Diesel $1.999/L at 7-Eleven Bonnyrigg NSW
150.89191, -33.88404
Usual price hovering around $2.299/L in Vic
Diesel $1.999/L at 7-Eleven Bonnyrigg NSW
150.89191, -33.88404
Usual price hovering around $2.299/L in Vic
Around 15c/L saving is the deal compared to all the other 7-Eleven servos in Australia
Hasn't been this low for months
You do not use diesel at all I can see…
At least $18 per tank saving for me and I am comparing this with one of the cheapest diesel in all of Melbourne. Lucky I live next to that independent servo.
Today, I am still going for a quick scenic flight above Bonnyring though. Heard the views are amazing!
I have q questions though, who forks out the difference? Is it 7-11 headquarters only or the franchisees take a hit as well? Likely the latter which makes me feel too guilty to use the nearest 7-11 as the owner works there most of the time. I drive further to the next one where the cashier has his earphones on and talking to someone literally every time I go there. You can tell he doesn’t give a damn about these discounts nor his job.
I was told head-office take the hit, get a mate in WA to lock it in the App for 7 days as they consistently have the lowest fuel prices…I once managed to save $70 on a tank…dude said it was the biggest he’d ever seen (FJ Cruiser with long range 192l tanks and around 40c per l as I timed it well
My record is $130 😏only 149.5L though.
150L is the limit, how did you get 192L
I have some glorious screenshots. Hit triple figures 3 times.
The franchises are on a cents per litre agreement (normally 3-4c/l) and all the pricing etc set by head office so they only care about quantity rather than price
Top minds of ozbargain at work
thats the deal, really annoyed for months diesel didnt go down at all. need electric utes urgently
Prior to the diesel prices going crazy I was considering buying a dual cab ute or a van. Wouldn't even consider it now with these prices.
sorry to burst your bubble but electric utes that have similar capability to ICE utes is still 10 years away.
To be viable except in the most niche circumstances battery technology needs to increase energy density 2/3x.
Hybrid utes on the other hand could be very interesting indeed.
Ford lighting is easy 200 plus miles. Plus you have extended range.
More than enough for most.
That's great…. but compared to diesel utes:
What is the range while towing?
How much does it weight?
How much bigger brakes and suspension is needed to support the weight?
How long do I need to wait for it to charge?
And what is the cost?
Range is one specification, but not the only one.
See the recent LDV T60 EV ute for comparison… drive away price of 100k+ for a 2WD ute! You could buy 2x 4wd hiluxes for that amount or 3x 2WD hiluxes.
To be viable except in the most niche circumstances battery technology needs to increase energy density 2/3x.
You can already drive 400+km with a single charge on an electric car
How is that not enough for a ute?
Which electric ute? And how much does this ute cost?
To travel 800km, how long would it take using this electric ute vs a conventional diesel.. including recharge time.
Im all for an electric ute but not til one can tow reasonably
Again, its range is poor for towing or carrying load.
It certainly doesn’t reach 400+ km with the above tasks.
10 years is too much,max 5 years we will see something reasonably priced and well competing in every department with ICE utes. I remember in 2019 every forum was arguing similar points about teslas while comparing to ICE vechicles and look at where they are now.
I think in 10 year time electric cars be history and an other fuel source will be used.
Sorry but Teslas are still double and sometimes triple the price of equivalent ICE sedans, so if I "look at where they are now", Tesla's are still not competitive.
Yes, they have decent range now (when paying $80k+) but still suffer from charge time vs refuel and price.
EVs are ok for smaller cars, but as the weight of the vehicle goes up (4wds, utes etc) and loads increase (towing), the battery must also increase in size to compensate. Then you are using more energy just to move the battery as opposed to the vehicle and its occupants.
Thus, we end up with $90k+ for a LDV EV T60, 4000kg electric hummers, or F-150 lighting with 150km range when towing (while costing well north of $100k).
Battery technology simply isn't ready for EV utes and there is nothing on the horizon that is looking to change this.
With the demand for lithium set to increase and lithium production not keeping up, expect cost of lithium to increase further… and then that $90k ev T60 will become $120k.
They are retrofitting landcruisers for the mines now.
Actually it’s -20 days, aluminium ion batteries have 4 times the density of lithium ion batteries, less flammable, cheaper, less environmentally damaging and can be charged at a monumentally greater rate than lithium ion (70x). There’s also graphene aluminium and silicone based batteries. The tech exists you’re just being hyperbolic
By the time they exist the price of power will have 2-3x, outweighing any gain.
And likely the cost price of fossil fuels given the saudis are drifting away from the us
im not against evs. but were far from ready to be making the change. this vid shows how useless they currently are.
