This was posted 12 years 7 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Call of Duty MW 3 - PS3 or XBOX $25 at HN (Nationwide This Time Unlike Few Stores in The past)


Call of Duty MW 3 - PS3 or XBOX $25 at HN (Nationwide This Time Unlike Few Stores in The past).

Cheapest price in the world?.

Related Stores

Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +1

    thanks great find.

  • +2

    Brilliant - was going to rent it for $10 for the week!

  • +1

    Great find,

    Also it is available on the Harvey Norman website. a MAX of 2 PER customer, I am not sure if that applies in-store too, but I ordered 2 online just now :)
    thanks for finding it.

  • Awesome!

  • +1

    This is the only time I'd purchase this game lol. Thanks OP

  • Is this game better to be played on PS3 or PC?

    • +8

      For FPS always PC>console

      However console>PC to avoid hackers/cheaters

      • +1

        There are so many hackers on PC that I think the game should come with hacks already built in.

      • I disagree, the field of view is actually best suited for console.

        The interface is really bad for PC.

  • will pick one at lunch break. thanks OP.

    • Get the PS3, no, maybe the 360.

      • upvote to clear the downvote
  • Thanks OP! Excellent price indeed!

  • +2

    Be wary of ordering online…guys were waiting a few months for their game / refund with their last "deal":…

    …and a lot of UK copies were being sent out too.

    • Yep, I'd only shop with HN if it was in store and I had the physical item in my hand before parting with the cash. Their online shopping is disgraceful

      • Well im doing store pickup and says in-stock so I think im safe! ;)

        • Good luck! as long as you dont pay upfront, the worst case scenario will be a wasted trip


          Ohh yeah :D

        • I ordered 2 on Xbox and I had my order confirmed at 9:00am. I received a phone call from the courier at 4:00pm asking me if I'm at the address that I ordered it from and came and delivered both the games.

    • came back from Martin Place just now. PS3 version is in back-order. what pissed me off is not just that it is back-ordered, also the idiot in the shop that kept repeating "you will receive a back-order email"bla bla bla. what i asked him is how long i might have to wait, a couple of days, or a couple of weeks?

      • the last time i ordered games from martin place, it took about 3-4 weeks for their backorder.

        • i probably better cancel the order. after one month i will have a one-month holiday, after the holiday, very soon black ops2 will come out.

  • I'm going to pick up mine at the local Harvey Norman Martin Place.

    • good luck! but i did see a few copy for xbox360.

  • Last time HN had a sale on MW3, they were all UK PAL copies.
    Since the price is only $25, you could play in a week and trade in at EB Games for $25. Then, price match things like 1500 Microsoft points card [to Dick Smith] and buy whatever, effectively costing you $0 for a week of gaming.

    • +1

      not a typical OZBargainer - you have to look further and make a profit!

      • EB Games was happy to buy it for $28 after a week or two use…

    • How do you know if it is a UK version of the game? Will it say somewhere on the packaging?

      Also what's the difference in an o/s copy and Australian copy?


      • Game rating is different. Yes. Price.

        • Thanks for the reply. I've been told that with an o/s copy you can't play the online part of the game, which is the best part of these games.

          Is there any truth in this? Basically if I buy a copy of MW3 from Harvey Norman will be able to play/use all parts of the game?


        • +2

          No restrictions with any game from the UK as they are the same region as us.

          Some games usually from ROckstar or EA have restrictions on DLC and live for games from diff regions like Hong Kong which is where half the games on Ebay are from.

          If you are not playing it live just single player with no DLC there is never nay restrictions on any game on the xbox but occasionally if you have a game from hong kong you will still be able to play live but if you want any region specific DLC or games you can have dramas.

          Best bet is if you get from Ebay just get from ozgames shop or someone who sells only the UK games

        • @tith
          poor guy. who told you that? slap him!;P

        • only when it comes to DLC are there restictions, however if you have paid for DLC you can still download it because there are these BLES numbers AUS is 014128 i think. So if you go to download DLC you need to make sure the bles code is the same as it says on the game package :). That is the only reason, I wish I bought an overseas copy because I too thought there would be problems downloading DLC

        • **restrictions

        • +1

          Slap has been administered. My little sister didn't even cry that much. She will not tell me rubbish again!

          J/k please don't call DOCS

  • +1

    ordered online with instore pickup ! THANKS !

  • Too bad they are not selling the PC version.

  • Dear xxxxxx xxxxxxx,

    Order Number: 7000xxxxx

    We're experiencing a delay with your order. We estimate that your item(s) listed below will be ready in approximately 21 days, at which point we'll contact you.


    Harvey Norman HAS NO STOCK even though it says IN STOCK. It still says IN STOCK at my local HN store, but they have no copies for pick up. The guy at the local store said it could take LONGER than 21 days.

