Cola Fizz chocolate? 🤔
Located at the sandwich bar on the left when you walk in.
5 boxes so ~200 bars in stock
Cola Fizz chocolate? 🤔
Located at the sandwich bar on the left when you walk in.
5 boxes so ~200 bars in stock
Cadbury are stretching out the meaning of marvellous. Not extremely good or enjoyable to eat, or impressive at the checkout, normally $2.50 for 60g at coles…
That said, bloody marvellous profits in their board room meetings.
But for $0.60 get it
Could have been really good, but it's actually bloody awful
Looking forward to next month's : Cadbury Marvellous Creations - Chicken Nuggets
Sounds interesting.
They should bring back Vegemite chocolate for easter
Now that one was nice….
Bought the other day for $1
@ woolies
Won't bother again even at 20 cents.
Just doesn't work.
Bit oily came to mind.
I remember this flavour from about 6-7 years ago. I liked it, most people hated it.
Upvote for the deal. Downvote for the flavour