Hi Peeps,
Need some advice please - Currently work for a Govt Department and have been here for almost 2 years and it has come
to the point where I hate what I am doing :-( - Unfortunately no support from management and only stress on KPIs
I have been hitting my KPIs consistently for the last 2years and have no issues with the people whom i work with.
I even applied for an internal role were and got the job, However, my dept head decided as per business needs they will not allow me to - so no point in applying for any internal jobs as they will knock me back
I am flying overseas shortly and will be back in Jan 2023 and thinking of using all my sick leave and then applying for my resignation
with inflation and the economy in a downturn - DO you peeps think I am doing the right thing? or any suggestion would be great
if anyone suggests I join the Bikes gang - yes why not as long as u can pass me their number - happy to do it
Totally miserable in life due to this job
I'd say it's relative to the job. I quite like my job, it's engaging, I like my team, it pays well and I get to work from home most of the week. I have had significantly worse jobs where I had a clueless boss who I spent more time explaining my job to instead of actually doing it, I was underpaid and working 60 hours a week.
Would I stay in my job if I won $50m on powerball? No I would not. But "hate" is a strong word to describe something I wouldn't do if I didn't have to.