Update: Buckets are now on sale for $9.99 each so you can grab 5.
I just saw HamBoi69's sign-up deal on the front page and it reminded me I have been meaning to post this for a while. So I signed up for Cheap as Chips "Chippie Rewards" and was looking to use the $25 off sign up voucher but I failed to find anything that was either good and/or cheap. The voucher is a unique code that gets emailed to you within an hour of registering. Follow the steps below:
- Sign up at https://www.cheapaschips.com.au/account/login.
- Add any combination of the buckets for $12 each to get to $48.
- Add any $2 item to get your cart total to $50.
- Add your unique code at checkout.
- Eat lots of chocolate.
Depending on your combination of buckets, it works out to at least 1.86 kg of chocolate for $25
Diabetes activated