They’re not useless, they just have advantages in certain uses cases for now.
For a tradie driving around to different worksites with ample opportunity to charge onsite / while working, EV utes are going to be very useful.
The immense cost savings compared to filling up with diesel will suit a lot of dual cab ute applications, just not towing heavy loads long distances.
Towing needs to be worked out, but advances are being made on solid state batteries they weigh much less than current battery tech - https://www.nasa.gov/aeroresearch/nasa-solid-state-battery-r…
Possibly an error. Dont wait around a week to use it. 711 has shown before that they will delete price locks they dont like.
Unlikely 7/11 would delete this price lock. You can consistently save 15-30c/L on petrol price locks. This seems in the range they're fine with.
They had deleted the 99 cents price lock when the "normal" price was hovering around 180/L.
its like 5-8% off prices and i dont think its an error. Oil has come down 15-20% and $A is trecking up so we are likly to see deisel (and unleaded) drop further.
Also 7-11 did that once and thats cos it was 1.34 unleaded (mainstream fuel) where prices were 1.80-2.00 and 7-11 would lost thousands.. I doubt they will care a few ppl saving 12c a litre.
Considering 98 is only 191, I don't think it's an error. 98 and diesel usually around the same
Maybe 12 months ago. Hasn't been the case for most of the year. As a household that fills up 98 and diesel, I know!
That's hasn't been true for a long time now lol
Chopper reporting for duty.
Does anyone have any free software to command their remote chopper? Tired of downloading new software that expires after using the remote gps function once or twice. Need a free, permanent software option if possible.
3utools for iOS devices
What ever happened to diesel being always being cheaper than 98RON? Did we time warp into another dimension or what? I haven't seen it cheaper in years.
If your GPS needs to be at that location to price lock, you can use GPS Faker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lexa.fakeg…
Have you actually tried it? Thought need root etc
Havent tried it for 711 app and the comment suggest it doesnt work. We smashed the KFC promotion last time with this FakeGPS app
Just tried and don't work. Never has since the major app update awhile back.
you have to use an lsposed module to bypass the check that the 711 app does, you cant use this.
Root - Magisk + Smalli patcher w/ mock location(old.reddit.com)
Android SafetyNet bypass - Configuration Guide(cdn.discordapp.com) and Method to address SafetyNet failure - CTS profile - (Credits to Cwongtech)
Nox Emulator (Running Android 9 Beta) - (Credits to dontpanic)
Android Studio (+macOS/Linux/Windows) - (Credits to dontpanic)
These are the only ones for android that work.
iPad/iPhone with 3utools on desktop is the easiest way
smali patcher doesnt work on newer versions of android, you gotta use the hide mock location module on lsposed
Big rigg 💪
Thanks op, the choppers are now topped up
Damn! Wrong area for me. I can only dream of that price nowadays
That's why you use chopper so you can get the prices!
The chopper is grounded with no desktop available
give someone your credentials, they can lock it in for you :)
I can chopper if you need.
Would very much appreciate!
All good my friend. You have to dm me your account for me to lock it.
Have a funny feeling some employees may receive a warning letter for doing this😂
Thankyou Labor 'for making this a deal
Hand of god?( Dan Andrews?)
blows your mind drastically fantastically
Finally sub $2 diesel. It should keep dropping too.. Oil is down around 20% this month and the $A has strengthen.
Can confirm its that price ! Just filled up the diesel beast. Sub $2 is unheard of ! need to run back with jerry cans hehe
I use https://refinery.fyi/ to keep track of fuel prices sub 2 is a bargain for diesel at the moment
Enhance camellia near Roseville racecourse selling diesel for 199.9 now too. Just went. Weird servo it’s 24/7 self serve pay first, feels like it’s for trucks but says open to public so seemed to be all good!!
I’ve already got diesel locked at 2.15
How do I cancel it team!
Make a new account
Wait it out.
Or fill the bare minimum, $5 I think and relock again. Preferably come back later so there's no raised eyebrows.
I always just fill a small amount like $10 and use the lock. Go back home to take the chopper then just hit up another 7-11.
Gday lads and ladettes. Happy to take my chopper out and lock your accounts on that price. Just reply / and send me a message with your deets ✌️
Last time people did this charter chopper thing for many others 7 11 was not happy and many accounts were suspended.
It would be good if this lasted. Lets not abuse it to destruction please.
No thanks
Hi mate, DM
Just message you. Thanks
Can you can use these price locks with motorpass?
Why would you bother
finally a good black Friday deal. so far very average deals.
No matter where I live, I always get the cheapest 7-11 fuel in Australia. A little cheeky trick to use
Sounds like the title of a click bait video!
The real test will be the range you get with a full load on the tray…