First time submitting pls let me know if I've done something wrong
4080's have been going down in price every day since the 7900XTX launch - this is the lowest I've seen in AU & seems to be around $100 less than the previous best
First time submitting pls let me know if I've done something wrong
4080's have been going down in price every day since the 7900XTX launch - this is the lowest I've seen in AU & seems to be around $100 less than the previous best
Stores seem to be dropping prices on random cards by $100 every other day atm, keen to see where they settle!
LodH!!! For the 5000 RTX Series
you are wrong, one must ldhlodfhlodhol for 60xx series
Im planning on never buying a GPU. Checkmate
Etch A Sketch for life
Most people don't buy a gpu every gen.
jimmy waiting till 4080 reaches $370.
It will have to be the similar performing RTX 6060 (160 watts is my ceiling)
@[Deactivated]: Pffft my gardening gloves are 10 years old.
I highly recommend using a whipper snipper on the garden beds + roundup.
@[Deactivated]: I actually bought a Suzuki Sierra for $800 and sold it for 7.5k.
I would sell a 4080 for $2000 but would never by one for $2000. There's two types of people. It's effectively the only way to avoid inflation caused by everyone else. eg. If I sell a $370 gtx 1080 for $700 then I can afford to pay $330 inflation on my next gpu. Second hand cars still cost more than pre covid, so if my daily driver was for some reason uninsured & stolen inflation wouldn't get me there either.
I actually haven't felt inflation yet despite everyone telling me I have to give into it. My supermarket/energy bills are 10% less than pre covid, admittingly I did have to cut down/eat healthier to obtain that.
@Jimmy77: This is for you, it might last 10 years:…
My graphic card cannot exceed the cost of every other component combined.
Buy a more expensive cpu, mobo, ram then!
but you have people saying "$1200 is reasonable". Obviously Gen Z who were born yesterday
out of stock in a flash like there's no tomorrow my man
My $450 RTX 6060 will give me the same performance for less watts! I kind've like the high prices it's good karma
@Jimmy77: ooo jimmy our lord commander of the imperium of man, save us from the lord of the leather jackets.
I mean, if you're gaming at 4K, it absolutely can. A used 5600x + 32GB RAM on a cheap AM4 board will be just enough to drive a 4080 to the limit at 4k
You know nvidia are making large margins on these cards?
The 2000s would have been quite different if people accepted "faster == more expensive".
Oh, this geforce supports shader model 2 and i can get 60fps at 1024x768 finally? (profanity), $200 isn't enough, we should pay $400 for that!
Gen Z "my graphics card cannot cost less than an entire 3570k build 10 years ago"
A $250 GPU is all you need for 1080p gaming.
But what about 8K?
I feel like I need 8k more than oxygen.
Everyone needed 60hz 4:3 LCD's from 2000-2014. The 120hz CRT's were ungameable!
Malibu Stacey has a new hat!
no scheiße sherlock
A guy at my work just bought a 4090, 64GB ddr5 6000mhz, and a 13900k. He games on an old 48" 1080p TV. I will never understand.
some people like the size, i could never really use under 27" cause eyes, and 1080p on 27" looks terrible, ergo i ended up using 27" QHD
27" QHD is definitely the sweet spot imo. I can't imagine how bad 48" 1080p is though. Especially with the ghosting and input lag of an old TV. So much money, so little sense.
it's da sports moddle
I wonder what loser downvoted you. I play 1440p high/ultra with my $349 6600xt
Not everyone needs to play Portal RTX lol
(to the deleted comment, I just upvoted to cancel the downvote). The downvote was probably from some sad bencher who thinks people need a gpu to play npc games like cyberpunk and not the other 99.9% of games
6600xt is such a good value card, especially at that price! I'm totally happy with mine at $415. Likewise it plays everything I have at high/ultra 1440p at over 60fps.
Indeed it's equivalent to a 1080ti in rasterization. A $1500 flagship gpu in 2017 lol. Also same performance as the 2020 1440p 5700xt
Don't listen to the nerds. It is all you need. They're weak willed suckers for some good marketing
not everyone needs to, but some want to, you technically dont need to game in the first place
i only got a higher performance gpu cause 144hz qhd and using blender all the time, the combination of which requires a lot. i 100% my gpu all the time
Wasn't me but I assume someone downvoted because while the statement is true, it's not really very relevant on a deal for a $2000 4080, which is not supposed to be for 1080p gaming.
It's an appropriate comment given $2000 for a gpu is ridiculous. He's pointing out to the ignorant they don't need it (people are buying 4090 and using 1080p tv's)
Some bencher enthusiast with no life probably got offended by the fact you don't need enthusiast level hardware for a high quality gaming experience. A few members here have already proven they prefer high gpu prices for some bizarre reason (classist, enthusiast, to feel above others in their basement etc). Some people were like "woooah itz so powaful the cables r melting".. But it was just shit engineering. You can get cables to melt on a 6600GT if the wires are thin enough it's basic ohms law
This appears to be an excellent 4080, from all reviews, despite the pricing structure & NVIDIA's greed in keeping prices high.
Looking at the disappointment of the top-tier 7900xtx launch pricing & AIB pricing from AMD, suddenly a team switch looks promising.
Not a "bargain" as such, but seems like value compared to AMD's offerings.
"team switch"
Alternatively, dont select a "team" and just buy whatever makes sense for you, the "teams" mentality just annoys me, lost interest on the pc industry because of it, "if you dont like x you must be y"
Just a figure of speech buddy.
Have been buying AMD due price/perf. "Team switch" refers to now potentially choosing NVIDIA, not militant allegiance.
was more in reference to people unironically genuinely treat one of the big three multi-million american corporations like their best friend and the other two like the devil
Prices will drop soon,
Why the /s needed? Im pretty sure they will, and they are dropping arent they? Theres no shortage, theres no miners, and as such theres no reason they wouldnt drop?
