• expired

American Express Velocity Platinum Card: 75,000 Velocity Points ($3,000 Spend in 3 Months), $375 1st Year Fee


Another card for churners.

$375 1st year annual fee (try your luck at pro-rata refund?)
$3000 spend in three months to get dem points.

Need I say more.

Found via PointHacks

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

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closed Comments

  • “ Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited in the preceding 18 month period are ineligible for this offer”

    • +1


      • +1

        That's pretty standard with most welcome offers.

        • +2

          12 months for most
          18 months amex
          Forever ever Kogan
          No rule Citi

  • +9

    Not great value for this one I don't think, AMEX have fallen very far

    • +3

      In July this year I got 160k for taking up this card, 120k was normal and a bonus virgin offer an additional 40k once qualify spend done

  • +8

    I'd go with the ANZ Point Hacks/Velocity exclusive deal.
    75k points for $1500 spent + 30SC and a $95 Virgin Australia Credit for a $45 annual fee.

    • Interested! Do you have a link?

      • +3


        Ensure to meet all the requirements as usual.
        ANZ Credit Team is really bad - took a week to get approved but have received the card and am now waiting for the points.
        Also, very ugly card.

        • +3

          ANZ is the worst for credit checks, their offshore team dont understand the basics of payslips, tax, super

          • @CheapBrah: After approval everything has been pretty smooth sailing.

          • +1

            @CheapBrah: agreed , ANZ is the worst, I won't ever apply for ANZ CC card again after last 2 experiences with them

        • Hilariously bad experience with the ANZ application

          They ask for 3 months payslip
          I get paid weekly so provided latest 12 weeks payslips and got declined because it wasnt 13 weeks of payslips ie i didnt provide them 3 month payslip

          Absolute joke as my latest payslips show the YTD and latest salary etc which covers the historical ones anyway but the jokers dont get it

    • Agreed, not sure if expired or not - but just received the 75K points today :D

  • Regular Amex deal with a disproportionate annual fee for the points..

  • +3

    Has free domestic flight with virgin too which helps offset annual fee

    Still would rather other offers though

  • +3

    Waiting until they have 100,000 or 120,000

    • +1

      Keep waiting for a while.

      Over in the USA they're starting to drop the amount of points in sign up bonuses cos the way inflation is. Minimum spend limit and points bonuses are getting harder here in Oz too.

  • +1

    HODL for a better offer.

  • refresh the web page may give u a surprise

  • I currently hold an Amex Platinum Edge card, of which my wife is an additional/complimentary card holder.

    If my wife applies for this AMEX Velocity Platinum Card herself, anyone knows if she is considered a new cardholder, and hence can get the signup bonus Velocity points??

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