This was posted 2 years 3 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DeLonghi Dedica Manual Coffee Machine EC685 $179 @ ALDI


DeLonghi Dedica Espresso Machine

Previous post in June

  • Also available in red
  • 15 Bar Pump
  • 1 Year Warranty

Credit to Dealbot

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Reposting my comment from last time:

    Got it last time Aldi had it about 6 months go..

    It’s good for espresso, the steam wand is fine but not great. I usually just have espresso and only steam milk maybe once every couple of weeks. If I was doing milk everyday I’d probably want to upgrade to something better.
    Apparently there’s some mods you can do to improve the steam ranging from cable tying the rubber tube to replacing the wand with one from another machine, but I haven’t bothered.

    It’s about 12 months old now, 2 cups per day, steam milk occasionally and it’s still going strong. Virtually no maintenance either, haven’t had to descale it yet, just fill the water once a week and give it a wipe down.
    I like the small size as I don’t have a lot of bench space, I am looking out for a small grinder to start using whole beans to make the espresso better, I still just use pre-ground from the regular AIRJO deals.

  • If you are thinking of getting this one, may as well by cheap Kmart / Big W / Sunbeam alternatives. All are plastically cheap machine with a so so portafilter. What makes this particular is its tiny water tank and the time it takes to heat up.

    To be honest, I would not suggest anything less than a Bambino which aso takes up very little space. The feel of the machine and the coffee comes out are night and day.

    • +4

      Mine heats up vertically instantly. Like, 10 seconds or so. This machine is fine if you don’t need great milk frothing. Most machines in this price range are plastic. Water tank is big enough for about 10-15 shots.

      • +6

        "Mine heats up vertically instantly" Thanks for the tip …no wonder, Ive been using mine on its side!!

        • Sorry, that is the autocorrect on the iPad, when you mistype it sometimes chooses a different word.

      • Dedica has different versions. Sure this one is the basic one, it takes almost a minute to heat up vs Bambino's 3 seconds…..

        • +1

          If you can do puck prep in under 30 seconds I commend you. 1 minute isn't that long…
          But pretty sure this heats up faster than a minute, looks to have the revised steam wand.

          • +1

            @dasher86: I've never noticed myself getting annoyed at waiting for it to heat up … It's quick to heat up.

            Maybe there was something wrong with your one? @syswong

            • @jolt: I never have one myself, its my friends that I used in many occasion, most are the EC680 which has the originally steamer🤮🤮

          • @dasher86: My whole routine nowadays takes just over 3 minutes (cleaning included) with the BB+ and SGP. No waiting on startup and no waiting to switch between milk and coffee.

            • @syswong: BB+ is single boiler? pretty impressive regardless

              • @astarman: No Bambino and Bambino plus use a version of thernocoil call Thermojet. It make its first appearance on the Breville Barista Pro, then in both version of the Bambino.

        • Get the red one

    • +4

      Actually with the bottomless portafilter, portafilter screen, breville smart grinder, tamp, scale and distributor and finally The CORRECT GRIND SETTINGS. I did it.

      It took so long for someone to explain via YouTube: 11.7 g for one shot 16.5 for 2. I made a decent expresso. It's a good machine if you learn about it

      Buy the extras, it's worth it.

    • If you are thinking of getting this one, may as well by cheap Kmart / Big W / Sunbeam alternatives.

      Is there a Big W brand? AFAIK, they simply retail Sunbeam, Breville and Delonghi.

      Is Kmart's you're recommending that Anko one?

      To be honest, I would not suggest anything less than a Bambino which aso takes up very little space.

      From what I've seen, there's very little difference between the two, the only outstanding differences being the steam wand and the warm up time. The wand difference goes away when the Bambino is compared to the Delonghi Arte (not this model, admittedly), and, as others have pointed out here, Bambino's impressive 3 sec warm up time is sort of a waste on a manual machine (and even more if one grinds one's beans fresh!).

      • +1

        Is there a Big W brand? AFAIK, they simply retail Sunbeam, Breville and Delonghi.

        There was a cheap Sunbeam but now gone, cheapest is this one:…

        In my opinion equally poor build compare to Dedica.

        Is Kmart's you're recommending that Anko one?

        I think that one is gone, the current one is this:

        My point was if you want a basic cheap coffee machine, there are very little difference so why pay more than the cheapest option in the market?

        The Dedica heating system is too old and too much waiting when switch between milk and coffee. The is instant on both of the BB and BB+. About Banbino Vs Delonghi Arte, BB cost a little bit more but comes with a better heating system and better accessories so it make sense to go for BB, just have to wait for a good sale like this which I scored my BB+.

        • My point was if you want a basic cheap coffee machine, there are very little difference so why pay more than the cheapest option in the market?

          100% with you on that. Are you saying this Delonghi is just as good as that Kmart one, but not as the Breville Bambino?

          • +1

            @wisdomtooth: I have not try this Kmart one, I had this one for two years, before a cheap Sunbeam both on pre ground after my second hand Jura broke, and like I said I don't own a Dedica but used it in a few occasions. Note I also start with pre ground on BB+ but then change to beans when I got a SGP.

            Over the whole time I don't feel they make that much difference for a milk drink. The BB+ does make a difference compare to the two cheap ones I had but Beans vs preground made the biggest difference which I knew but too stingy to get a grinder….

            Start with looking at what you want. Good coffee machine cannot be have cheap. Cheap machine make average to junk coffee. Its a balance between price and quality.

            Also see what James said about low end machines here:

            Just take it with a gran of salt… he is a super coffee nob.

