This was posted 2 years 3 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS Plus, PS4, PS5] December 2022 PlayStation Plus Games: Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Biomutant, Divine Knockout


Biomutant and Divine Knockout will be the PS5 games for December 2022.

Full credit to Billbil-kun

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closed Comments

  • +18

    Good games to avoid Christmas dinner with the annoying family. (Wrote a 28 years old guy)

    • ha ha ha ha

      same here

    • +5

      Mass effect 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. The trilogy with the dlc is amazing. Good offer.

      • I didnt like the really slow pace for a first / third person game back in the ps3 days. Is it still the same style this time around?

        • I found the first game a bit meh. The die hards would disagree. Second game is incredible. Third game was very decent.

          • @Potedude: third game made me realise a bad ending taints the quality of the rest of the product back in the day. are the new endings better quality?

            • @bgbrendan: Endings are same still, just extended to add story to it.

    • Vin diesel disagrees

  • +11

    And yet people will still find a way to complain about this month. So lucky, was about to buy Mass Effect the other day on Amazon.. Dodged one there

    • +1

      Haha well if you already own the games…

    • +1

      Hehe, I mean I can give you a Devil's Advocate take if you really want: Biomutant isn't exactly considered to be.. good. šŸ˜¬
      I got the $3 pricing error preorder through Origin last year and wasn't impressed enough to play it more than once, felt kind of basic and Indie - which isn't a bad thing on it's own; but all the advertising and years of delays/hype they built up along with it's somewhat high base price tag made it fall quite short of expectations for what the finished product actually ended up being..

      ME Legendary has been on Gamepass for quite a while already too šŸ˜…

      No comment on the third one.

      As always it's a 'your mileage may vary' situation.
      The mid month 'Extra' tier reveals have always been the meat and potatoes for me, and where the good stuff usually lies.

      • +3

        Devilā€™s advocate - I payed $33.30 for 12 months PS Plus, that works out to be $2.78 per month or $0.93 per game. Iā€™m happy with a packet of chips at those prices let alone 3 gamesā€¦

      • +3

        ME Legendary has been on Gamepass for quite a while already too

        I paid for this on release day, only to see it go free a few months later. Shouldā€™ve held my bottle, but I donā€™t regret it one bit. I was maybe 15 minutes into ME1 and already reminded why I enjoyed it so much the first time. I love the fact you can seamlessly play the same Shepherd all the way through.

    • -1

      and people have that right

  • Biomutant was fun on xbox series x. Will be happy to have it on ps5 now too

  • +1

    of course mass effect becomes a ps plus game after i bought it in late september on amazon for $24. i haven't even played it yet šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. at least i avoided all the biomutant discounts

    • +8

      Of course someone has already bought the game and had to post to complain about it =P

    • +1

      I fell for the Biomutant discounts but I'll just trade it towards Callisto Protocol on Friday and take the loss

  • +2

    Very good month!

  • +2

    Now that's a good month!

  • +2

    Excellent, two games I've really wanted and nearly bought a few times

  • Spewing I missed mass effect when it was on prime, so this great for me.

  • +2

    Nearly bought Biomutant when it was half price a few weeks ago. Glad I held off.

  • Isn't Divine Knockout a free to play game anyway? Or am I thinking of something else?

  • -1

    Biomutant is a solid one.
    Lucky I've waited

    • +1

      Is it? Reviews for it looks very average

      • +1

        It is quite average. Last I played it, it felt so baron. Story is nothing amazing either.

  • +1


    Nice!!! was contemplating if to buy this or not. Now I donā€™t have to šŸ˜ƒ.

  • Bought the Mass Effect at $39 but never started. Now it is free with PS Plus!

    • +1

      At least you donā€™t have to get up and put the disc in. Time is money.

  • Best month ever… For me anyway

  • Damn, I was positive Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order would be this month's 'free' game since it's been on sale recently. Now I wish I had got the other day.

    • +1

      It was free for Amazon prime (Origin) at the start of the year. There is a chance it could be free on PSN or Epic, so just wait.

    • It's on EA Play. I grabbed the free trial of EA Play off the PS Store and played it that way. Didn't really enjoy it that much, to be honest. Which made me glad I used the free trial rather than buying it!

    • I believe I am a prophet. I predicted this correctly.

  • Never considered playing mass effect but might give it a go.

  • +1

    Do game catalogue and classic catalogue get updated every month too?

  • Is there a ps5 update for mass effect? Feel like ive only ever seen the game cover for the ps4

    • +1

      Director Mac Walters said that a full-on next-gen launch of the collection was "just a bridge too far."
      "To me if I'm buying a game on this next-generation of hardware, I expect a lot from it, and I think it's more than what we could have pushed [Unreal Engine 3] to do, and again more than we could've done with a true remaster," he said. "To me it would have felt a little disingenuous. I think it's better suited for the next Mass Effect."ā€¦

  • What time AEST I've checked this morning still last months.

    • Best part of checking this morning is realising you didn't purchase all last months games ^_^

  • Divine Knockout is surprisingly fun. But it doesnt look like it is as technical as Smash which what makes it complex and people keep coming back to play it. Time will tell.

  • +8
    • Interesting. Due to different formatting, only the bottom link opened in the PS app on my iPhone.

  • A bounty of riches

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