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Vodafone Hot Offers - 6 Months 1/2 Price or Save $120

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Available for a short time only!

6 months half price on HTC Sensation and HTC Sensation XE.

SAVE $120 - $10 off every month for the first 12 months when you stay connected for 24 months. Available on HTC Salsa, Nokia E5, Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and more.

Blackberry Bold 9780 and Playbook bundle offer - $0 on $49 plan over 24 months.

Offer ends 24.07.12.

T's and C's apply.

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Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Just thought I'd give some feedback on Vodafone.

    At both home and work I didn't get much reception. So I gave them a call one fine day (about 11 months in to the contract), and told them about the issue. They looked in to the coverage maps and agreed that the reception was low in the addresses of my work and home.

    They asked me what I want to do, I said, not sure, its affecting my lifestyle and business. They offered me at first 25% off my bill, and then 50% till the issue was fixed. I rejected both those offers. They asked me what I wanted next and I said "out of the contract". No qualms from their side, they said they'd be unwillingly let me go but no big fuss about it, all they wanted was the return of the phone.

    A few days later as I was still waiting for their delivery return bag for the phone, I thought why not call up their retention centre again and ask what options do I have.

    Anyway, to cut to the chase, I am still with Vodaone, they have provided me with a Vodafone Expander/Booster for free for my home which connects to my router and I can make phone calls easy now. And after the complain of no reception at work, I walked in to work last week with full 5 bars and good speed internet. Also have the 50% off the cap for the inconvinience caused. No real fuss, no long wait on the phones to India, got through retention centre in about a minute everytime I called them.

    Looks like they do listen and have fixed the issues. This is in Blacktown area.

    • Most large western company customer service reps are quite reasonable if you know how to talk to them right. A self-righteous, self-entitled attitude is not the correct way to talk no matter how right you think you are, and will only delay the resolution of your problem when you find that reps are less than happy to attend to your needs.

    • 'Vodafone Expander/Booster' your 50% discount is wasted when you consider the data going through the device is counted toward your monthly quota with your broadband account.

      • +3

        From the Vodafone Expand Technical Whitepaper:

        "1 voice call requires approximately 85 kbit/s link capacity each in download and upload
        directions through the fixed Internet Service Provider (ISP)."

        Assuming Vodafone ment kilobits per second (kbps) the expander would use 0.010625 MBps (megabytes per second)

        0.010625 * 60 = 0.6375 MB for a minutes phone call.

        Let say 500 mins of calls are made for the month which would roughly be 318.75MB (assuming uploads are not counted).

        Thats a pretty small ammount of most broadband plans these days.

        There are also plenty of unlimited broadband plans available in which case the expander would have no impact on data allowance.

      • These days when you get 200gb per month on a basic TPG plan, a few 500mb a month isn't of much concern to me.

  • That is what they've been saying since acquiring Three…

  • +1

    I work in Melbourne and though I have good 3G signal couldn't get the weather app to update whilst walking from Parliament Stn down Collins St. :(

    • the signal is one thing, the backbone bandwidth traffic is another! :(

  • +3

    It would've been actually nice to see peoples feedback on the deal rather than turn this thread into a debate about their reception.

    • -2

      yea Vodafone has a perfectly good forum to discuss all your issues, no one here can help you…, so scram !!!

    • +1

      None of them are particularly good deals. If you were to compare it to LiveConnected, the VF $29 cap is somewhere between their $8 and $12 plan, depending on how highly you value unlimited calls to Vodafone and 3.

      Xperia Arc $229 at Mobileciti + LC = $441 or $537 ($8/$12 plan)
      Vodafone price $576

      Sensation XE $389 (AU model) + LC = $601 or $697
      Vodafone price $696

      The rest are all worse value than this. The best value plans on Vodafone tend to be on the 12 month plans. If you add these a new connection on an existing account you can save 10% which makes is more worth it.

    • -2

      Their reception makes any deal they put out laughable. They should put more effort into their reception, and less into their advertising drives.

    • the thing is it won't be a good deal if it comes with bad receptions & services……

      even if it's a free service, you wouldn't be able to answer/made any calls frequently!
      (that happens to my friends & relatives, of course it also depends which area you're in)

  • For these phones, you should try harder to clear, e.g. $0 handset on 12 month $19 plans. I am more interested if Galaxy Nexus or Galaxy S II free on 12 month $29 plans ;P

    • haha. Good luck! I too am interested in absurdly discounted phone services.

  • Imagine getting stuck for half a year with Vodafail. Shudder.

      1. when you needed 3G access, it shows you 3-4 bars signal but can't access & jump to roaming later!
      2. when you waiting for a call, it shows you 3-4 bars signal but people can't call in!
      3. when you making a call, it shows you 3-4 bars signal but you need to set the phone to flight mode then reconnect to the Vodafail tower to make a calls…………

      these was on various phones and tested in few area!
      of couse these results depends on where you are, but I seen it myself & used the service myself!
      so good luck to those who's willing to connect to Vodafail!

  • -2

    The reception really sucks! I will switch to other carriers shortly after the expiry of current contract. I guess many fellows will agree with me.

  • It's not really a deal considering how old the phones are. There should be a deal like 12months contract or something better

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