Hi guys, I have a 3x3m Absco toolshed and have found that water seems to seep inside every time it pours. So taking the advice of my neighbour I cleaned the base edges (just using a pressure washer) and filled it with expanding foam, inside and out. Was a painful job.. See here example of one of the sides on the outside: https://imgur.com/gXAEE6u
That was a week ago. It poured last night and water has still seeped in. So now I have 2 questions,
1) how the heck do I remove that set expanding foam?
2) does anyone have any tried and tested solutions on how to close those gaps to waterproof the shed?
my tool shed has the same problem - tried laying down some off-cut metal bars, then sealant in and around but water just gets through when it's pissing down - its a very slow trickle though so just live with it. I suspect you need something that will form a very tight seal against the concrete.