About this item
Intel Core i5 12400
8GB DDR4 (1 x 8GB)
Intel UHD Graphics 630
Windows 11 Home
About this item
Intel Core i5 12400
8GB DDR4 (1 x 8GB)
Intel UHD Graphics 630
Windows 11 Home
The product photos imply that it has a dGPU installed.
they use stock photos. only the i7 models come with nvidia card. afaik. from acers website.
Too bad, would be a great price if it came with the 1030.
Not a bad deal since 12400 retail is around $300:
Haha that’s the most generic manual ever.
Yep, that turned out to be pretty worthless.
should be
Intel® UHD Graphics 730, why it has an Intel UHD Graphics 630?
your right. ill tell you about it when mine gets delivered on sunday.
I'd say it's a typo. According to this, it's a 730:
and this
Very unique that this machine has an optical drive, good for people who still have that media I guess.
Though cant playback dvd movies anymore on newer intel cpus though
Pretty sure you’re confused, it’s Ultra HD Bluray playback that isn’t possible due to the removal of SGX support in the CPU.
that kind of sucks not that I even own or buy blurays. I have been happy to do away with physical media.
Good to use this as a second SSD slot.
I take it this only takes low profile GPUs?
looks like it. i marked oos
These pages here show some of the internals:
Back up for back orders
Dammit all gone now.
This probably would have been the cheapest Windows 11 machine under the sun. I would have been happy with backorder as well I am in no rush for it.
Totally Ozbargained.
Would this have been good for a PLEX server?
This has 12th gen i5 processor. I was going to use it for my main machine if I snagged one. The only thing that's lacking is the 8GB of RAM, but an extra 8GB stick shouldn't cost much I think.
Overkill for a plex server IMO.
It's back now but the price is showing as $1199.
Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months .. but good price if it suits your needs.