This popular deal is back!
Save 50% on any plan for 4 months. For those looking about joining Xero now is the time.
Deal ends 30 November
This popular deal is back!
Save 50% on any plan for 4 months. For those looking about joining Xero now is the time.
Deal ends 30 November
From recollection, you cannot use promo codes on a free trial. New files only.
Really? But every customer goes through a free trial surely, and then transition to paid?
Nah always refer my clients to jump on the paid package straight away. We usually get 50% off for 6 months so its a no brainer
@IsTops: @IsTops and @fatming apologies looks like the partner promo code is only 3 months atm. May to August monthly codes were 6 exclusive to partners
If you are on free-trial that lasts beyond 30th November, do you lose the free trial period if you use the promo code?