Travel options for Picton to Wilton, NSW

A friend has a job opportunity working club gigs in Wilton, NSW. He can get as far as Picton from Central Station via train but has to find his own transportation for the last 11-13km. Does anyone know what the bus, taxi, or Uber situation is like in that neck of the woods? Any other suggestions we haven't thought of would be appreciated, too.


  • +2

    maybe the club has a free transport bus between station and club, ring and ask

    • Thanks for the suggestion - will do.

  • Any other suggestions we haven't thought of would be appreciated


    • +1

      I'll suggest it just to see the look on his face when I do. ;)

  • Perhaps taxi/Uber options would be better from somewhere like Campbelltown?

    • I'll check that out. Here's hoping the best fare doesn't kill his profit. ;)

  • Running is a healthy and active option.

  • should get a good rhythm going then

  • Get on the local FB groups and ask there. Many locals will likely offer a lift. Happens a lot as transport is notoriously bad here.


    Theres a Picton to Wilton bus. I googled "picton to wilton bus"……… Schedules are not great though.

    • Thanks for the link. I used the NSW transport site which brings up all the public transport available. He'll be working weekends and you noticed that it's a weekday service.

  • +1

    A friend has a job opportunity working club gigs in Wilton, NSW

    Last time I was in that area it wasn't obvious that there was a vibrant 'club' scene out there.
    Where is here likely to be working? Golf Club?

    • It's a friend of a friend offer and scant on the details right now. Something about entertainment events that aren't the circus, so far.

      We're just learning as much as we can. If it's going to be a pain in the neck just getting there, he won't invest too much time considering it unless the pay is really good.

  • Not sure where the gig would be located at wilton I thought it was just houses out there, but he could try asking the venue.

    The train from central to Picton will be 2-2.5 hours each way. It’s also out of metro so get him to look at the actual schedule/departure times, trains likely infrequent depending on the time of day.

    Dunno about Uber, but last time I took a taxi to a ‘remoteish’ place there was an extra fee for ‘out of area’

    • Thank you for the advice.

  • Tell your friend to buy a car.
    Like everyone else who lives in this area.
    Or work close to home, if they are good enough to get a gig.

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