So I've never bought audio equipment before, and I'm not too knowledgable in this field. I'm helping my sister buy her computer setup because she's studying film/TV and will need it for video editing and gaming.
I'm eyeing a Gigabyte M32 for the monitor, and likely a computer around $2.5k from techfast.
So what's left is the audio. I believe she'd benefit from having a subwoofer in addition to speakers, especially since quality audio will be useful in her editing.
Any suggestions on what might be good for her? Especially with Black Friday sales on.
I saw this subwoofer and figured it might be good.
If I went for it, I'm unsure what speakers to pair with it.
Not into video editing myself but as someone who has lived with a lot of music producers in the past, get a decent set of headphones instead. You'll thank yourself.