With summer just around the corner, think this is a great deal.
Same fan retails for $249 normally and is currently on special @ around $199 on Amazon and jbhifi.
I already have 2 in my living areas and does a great job pushing air through.
With summer just around the corner, think this is a great deal.
Same fan retails for $249 normally and is currently on special @ around $199 on Amazon and jbhifi.
I already have 2 in my living areas and does a great job pushing air through.
roughly how long would you say the power chord is?
Less than 2 metres from memory. I put these fans in the corner of the room or by an open window/sliding door
Approximately two octaves.
you treble maker you
Power chords are usually fifths, but yes funny
What's the optimal placement for these fans?
Assuming temperature is cooler outside the building, is it better to place the fan by an open window facing inside the building or outside?
Inside the room
Second this. Eventually gave mine away because of the noise.
The DC version can start with a smart plug and is quiet on the lower settings.
Correct. I also have a DC and it gets significantly more usage for these reasons.
Good price but note that these fans are loud, even on lowest mode.
I've got a 660 and I wouldn't say the lowest fan setting is that loud, especially not compared to your run-of-the-mil sub-$100 tower/pedestal fans from Bunnings, HN, Good Guys, etc all of which are usually MUCH louder on any setting, far less effective at pushing air (so you have no choice but to run them on the highest setting all the time) and they usually make a ton of creaking/rattling/squeaking noises to boot whereas the Vornados have very silent fan bearings and moving parts (not to mention they're physically much smaller) so all you hear is wind noise.
Though if you want a fan that you can leave on in your bedroom while you sleep then the smaller models like the 560 or 460 are better options and plenty of Amazon reviews seem to suggest that people do use them as bedroom fans.
Have a couple of Vornado's and on low they are damn quiet - agree with comments below, the DC versions are best.
A friend once built a grid of PC fans into a frame and stuck them in the window to do the same thing, worked ridiculously well (did some measurements on how quickly it could change the temp in the room based on outside temperature, can't remember the exact numbers but it was impressive). Also thanks to these fans going faster/slower based purely on voltage, it was simply to have a speed controller on it.
Looked pretty ghetto though.
Nothings going to beat my $20 Big W sh!tter.
Make sure you stick a Jerry Smith sticker on your Jerry, so it can.
Which warehouse was it?
Auburn NSW but i assum its nationwide since it doesnt end on .97
Today i learnt. 👌
The large dc version is like 170 ~ 179. At GGC
Thanks for this. DC is the way to go. Might also be a bit quieter (and maybe have more fan speed settings?).
It uses an analogue dial, so basically has continuous settings between off and full. Also means you can turn it on and off with a smart plug.
Can confirm the DC version has more speed setting increments but more importantly is quieter. Worth the extra spend IMO.
I have both and use the DC version because of the noise
Yeah I would only get the DC version.
Very quiet on lower settings, of which the DC version has a continuously variable dial.
It is louder at highest settings (similar to dialling it to 11), but then the sheer volume being circulated, at quite some distance, is very impressive.
note that these are circulation fans, not cooling fans. It moves air volume around to keep overall room temp lower and more even than it otherwise would be.
It isn’t meant to be sat in front of to evaporate the heat away from your skin like a table fan, although it can do that.
Goodguys Commercial
what's the DC version model #?
I use this for Zwift, works a treat
Prior to giving it a full overhaul, I need some kind of fan in my patio area to move the hot air that is trapped under it (Adelaide summer mixed with a flat polycarbonate roof) to get us through the summer.
Would this be a good option or is there another fan / stop gap solution prior to fixing the design/ materials for my patio?
Can't answer the question but added a + to eliminate the stupidly anonymous neg.
I'm a big fan of this fan
I have two of these and they are used just about year round bar winter. Great for keeping gentle airflow in any room at any time, and can enhance the feeling of coolness with air conditioned rooms too. I sleep with one on the lowest setting almost year round, quiet and even on that setting moves heeeaaapps of ar.
Can this help push cool air from the airconned downstairs to the upstairs area
Great price, I personally bought 2 of them second hand from Facebook marketplace, paid around $90 all up. Still under the 5-year warranty. Might be worth a look.
Bought one of these at the start of last summer for home office. Noise doesn't bother me as I have music playing anyway, but they are terrific at basically creating a constant breeze to move air around. Great for those days that aren't hot enough for the aircon but you need something to not feel too hot.
I have a DC version, run it on low setting pretty much 20/7 for the last 3 years. Solid and quiet on low setting. Worth paying more for the DC version
What’s the electricity wattage of these per hour ? 300-500watts Im guessing ?
How much is the dc version?
I've got one of these and use it when I'm zwifting on the indoor trainer. Really good for it
Good price but note that these fans are loud, even on lowest mode.
You need to press a button to start it, so you can't switch it on with a smart plug.
But if you don't mind noise, the sucker moves a tonne of air. I use one to bring in cool air from outside when it cools down as of an evening.