I just got a 4G gateway for my home network to have more flexibility (nbn is a bit hit and miss) and I am looking at the various prepaid sims at woolies/coles. I can see there is data only sims but also mobile + data sims would probably work too, so long as it is economically viable per GB. I am wondering if it is possible to essentially churn month to month, or when the data is all used up. It would be great to buy a bunch of sim on sale at woolies/coles such as this deal, pop in the first sim card and use it for the month or its used up, then move to the next one. Does anyone do this?
Churning prepaid sim cards for 4G gateway modem?

- Just me and my SO. We never use the internet at the same time. We only have one computer. Most of our usage is watching a nextflix episode or movie every couple of nights. I also do some work calls but no more than 2-3 hrs in a day and I only work from home 2 days a week. My SO does not work from home at all.
- I have been tracking our usage on our router for the last 4 days and it looks like we use about 150-200gb per month
- My gateway does have a wan port so it can use NBN as a failover or 4G as the backup.
It would be great to buy a bunch of sim on sale at woolies/coles such as this deal
Boost Mobile SIM deals that you never noticed? Getting paid to use them!
Welcome to the new world of surfing for cheap SIM offers!
I recommend subscribing to ozb alerts for all the providers, create shopback and cashrewards accounts. There's always deals around and yes sometimes you can get paid to use all the GBs (e.g. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/745280 )
It will depend on your usage and willingness to play the game. Some prefer to set and forget, find a cheap enough prepaid plan, others will buy up big on Sims and change/churn through them as disposable confetti.
I do a bit of both, but have different usage patterns so it depends how much work you want to put into it. HTH!
I do this. It works fine so long as you are not a super heavy user 1080p streaming, not 4k). Each provider has its own quirks too.
I have been using primarily Kogan mobile for the last year. Got a whole bunch of Sims when they were 1c each. Their activation can be a bit glitchy but other than that it's fine.
The boost Sims with 100% cashback or more are the other ones I have been using. Their quirk is activation can be an issue if you have too many numbers active with them in the same account at the same time.
Lebara is the other service that has good deals in terms of $ per GB when they have promos at Coles/Woolies or their website.
Home internet is one place where one really needs to consider
1. no. of people in home (if you using 4G in gateway modem, sounds like you got at least 3 people in house). At this more than 2 people I'd definitely say
2. Consider how much data you use in a month ( if you want unlimited data or fine with some GB per month like 100 GB) any more than 250 GB def just jump over to unlimited.
3. See if you can get contribution from others in the house, best to hop over to 4G/5G home internet if NBN sucks with ya