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[eBay Plus] Wilson Tennis Balls (3-Ball Can) $3.95 Delivered & More @ Wilson eBay

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2022

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closed Comments

  • Pay for each separately

  • +3

    What happened to 4 balls?

    • +6


      • +6

        Said someone……

        "I purchase four ball tennis cans whenever I can find them available. I've heard that in the rest of the world 4 ball sleeves are the norm. At TW's ball shopping page, they mention that using four balls makes the game play 25% faster. For league matches, that may get timed out, this seems like a big positive feature. Yet, when I open one up, many club/rec players freak-out. ONE extra ball seems to disrupt their delicate homeostasis. I will often find the fourth ball on the net post's drink holder tray, having been ostracized by someone.

        I don't get it? Having more balls then less, seems like a no brainer. It makes the game go faster, balls stay 25% newer into the match. If you lose one, you still have three left, and don't have to go over the fence for it, or hunting for lost balls under screens, bags, benches or on neighboring courts. At Wimbledon they use 12 or more balls, and have ball people to fetch them and change them out every seven games."

        • +11

          I wish I did not read that.

      • Deflated - deal already finished

    • Shrinkflation, it's the leading cause of ball problems

  • Whoa, these are selling out quick. Managed to get one can

  • +3

    Wilson US Open XD 3-Ball Can

    Why would you want to buy a can that’s already open? And have the tendency to put a laughing face after wards

  • +1

    Thanks OP …. got one…. did'nt need one!

  • all gone… :(

  • Thank you!

  • Lame oos

  • late to the party, got the overgrip though

  • +1

    Thanks. Just wasted $3.95

  • are these great for 2-square?

  • Are these the green or the yellow tennis balls?

    • sold out fast than you asking the question haha

  • +3

    @ck82 @Korban Dallas @kaykay4

    Back in stock.

    • And gone again.

      • late again! thanks for the tag

    • Dang appreciate the tag but sadly missed again.

  • Good to buy these just to cut in half as landmine attachments

  • Good deal, got a couple of sets of strings and grips.

  • Just started playing tennis,can someone advise which of above three types of packs is good to buy

    • +1

      buy it all when/if still in stock, think after later. I just got 2 x cans w/balls, shin guards & overgrips.

    • If you're playing on hardcourts then i recommend the US open extra duty.

  • Wilson Tour Comp 4 ball can x3 pack still available for $15.95 and free delivery with eBay plus .
    Works out the same price per ball as this deal , and at the same seller on eBay

  • +1

    Back in stock!

    • was just about to write the same! happy hunting..
      not everything, but most are

  • Limited 1 can per discount?

    • I managed to put 7 orders through :-). But now the discount code no longer works.

  • Yay got one

  • Anyone getting " This code can't be applied to your order" ?

  • LOL This is a disaster; these are not regular tennis balls, they're depressurised kids training balls.

    Epic ozbargain fail on my part for not checking what I was actually buying

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