you'd be silly to not go with the S95B.

        If you can save a couple of hundred, i got my 55 CS for 1435 om boxing day and in my opinion Id take the cheaper tv and forgo the better picture quality. Once youre at home you arent going to be comparing it to the S95B anyways so you will sleep easy with some extra dosh in the pocket

        • I picked up a 55 LG CS with my S95Bs. The S95B trounces the LG (Do keep in mind the base colour profile out of box isnt the best so I copied a tech guy off >youtube and it improved the qauilty tenfold).

          Did you buy both at the same time?

          Did you have a link to the video for the settings?

          If both are similar price and you need a tv, in my opinion you'd be silly to not go with the S95B.

          I did really need a TV the past few weeks as my mum's Samsung Plasma failed, but since I didn't want to go without a TV any longer, I found a decent stopgap TV on FB MP, so I now have a bit of pressure taken off and can wait for next year's models if choosing to. A week or so ago, I was locked into buying the S95B for myself if it came back to the $1699 pricing and was able to be price matched. I've gone on and off the TV the past month due to the build quality issues (How are you finding the build quality?).

          Also, I am finding it hard to give up my TV as it's a 2013 Panasonic Plasma and since they're not being made anymore, didn't want to relegate it to sports watching (It would be used 70%-80% for sports watching). I was even thinking of just getting the S95B for my mum and upgrading my TV later or next year (I have wanted to get a 4K/Gaming capable TV for a while now and relegate the ST60 as a backup/spare room TV), but since she watches mostly sports, I thought burn-in might be a big issue with an OLED, but since she was also coming from a Plasma, I didn't think an LCD would be a suitable upgrade.

          As for myself, I watch varied content so burn-in shouldn't be a big problem for me.

          If you can save a couple of hundred, i got my 55 CS for 1435 om boxing day and in my opinion Id take the cheaper tv and forgo the better picture quality. Once >youre at home you arent going to be comparing it to the S95B anyways so you will sleep easy with some extra dosh in the pocket

          Considering what they are at full price, I wouldn't have thought that choosing the CS over the S95B at their current discounted prices would be worth saving a couple of hundred dollars (unless you're on a tight, tight budget and don't see either TV next to each other) when their regular prices are so far apart? I think the CS is $1595 at most places for the 55" right now, isn't it? And the S95B for around $1699? Can the CS still be had for $1435, or did you get a special deal?

          Thanks for the reply btw.

  • hi op, would mind share your jbhifi receipt?

    • +1

      Sure when i pick up tomorrow

      • Thanks OP!

      • Picked it up yet? I'm going to head down to my local store soon. Cheers!

          • @Thunder-Wombat: Oh that sucks :( I probably went and got mine about 30 mins before you posted this.

            I paid the 1699 price match with Samsung store + 15% discount.

            Did you just talk to a rep online for that price? I didn't think of that..

            Do you think I could get a refund on the difference? It wouldn't fit in my car so I'm going back with my girlfriends car tomorrow lol

          • @Thunder-Wombat: The online guy needed a order or basket number to be able to match.

            • @SKobb: same here, I tried online chat, no luck

          • +1

            @Thunder-Wombat: Got GG price matched to $2399, finger crossed!

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