Looks like a staff code that's been leaked somewhere. Get in quick while they're honoring they might honour purchases!
The Oracle Touch currently $3,899, now $1949 after discount.
Looks like a staff code that's been leaked somewhere. Get in quick while they're honoring they might honour purchases!
The Oracle Touch currently $3,899, now $1949 after discount.
Just got the tracking number for my order!
This is amazing!
Looks like a test code.
barista pro!
Picked up a dynamic duo, we'll see if they honour it
pls let us know how it goes :)
I reckon that's priced reasonable @ ~$1100 though. I got it from Amazon for $999 a little while back, so maybe it'll be honoured?
they certainly won't
So many options! I am totally overwhelmed hyperventilates
$11 shipping for a toaster to SA
we've got the lift and see (or perhaps an older version) and it's been fantastic, paid about $40 five odd years ago based on a Choice recommendation
Love that toaster. Got my parents one as well.
Handles thick Turkish bread and hamburger buns.
No shot the honour it
Oops! That promo code isn't valid. Please, try another
Thanks OP- inb4 my order is cancelled, received confirmation for a Barista Pro at $599.
EDIT: Received an order confirmation
Bambino Plus for 300 bucks seems outrageously good - Plus the grinder for old school prices.
But yeah I cant see any of it getting honored
No longer working for me. Would've been great though!
"Promo code not valid"
missed it by 2 seconds did i really need another appliance though hahaha
They've caught on…
haha, i bet words are being exchanged internally
de ja vu
i am keen to see if they will honour the ones whom made it
Waiting for BrevilleStaffPurchaseDecember-x123 code to be valid.
It’ll be too late by December I’m waiting for
I’m on it
Oops! That promo code isn't valid. Please, try another
Bugger, just missed it, was going to buy a fresh Smart Grinder Pro. Current one is still fine but has been hammered.
Do yourself a favour and order a Eureka grinder from https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/738884 You can thank me later. Well worth the extra money and delivery is super quick!
Eureka grinders crap on Breville
Wow staggering that a grinder that costs more than 2x the Briville is a better grinder. Wonders will never cease.
Damn! Missed out.. had a air purifier in the cart ready to go
Not accepting code. Guess the Breville MGMT are onto us!
Who shop RRP on their website? 50% off is probably 10% cheaper than what you get at resellers and still probably a 50% margin.
Bit silly they pulled out the voucher, great marketing ROI to be on ozbargain.
Yeah the dynamic duo for $1,100 as an example. Not bad but not entirely stupid either. Silly to kill the code.
Code doesn't seem to be working for me.
did anyone get lucky?
Oh wait. With that deal? Then no
Link to video as evidence please.
"Here are your order details — consider this a digital receipt." fingers crossed
lucky b****rd. What did you get?
I got a Barista Pro- $549 and have received a thankyou confirmation and an order confirmation 2 minutes after.
I’m really jealous right now
I panicked and clicked a random colour- got the black truffle, I'll feel better when I have a shipping confirmation.
@JoeJoog: Hope you get it. That would be an awesome Christmas gift. The black truffle is awesome but paint chipping could be an issue
when dishonour?
Better ask Muzeeb
pls explain this Muzeeb meme
Muzeeb is the one man that can get your order put through when the odds are against you. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays Muzeeb from the swift completion of their appointed order.
Ok, what the hell
It does involve Dell
A monitor was wide
He had nothing to hide
A bargain was sought
A great lesson he taught
How about 90% off
Miss out and you'll scoff
But what about me
I want want free delivery
One or two got luck
Everyone else screamed WTF
Dishonour on you! Dishonour on your cow!
15 mins and party is over!!!
I duck out and miss out. Been eyeing oracle for a while
Although the deal lasted more than me so….
Breville Pty Limited
24 November 2022.Authorisation - $799.50
Finger cross on The Barrista Touch $1,599
Nice! Fingers cross !
Better touch wood 😬
Stay away from my wood
Dang it! Too slow.
I am trying to get the gellato maker, but code is not working any more..? Any one else having same…?
i know this is ozbargain, but sometimes maybe its best to keep things to yourself haha
Nah on this one execs are being stupid. They should have leaked on purpose. Marketing plot.
yeah legit that coupon code sounds like its a joke.
goes to show how much markup there is on this stuff!
Totally would have got the Oracle touch.
Not that much more than standard Oracle when at it's best prices.
Would have ordered without a hesitation at all
missed so sad
OMG. cannot believe I miss that !
first Delonghi, then Breville…
'expired' 'posted 36 minutes ago'
Maybe you're not cut out for this.
Huge props to the people who post up these insane deals lol.
More discount than Delonghi
Delonghi could be stacked. 40%+40%+10% in the best case
hahahahahaha…so, nearly free?
Pretty close for the lucky people who got it.
Had the oracle in the cart went out of my office to talk to the Mrs come back goooone lol, back to the trusty dual boiler.
Rookie mistake don't ask the Mrs.
same thing happened to me haha
Why would you want the Oracle when you have the dual boiler?
always wanted one, would of sold the dual boiler
Don’t. Keep the dual boiler. Much better than the oracle if you are comfortable with manual espresso.
If I drink 2-3x more coffee because I have an Oracle compared to my dual boiler- then that's my value proposition. Look at the reviews of people that buy them- when they break, they will buy another.
naah dont stress man, dual boiler with a good grinder is way better
we've had 2 now
Damn. I really need a second monitor just for OzBargain.
Breville don't sell monitors
If only there was a place you could find deals on monitors.
A coffee machine with an inbuilt monitor
not really inbuilt but a Decent?
Thumbs up to the OP - purely for posting what is the longest coupon code I've ever seen!
Absolutely no chance of a leak internal code being honoured