    STUFF YOU HARVEY NORMAN. No wonder they are losing customers. I cancelled my order. If you want to do the same call (02)9201 6111 if in Sydney.

    Out of Stock: Martin Place / Blacktown

    • I dont trust any one on the phone or who works in customer service… BUT the women I just spoke to at Campbelltown HN said they have 45 copies of the Xbox 360 version. I'm heading there now.

  • Do Kmart do price matching??

    • +1

      EB Games and Big W do

      • thanks Bud.. :)

      • Just tried to price match at Big W, apparently you need a catalogue from the competitor

    • -3

      Does Kmart do price matching?*

  • +1

    Excellent find and price. The GAME sale was selling pre-owned version of this for $21.60, but my order was cancelled, so nice to still be able to pick this up at only $25. Hopefully I like it as I'm not usually into military style games, but these games are an institution so I'm keen to see what this franchise is all about.

    • +2

      I don't think you'd go wrong with this game. I don't usually play FPS but decided to pick up the second installment for $10 during the GAME sale and boy that was one of the best 5 hours gaming I've ever experienced. I'd suggest getting a second hand copy from ebay before playing this one. The story kind of tie together I think. From my understanding Modern Warfare is the best in the franchise.

      • Thanks for the post gtberzerk!

      • +1

        Tried it for an hour last night - what an insane game! Talk about an assault on the senses - in a good way. There's so much action, and it's visually very impressive. I look forward to putting more time into this. Does make me wish I'd played MW2 first, but don't think I can wait to track one down knowing this is sitting in the drawer.

  • I got one from Moorabin Harvey, for PS3, they had 360 ones in and their computer said they had more PS3, but mine was the last on the shelf.

    • +2

      Wouldn't surprise me if the rest of the PS3 ones were hidden away by staff for themselves/friends/family.

      • The staff didn't seem to know about the deal. But there are a lot of staff so maybe.

      • +1

        Is the PS3 version better?? (if you have both consoles?)

        • +3

          It's better as you don't need to pay for multiplayer. But if you already subscribe to xbox live get whatever controller you like more.

        • awesome…good point on multiplayer.. thx

  • We're experiencing a delay with your order. We estimate that your item(s) listed below will be ready in approximately 30 days, at which point we'll contact you.

    • 30 days!!! WTF!!!

  • Thanks OP, ordered one this morning at 8h20, received confirmation of order at 8h24 and received notification to collect at 9h30. Collected at store at 12h30.

    • what happened after 12:30.. i'm intrigued

      • +1

        I collected my Game !

  • I bought a copy. Hopefully easier achievements than "Mile High Club" from COD4:MW. :D

  • got a copy and its import version from UK.

  • Is this online only? I just got back from HN and one of the staff said it was online only but he knew it was $25 before I even asked.

    • It scans Instore at 25, the guy I saw said the same thing to me, but they are wrong.

  • FYI anyone going to get this at lunch, i went to Marion store (SA) and they still had it on shelf for $67, i had to show the guy their own web page before the believed me and discounted to $25, but all good got 2x ps3 copies!

  • Just went into JB HIFI Liverpool, NSW asked for a price match and showed them the print out of HN site. They said yup no problem and did it right away!

    Heaps in stock! Try it out!

    Btw, HN liverpool store was out of stock when I checked online.

    I tired EB Games first but they said they only price match stores within the same complex :/ lol

    • HN Livo had a lot of stock but they said the offer was online only.

      • That's BS!!!….I called up HN Sunshine, City (VIC) and was told it's $25 SHOWN on their system.
        Unless HN Livo is on a separate system, they are lying.

        • Not lying, just stupid. It scans at 25!

    • I did the same at JB Hifi Adelaide. They checked the HN website, and price matched straight up.

  • I went to three Harvey Norman's today (QV melbourne, Richmond, Highpoint) and all 3 stores were selling MW3 copies that were majority NOT factory sealed and looked like they were used before hand. It looks to me that they are just clearing copies that might have been returned to the distributor.

    I picked up the one and only factory sealed copy at QV.

    • I picked up 2 PS3 copies from QV today ~12:30pm. One I bought online this morning and did pickup (got the ready email within half hour after ordering & paying), other grabbed in store while I was there.
      Guy there in gaming knew the deal, but said was a certain batch only that would scan at $25 (they had the black movember supporter sticker on them), others normal $58 or whatever.
      Both were sealed, and have "BLES" on spine. That good?

  • Just picked it up from Nunawading. It's a UK copy and they put Australian rating sticker on it. And they are not sealed copies!!! Probably won't matter to some of us, but I bought my games online and I know they're Aus version and new because they are sealed. What's wrong with Harvey Norman? This is equivalent to the practice of some dodgy ebayers.

