I'd respectfully ask that this is a serious post and so humourous, joking replies could be refrained from - thank you in advance
A very dear 40-ish yr old friend of ours had a pain, went to the Doctor and found out she's got stage 4 cancer, given 6mths to live. We're trying to assist her as best we can in a number of ways.
One of the things we've flagged to her is considering setting up some type of a legacy type gift etc that can 'live ono' after she's gone. I know when I was growing up my primary and high school would have a bunch of end of year awards for 'most improved year 3 girl from non-english speaking background' etc.
I'm unsure if the red tape in setting up these is not worth it - if setting up a small annual cash award?
There's always very simple gestures, like sponsoring a 'memorial' seat/bench in a botanical garden you love etc.
But I wondered if anyone had any ideas or suggestions - if you've gont info on them all the better.
If it assists - it's a female, she's from a migrant Chinese background. She's just a 'normal' wage earner - so alas no mega bucks to throw around on this. She's lived all her life in Sydney, residing in the Western suburbs of it presently.
My sincere thanks in advance for any ideas you might have. :-)
Can I ask how receptive she was to this? Or would she rather the savings she has goes to her family?