They actually will, only because we're in a bear market. I'm surprised they don't just time their next gen releases around crypto bull markets then they'd never ever need to reduce the price. Would suck for us though.
What relevance does this have? No miners are buying crates of GPUs like was happening 1-2 years ago, even if the eth price triples tomorrow.
@ssfps: The relevance of my comment seemed obvious to me, the lack of buying pressure from miners means GPU prices are dropping like what should occur in a normal marketplace. If you were referring to my bull/bear comment, ETH's future is proof of stake so nobody is buying GPUs for it regardless regardless of whether it 3X's tomorrow, we're in agreement. But ETH isn't the crypto market and GPUs will again experience buying pressure from miners from 2024 when BTC's next halving event occurs. Happy to revisit this in 18 months and happy to be proven wrong. I'll celebrate by buying a GPU perhaps. And if I'm right, I'll celebrate buy selling one.
@Click_It: Is there some evidence that BTC price effects GPU prices? I thought it was only eth that strongly correlated, and BTC hasn't been mined on GPUs for nearly a decade (as i'm sure you know already). Am i missing something?
The size and thickness of the cards coming out, in a couple more gens you'll be able to put your computer inside the gpu as a aio comp lol.
speaking of which, companies should make more waterblock/aio models
This is true! The price of watercooling has gone through the roof in recent years and i dunno why really. Xspc used to have whole kits for a couple of hundred $…. now the kits are sitting on close to $5-600! It's insane!
You'd have to have a few decent rads to cool these parts too, which means finding a decent case built for it.
But waterblocks…. very limited as you've pointed out
Bad engineering. Both companies got greedy and have overclocked the previous gens. There are efficiency gains but it's a farcry from the last 30 years.
If they keep going we'll need to build main frame rooms again.
The ray tracing performance is mighty tempting. Not sure if I want this or a 7900 XTX. Seems the 4080 is about 10% slower overall.
Given you are tempted by ray tracing it isn't really close though… 4080 is the one (for 4k anyway)
I guess the only thing making me hold off is I'm having a hard time finding ray tracing performance data for ultrawide monitors.
That and it's a lot of money to drop on one thing so there's a touch of anxiety there.
yeah fair enough mate! I'm not a ray tracing guy myself and only have a 6900 XT but with the LG C2 I picked up in the sales 4k gaming is fun anyway :)
GPUs are certainly a lot of money though!
I think a rule of thumb is that 3440x1440 is usually about halfway between the QHD and 4k resolutions, so that's what I use to gauge what games will play like for me. (Although I'm still on a 1070, can't bring myself to sink that amount of money on an upgrade…)
The only problem is that the latest AMD cards seem to do really well with 1080p and 1440p but drop off more rapidly with the higher resolutions. Apparently the big cache approach works well for lower resolutions but at 4k you need more sheer grunt. How you factor that tapering off into your ultrawide comparison I'm not really sure.
Ray tracing is a gimmick, I member the 6600GT had 8 pixel shaders!! Doom 3 was the cyberpunk back then.
There will always be some new gimmick to entice consumers. Raytracing is the current one (and it's still in it's infancy, I wouldn't bother with it until rtx 7000 series!)
Current real-time ray tracing is still hugely disappointing. I'll be interested in laying down $2k on a card when it can do real-time ray tracing with million(s) of bounces and rays, allowing a leap in graphical fidelity and opening up new artistic avenues. Currently it's little more than a gimmick.
Everything i've seen has the 4080 1-3 frames average behind the 7900XTX in raster performance, some game it is slower, orhwrs it is faster.
As soon as you switch on RT, the performance differential sways a looooong way to the 4080. When combined with the fact that the XTX is looking to be within $100 of the 4080 in the AIB market, i'm going nVidia.
Would love one, but so hard to justify when instead I could buy a capable 6600xt, save $1500 and play 99% of games at 1440p. 40 series and 7900 series are pure luxury for rich people and money wasters.
but what if you have a 4k monitor?
Accept you'll have to play 20% of your library at 1440p instead of 4k, or spend $1500. I have gtx1070, so I'm just finishing most of my existing library at 1440p and upgrade when value cards (7600xt/7700xt/4060/4070) are available, or maybe if 6800xt/3080 drops below $800.
I don't accept that :)
This is a perfect use for FSR/RSR
OOS? And price back to $2299?
Yeah $100 drop is all it took lol
There was probably very few in stock. It's a corporate strategy to create fomo and prevent prices dropping further. People panic when they see out of stock, whereas if it's in stock they'll sit on the fence.
Umart still have the same model going for $1999 if anyone is desperate. Only a few hours left though.
ShoppingExpress has the Galax card at $1999 as well
No way they were going to sell rtx4080s at $2500
Honestly surprised it didn't sell out earlier considering by far the best 4080 out there in terms of noise and heat:…
wow, that's really impressive!
Thanks for the heads up! Always treated these not very well known brands as the 'lesser' options that you trade $ for a bit of performance, didnt knew it was the other way round at least for this card. Will be helpful going forward to do research first, the big brands doesnt seems the best anymore.
Still too much for a 4080, its hardly an 80 series card its been gimped pretty heavily. If was closer to $1,600 I'd be tempted. All of the new gen cards are horribly priced lol im waiting a few months too see what happens when availability is high and theyre not selling
I needed something with this grunt for MSFS VR. The lowest price I've seen so far on a 4080 and the fizzler of the launch of 7900 XTX convinced me to nab one before they ran out of stock.
Back to $1899 now!
Up to $1999 this morning.
And back to $2299 now. Wild ride
It is really not selling well, can expect lower
Don't just hodl, CLENHC !!!
Bring on the price wars