How Do I Fix This DIY Fail - Remove Expanding Foam and Waterproof Toolshed Another Way

Hi guys, I have a 3x3m Absco toolshed and have found that water seems to seep inside every time it pours. So taking the advice of my neighbour I cleaned the base edges (just using a pressure washer) and filled it with expanding foam, inside and out. Was a painful job.. See here example of one of the sides on the outside:

That was a week ago. It poured last night and water has still seeped in. So now I have 2 questions,
1) how the heck do I remove that set expanding foam?
2) does anyone have any tried and tested solutions on how to close those gaps to waterproof the shed?



  • -1

    my tool shed has the same problem - tried laying down some off-cut metal bars, then sealant in and around but water just gets through when it's pissing down - its a very slow trickle though so just live with it. I suspect you need something that will form a very tight seal against the concrete.

    • Yeh for me the floor just feels damp/wet along the edges so I just have to put stuff up on bricks/pavers which is not ideal..

      • get some sh!tty pine pallets add them in as a new flooring.

        • +1
          Alhough the warping would do my head in.

  • -8

    Do this

    Stop listening to your neighbour.

    • I prefer to use Google :)

    • +1

      Bing? Really? Think I threw up in my mouth a little… At least you could have used DuckDuckGo…

      • +1

        It's one thing to rick roll someone, but linking to bing crosses a line.

        zaggie added to my list.

        • +2

          What about zeggie?

          Poor zaggie should not suffer as a conseqequence of these actions.

          • +2

            @MS Paint: Good point.. zaggie removed, zeggie added.

            But still that zaggie looks dodgy.

  • +1

    does anyone have any tried and tested solutions on how to close those gaps to waterproof the shed?

    Ideally having proper dainage for water would minimize the seepage. Also Absco sheds are not designed to be waterproof. While you can minimize you wont be able to waterproof the shed.

    • Hmm ok.

  • +3

    Build a carport over your shed.

    • +1

      Move the shed indoors… It sounds like it's an indoor shed.

      • No doors on the carport.

  • Clad each leaky side (and any that face the sun) with weatherboard, or simply use sheets of large fibre-cement-boards, and seal the joints. The water and the sun can't reach the metal so your foam can stay ink situ, and your metal will not get so hot and cold.

    You can even put roofing blanket behind it to insulate it whilst you're at it, again great on any side which copts the sun.

  • Expanding foam is more of a void filler - not a sealant.
    I think a proper silicon sealant would work a lot better.

    As for removing it, maybe try a pressure washer?

    • That will be a lot of large gaps to fill using a silicone sealant - thought about it but doesn't seem a practical solution.

  • It wasn't a bad idea. Expanding foam is just to fill the big gaps but it's obviously not water tight. What you need now is some waterproofing membranes to coat it over.

  • Sikaflex or some sort of bitumen tape?

  • Maybe pick up some generic Colorbond flashing, tin snips and sealant and shape/attach it to the lower part in such a way that it draws water from the walls and away from the slab.
    Is the shed plumbed, i'm guessing it doesn't have gutters etc.

    Otherwise this sounds like an option

    It could just be the natural porosity of the slab as well though which may be hard to deal with.

    • Yeh no gutters.

      Saw the Adhesive Neoprene Foam Tape - only thing is with the gaps I have (wide and then literally like 1-2mm, on repeat) I don't think it would work for me.

      The porosity of the slab is a fair point as well. Something I have thought about.

      I think this is one of those too hard to solve items…

  • That U channel is designed to remove water, you need to seal around the perimeter on the inside.

    • Have done that, so what you see on the outside I've replicated that on the inside.

  • Could it be that your shed slab doesn't have a rebated edge?
    I had my slab laid with a rebated edge to prevent water ingress.

  • Is it leaking in at the steel, or under it? If it’s ‘seeping’ my guess is it’s coming under the steel frame. Need to seal between concrete and shed, not shed sheet and frame.

  • +1

    Is it leaking from the sides or bottom?
    The leak may well be come from a wall edge and trickling down so looks like it’s coming from the bottom.
    May just be able to seal the gaps around the top.

    Get some stuck on flashing and put on the outside

    • Nah from the bottom for sure. I'll try and take some photos later and post.

  • Looking at that good plumbers silicone should have done the job but if you have larger caps colourbond strips even wood(painted or treated) as long as water isnt sitting then use waterproof silicone.

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