  • +2

    I’ve had one for a few years. Coffee is ok, but definitely not as good as my Sunbeam dual thermo block. The pro of having a small foot print is also its downfall because the boiler is very small and easily over heats. This means you have to let it cool down, maybe switch it off, and dump a heap of water. This is only a dilemma if you make an espresso and then steam milk, or if you do multiple drinks. The steam wand is average too. Heat up time is rapid. Personally, I would spend extra and get a Bambino, or even better a Bambino Plus.

  • Had this since 2018 and going strong. The only issue was the plastic 3-way valve breaking after heavy use (3-4 coffees with milk per day), ordered the part for $29 on eBay and replaced myself. Once you have the puck prep down, the machine holds up pretty well in terms of shot pull/output and average milk steamer (18grams to 30gram shot).

    I've passed this on to mum and have since moved onto the Breville dual boiler, still kinda miss the small footprint of the dedica. Also, I found the the boiling heats up quicker than my BDB. Not sure if it's the same for the Bambino as @syswong suggests or just a feature for smaller machines.

    There are a few Dedica videos you YouTube I'd recommend watching for coffee prep inspo, some pretty cool stuff.

    • Dedica come in a few spec. The one selling in Aldi is the basic version. Take almost a minute to heat up, and the portafilter is just…. well you get what you pay for.

      BDB takes ages to heat up because its a boiler base machine unless you keep it on all the time. Most people set a timer if their coffee time is regular. Bambino is thermal block type machine and the version in Bambino is really quick… 3 seconds. Run once or twice to heat up the portafilter and clean the shower screen then its good to go. Not for those who look for consistency in temperature and pressure though, you have to pay for those features.

      • Which spec of Dedica is best? And how do you tell?

        • The Arte model EC885 is the best one with this footprint.

          That model has a real steam wand.

          I am still happy with my Dedica 685 (like this deal) - when I purchased it, I upgraded the steam wand to a Rancilio one, and got a bottomless basket/portafilter from Aliexpress. (Because of the upgrade cost, if it were available then, the 885 would have been a better choice for me)

          I like the design of the Dedica, it has a small footprint, a thermocoil for quick heat-up, adjustable temperature (well, 3 settings H/M/L) and two programmable brew buttons.

          I set mine to the highest temperature setting, purge the cooler water out first, and use the programmable buttons.
          You need another cup to dump the water out of the steam wand before and after steaming to get back to the brew temperature.
          It doesnt have fancy solenoids to get the pressure out once the shot is finished- so you need to leave the portafilter in for a few minutes otherwise it can make a bit of a mess.

          Overall, the Dedica makes good coffee, although these days I mostly use it when I am away from home (with the Kingrinder K4) as I have a dual boiler there now.

      • +1

        Pretty sure the ALDI Dedica one is thermal block too, hence why it's so fast to heat up and be ready to go.

        • Check ✓

          The unique Thermoblock technology keeps the water at the exact temperature required to brew a perfect Espresso.

  • +3

    Was fortunate enough to pick up the 885 for around this price recently (with upgraded Steam wand).
    Very happy with it so far. If you want a machine that is a bit of work, but a lot of fun as an entry point to manual coffee makin, this one is good. I do recommend the odd additional accessory, the tamper it comes with is decent though. Don’t go the manual grinder route unless you’re a masochist :D

    Tom’s Coffee Corner on YouTube has expansive reviews on the different things you can do with a 685/885. The compactness is handy for small kitchens but as others have said there are always other (more expensive) options:

    • If you want a machine that is a bit of work

      More than other manual espresso machines? How so?

      • More so, less so, YMMV

    • +1

      That is an awesome deal for a Dedica 885.
      By the way, do they come with single wall baskets?

      • Ships with 2x sizes of pressurized filters (and 1 for ESE pods which aren’t common or reasonably priced locally).
        I picked up a basic Single-wall with bottomless 51mm portafilter on Amazon for about $34 but there are better ones available (Normcore etc.). All in all, a lot of fun!

        • +1

          Thanks - the single wall basket helps a lot.

  • +2
    Recommend this video. Really simple video about the machine and some good initial tips.

  • +1

    If people care, the slower heating thermoblocks will last longer.

    Rapid heating expansion does have a downside.

  • +1

    Had one of these for about 4 years before it died. Didn’t miss a beat doing 3-4 Coffs a day. Just got another one a month or so ago for $200

  • +1

    Nice little machine.

    It is working great so far and coffee from this machine is better than McDonald’s.
    No complain.

    • +1

      Not tempted by getting the Breville Duo-Temp for $300?

      • Not at the moment, I am looking to get the Gaggia CP eventually and keep that long term.

        This Dedica bridges the gap nicely.

        I have access to commercial machine at work so not fancy about expensive coffee machines.

        • If you mod the Gaggia then is about the same price as BDB on special, and you have the advantage of having two boiler….

          • @syswong: I heard the BDB is plasticky and made in China. I feel like product coming out of China is a bit of hit and miss. Your luck is depending on the outsource OEM and the shift worker of your machine.


            Not worth the risk at that price point.

            • +1

              @Kayk: I am with you on the no made in China opinion.

              Also Rarely discussed here is the classification of the Gaggia, regularly mentioned as a machine class product. Design and hand make in Italy.

      • Under intense pressure from the missus, I got the Breville y'day. The tightarse that I am — and not a coffee buff at all — if it was only up to me, I prolly would've gotten the Dedica (or — even more likely! — the Ambiano from Kmart).

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