Our Xmas Tree Is Starting to Droop - How Can I Revive It?

Our Xmas tree is drooping at the top and I'm not sure how to revive it!

We got the tree last Sunday and after a few days, we noticed it was out of water (think it was dry for a few days).

We've given it plenty of water and was hoping it would spring back to life, but it doesn't appear to have.

See photo here: https://imgur.com/a/S1PHk9M

Is there anything we can do to revive it? We are using water/lemonade.

The only other thing I thought was that the tree is right near the heater duct - we haven't been using it too much lately but I wouldn't have thought it would cause it to droop?



  • +2

    in a pot with roots intact? just keep watering it. ours lasted five years
    if it's not, well it is dead

    • It's a Xmas tree, so it's cut off clean at the bottom of the trump, sitting in a plastic Xmas tree holder.

      • it usually last 4-6 weeks, then it became a fire hazard. Just keep adding some water.
        Its looks okey to me.

      • +8

        I'm not an arborist, but I reckon that the tree died when it was cut down.
        It is now in the process of decomposing.

        • Not really, as long as the leaves (needles) can get water they can continue to photosynthesise. Without roots it is a bit harder for the leaves to receive enough water.

          Think about fruit tree grafting - a branch is cut off a tree but the branch is not dead. It can get transplanted into a different tree's root system and receive water that way. Then live a full tree life.

  • +1

    If you top the water up daily, you might get a month out of a fresh tree, but I don't like your chances.

  • +3

    It's only November!

    • We missed out last year as everyone sold out very quickly, so wanted to make sure we had one this year!

  • +2

    You bought it about 2-3 weeks too early.

    According to my dearly departed Mum "Christmas decorations shouldn't go up until the 1st of December." but she had a fake tree and fake snowman.

    I recall my German in-laws that had a real tree would purchase around the 10th December.

    • I prefer to reserve my Christmas "excitement" until around 6pm on December 24.

    • I totally agree. We missed out last year (none of the farms had any) so the wife wanted to get in early this year.
      Regardless of how early we are, we've never had a tree droop like this after only a few days.

  • +1

    It's November and your tree is dying?
    Next year don't buy it until December maybe.

    • We've had trees every year and they've looked great for weeks - this is a few days old from being cut down and already drooping.

  • +3

    Maybe contact the place where you bought it? They might have tips on what to do, and if it’s really bad maybe they’ll let you swap it?

    • +1

      I somehow overlooked the simplest things - I did this and they did give some advice. Thanks

  • Chop 1cm off the bottom of the tree and get it submerged again right away - this may or may not work.
    I always buy a tree from a farm (where I cut it down myself), i get it home, chop 1cm off the bottom (because the sap seals the bottom of the tree), and submerge it in water.

    That tree looks fine by the way… when it starts to dry out and fall apart is when you should be concerned.

    • I just called the Xmas tree farm and they said exactly this - chop 1cm off. They never mentioned this when we brought it unfortunately.
      They also said to stop using lemonade - I've read in quite a few places that Lemonade is great for trees, so not sure what to think.

      The tree has good colour etc, but if you look closely, the branches at the top are dropping down and not standing proud anymore.

  • +1

    Treeagra? Ceedalis? - Yes, I'm a dad.

    • +3

      show it a picture of a hot birch

  • +1

    By not buying it and putting it up in the middle of November??

  • Keep it away from any Heymix chargers

  • Maybe when it dried out the end scabbed over and stopped the ability to suck up water..I wonder if sawing off 1cm of trunk will open up moist live tissue which will suck up water.

  • Half a Viagra ….

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