    • As jasonc26 above stated, they look like used copies. The disc and manual look new, but the cover doesn't look new to me.

      • +1

        There not used, they are brand new. Harvey keeps the disc's in a draw at the front counter. AFAIK Harvey doesnt sell 2nd hand goods.

    • will these UK games effect online play?

      • someone already asked, no it doesn't effect it at all.

    • I too can confirm that I didn't receive a sealed game, looks like they opened up the seal to stick the game rating stickers on it.. but why bother?!

  • Thanks. Just picked one up from Chadstone HN. Still quite a few copies left.

  • "Your transaction was blocked due to Risk or 3D Secure blocking rule"

    What the

    *edit: switched to an AU IP and all good

  • Just picked up a copy at HN Aspley (Xbox 360) there were at least 20. All sealed and price tag showing $78 but scans at $25.

  • sorted

  • Just picked a copy up from HN Erina. Heaps in stock. Sticker price is $57.88. Told the sales drone about the online price and he was aware of the special. He said, 'It's an online special only. Next time order through the website, but we will do it. It's to promote the website' He then said it will scan at $25 anyway. Whatever you say sales drone lol

  • Picked up a copy in Auburn Domemayne. Still have ~20pc scattered in different area.

    No one in the store knows about the promo.
    Ticket price $87….

    Scan and system showed price as $25 immediately with the cashier screamed "It is SO below COST!" (no joke, she did said that)

  • Will these UK copies being mentioned have any effect with online play, or will play exactly the same?

  • -1

    Thanks OP, bought 1 copy of ps3, 1 copy of xbox 360 at Richmond HN (VIC) this morning.

    A few copies left when i was there.

  • Worth picking up if you still have Black Ops? is it much better?

  • Hiya all, first comment, long time viewer how we doing?

    Went to Dandnenong, Vic after checking HN website for stock (which was in store) called up to confirm dude on the phone said yeah sure $25 each even before i asked more than 10+ copies on 360 and ps3.

    And then in store hassled majorly about if they were for purchase online only, they even had to check the website…?

    Eventually they gave in and let me purchase at $25 even though their register screen had them scanning at $25 the whole time :(

    • +1

      Haha, when i went in there, they mentioned something bout a guy coming in to the store and a big hassle, so must be you. Apparently the big bosses there are pricks and try there hardest to not give in. One of the workers was like its simple, it scans at $25 therefore sell it at that..

      I ordered online things morning, and when picking up this afternoon, the lady at the counter said i should of just come in. oh well, still picked up a copy..

      Also to everyone else, the xbox 360 are UK copies, no factory packaging.
      Can anyone tell me how this effects online play? lots of people have asked but i havent seen a definitive answer. Does this work online and can i get the download content?

      • +1

        Yes UK copies will work online, Yes you will be able to use the download content from the AU store.

        There are very rare occasions when DLC for UK copies don't work, but 99% of the time they do because we are the same region. In fact often times even when a game is not a grey import, the disc or cart only has the UK rating on it because it is just the UK version with Australian packaging (that's right shock horror, we are too small a market to have things made just for us.).

  • Listed at $39 (handwritten) at HN Penrith for both XBOX and PS3 - only limited games on "display" in a bin as this was the store that burnt down ealier this year and they've not yet got consoles on display etc. $39 is 50% of the list of $78 which seemed reasonable until this deal came available. They had several of each PS3 and XBOX versions in the bin.

    Scanned by a salesman for $25 and then again at checkout (360 version), no issues at all, the scanned prices was $25, as simple as that.


  • There are 59 Xbox versions at valley Brisbane

    • You sure? Their store stock says no left… according to the website.

      • im guessing their all on a table in the store.

        • they are in a box at the front of the store guys

  • two copies left at HN Adelaide City when i went in at 4:45pm so i grabbed one

  • Thanks OP. Ordered one of the PS3 copies online from the Rockhampton store. Will pick up from the store tomorrow when it's ready to pickup. Great deal!.

  • Ordered online and got 2 from Knox (VIC) branch. Sealed boxes and were Australian version with MA rating. Yes, it does have a Movember sticker on them.

    • same here

  • Ordered mine at 7am in the morning, opted for postage… Got an email confirming order right away… 10 mins later got an order stating there was no stock and my order is now 14 days or more away… My 2 local stores in either direction had heaps of copies I later found out… +1 for the deal, -1 for it being more than 2 weeks away using postage…

  • +1

    Rang Darwin at lunch time to hold one for me on 360. guy said there were 50 available so plenty for all. Went in, scanned easy enough so all good. Was unwrapped UK copy but since i was tempted last week to get it from ozgameshop last week im pretty happy glad i didnt.

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