This was posted 2 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Prime] 20-25% off Overture 3D Printing Filament (e.g. PETG $25, PLA $23, TPU $31/kg) Delivered @ Overture via Amazon AU

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Their TPU is excellent, prints well on my mostly-stock Ender 3v2, layers fuse together almost as if it's been injection moulded, and according to a youtuber Lost In Tech, their PETG is good too.

This is the lowest I've seen their TPU by a few dollars, PETG has been about this price before.

There's also some filament from other brands on sale too.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2022

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Its been my goto PETG for a while now but the range of colours in stock has slowly decreased unfortunately

    • Have you had any experience with their Space Grey? Does it look kinda metallic in person or is that just the amazon images?

      • just ordered a roll of the space grey so wont know for a few days
        Used white, black and red so far and they have been great. Nice solid colours etc

        • What do you guys print? Just curious

          • +2

            @soan papdi: My latest prints:

            • set of low-profile gas BBQ knobs because the original ones stuck out too far and all got knocked off when putting the BBQ into storage

            • belt clip for a knife pouch that only had belt loops, now I can clip it on to my belt or nailbag without unbuckling them

            • n-shaped channel to keep foam from blocking a water drain

            • bracket to mount my 3d printers screen/controls on the other side of the printer, closer to where I sit

      • Arrived today - its pretty metallic / silver looking

        Might have to try the esun grey looks less metallic

  • +4

    I was impressed by the TPU as well. I'm using an Anycubic Vyper and it prints effortlessly.

    • +1

      I bought their TPU mostly on a whim, thinking that ~$30 wouldn't be that much of a loss if it didn't work out, but I had quite acceptable prints from just slowing down the speed of my PETG profile, and changing e-steps.

      A bit more fiddling with retractions following a guide from Lost In Tech and it prints pretty flawlessly.

      • Same. I had an Amazon voucher a while back and gave it a go. It's fairly forgiving.

  • $31 for TPU? Pulled the trigger anyway as it's a material I've not yet tried!

    • Lost In Tech has some great videos for getting it printing, have fun!

  • I'm planning to buy a 3d printer sometime this week.

    Should i buy a couple of spools of this?

    Is TPU alright for a beginner or am i better off with PLA?

    • +3

      TPU is not beginner friendly. PLA+ is your best bet.

      • Thank you, just finished watching the video posted above and saw that PLA is much more forgiving.

        Is this a good deal for PLA though?

        • +1

          PLA is around $25-30 per kg + postage depending on brand… usally you get a discount on 6+ rolls, so $23 shipped is good for single rolls

    • I'm in the same boat. Just picked up a Neptune 3 Pro for ~$350

      • Im going backwards and forwards between the Neptune 3 Pro and the Ender 3 S1 Pro.

        • Im always going to advocate for the higher level printer because if its within your budget, why not get the better product. For me the value for the Neptune 3 Pro is pretty damn good for someone who's a beginner in FDM printing. I've already got 2 resin printers, so I'm kind of won over at this point though….

          • +1

            @Intoxicoligist: I ended up buying the S1 pro in the end. I had to stop overthinking it lol

  • "FREE Delivery by Thursday, December 22 for Prime members" 😒
    Wish they kept some more stock in local warehouse…

  • Dec22 shipping time, rip

    • We're not the Wait Awhile state for nothing…

      Admittedly it will likely arrive before 22/12 but it's pot luck who the send it with.. Aramex, and it could take that long.
      Although now with the rail flooding that's more delays (Auspost saying could be extra 2 weeks) unless they send by Express Post which they rarely seem to do any more.

    • Mine was 6-8 December.

    • Wasn't too bad in reality. Delivered in 6 days by Auspost. Still the gamble of getting Aramex though.

  • Does anyone reccomend a filament dryer box for these?

    Im getting a couple of PLA rolls and want to make sure i store them well. I am looking at the COMGROW ON Amazon for about $69.

    Also, any feedback on the COMGROW PLA rolls?

    • +1

      I haven't had any experience with PLA myself, but from what I've read online PLA doesn't really need to be stored in a dry box. Even CNC Kitchen on youtube keeps his PLA rolls out in the air.

      PETG, TPU, Nylon and many other more specialist filaments you will want to store dry, or at least dry in an oven/dehydrator from time to time.

    • +1

      Unless you're in a really humid environment I wouldn't worry about it too much for PLA, it's not as bad as you might think.

      I've had a roll (happens to be Overture PLA+) on my printer for months that I haven't been bothered to pack away. I leave the bag over the top of it but its not sealed and every time I go to print something it prints fine, no bubble and pop.

      Just seal them up in their bags when not in use and store in a big plastic box preferably with some desiccant. Just remember that desiccant has a maximum amount of moisture it can absorb, so you need to dry them out from time to time.

      If you're still after a dry box, check youtube for reviews. Plenty of comparisons on there (short story, fan forced tend to work better)

      • Thank you for the reply, maybe ill buy the vacuum seal bags for the rolls and leave it at that. I only foresee storage as an issue if i want to biy multiple colours and only use as required. Otherwise if i just stick to black or white, im sure ill get through them fast enough.

        • +1

          all the filament I buy comes in a resealable bag as standard, so you shouldnt normally need to buy them… but as Bam said before, for PLA/PLA+ i just leave it out in the air, its never been a problem and ive gone through dozens of rolls.

  • Received my order already (pla+, petg and tpu). Bought it a few days ago. Not sure why it says dec delivery for some.

    • Takes a month for it to go through customs when entering the Republic of Westralia

    • Depends if the stock is in a warehouse in your state. East to West, we've got the usual delay plus Christmas rush and a flooded railway. Of course if they shipped by Express Post like they used to it wouldn't be a problem.

      Feels like Amazon is not even trying any more… now "FREE Prime delivery November 29 - January 23"

      I did manage to get a roll of TPU delivered next day so some showed up at the WA warehouse. Came here after to post for the WA folk but I guess it was the last one here as had reverted to Dec 28.

  • BTW, anyone tried the Easy Nylon? I know it's a blend but apparently prints quite easily.

  • Anyone know how these compare to 3dfillies?

  • I see TPU at $40.

    • Looks like it's finally expired

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