This was posted 2 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Brunswick Bakers Cast Iron Bread Pan $129.95 (Was $399.95) Delivered / C&C @ Kitchen Warehouse

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If you're into baking sourdough or any type of bread, this is for you. Can't go wrong with 68% off the RRP. Based on the reviews, it seems good value although being cast iron, just have to remember to season it after washing it.

Also if you need proving baskets, they have Kitchen Pro bannetons for $7.95, all sizes.…

Free delivery for orders over $100.

EDIT: Looks like Amazon AU price matched it:…

Second EDIT: If you sign up for the first time, you'll also get $10 off online purchases as long as it's over $100, I believe.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2022

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Kitchen Warehouse
Kitchen Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +2

    Can't go wrong with 68% off the RRP

    I mean you could, if it's just typical overinflated Chinese RRP for generic cast iron?

    • +1

      Yeah, you have a point I guess, but bread pans or dutch ovens this shape are not quite standard.

  • +1

    Those bannetons are obscene ty

    • +1

      Recommend getting a bagguette style long, thin banneton.
      I pretty much use them exclusively these days.
      Diagonal cut the loaf for more of a sandwich style, or cross cut for a snack.
      So much more versatile than the round or oval loaf shapes IMHO.

    • They're proving baskets. What do they prove tho?

      • +1

        Some label it as proving, some some as proofing. Essentially they just shape the dough before it goes into the bread pan or dutch oven. Don't really need it, as you can use any bowl that's large enough, but bannetons just makes it look more fancy.

  • Is it really worth (more than) double the price of this:… ?

    • +1

      The one from the deal is smallish, yours is good to bake a single roll.

  • +1

    There is also a $10 sign up to the club thingo they invite you to at first visiting the site to get another $10 off (code: Hello10)

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