I bought an iPhone 14 pro for me for 1749$ and surprisingly my partner gifted me the same
So as I have 2, I decided to sell one off
Now, I've got some reasonable offers for it and want to understand are there any risks / precautions I should take care of while dealing with someone for XXXX $..
It's a huge amount so I am worried..
I don't wanna be in situation where buyer comes back after a week saying I don't need this now, or it has a problem etc etc..also not sure if he later uses it for some illegal activities. How do I keep myself away from all this and sell it
P.s I can keep the phone with me and not in need of money, so can hold it.
Suggestions please
You seem a little paranoid.
Let me assure you, all those things could happen.
Or just return it to the retailer.