Freebie/s from Epic Games. As usual, available from 3am AEDT.
This week's freebies - Alba: A Wildlife Adventure + Shadow Tactics: Blades of The Shogun.
Freebie/s from Epic Games. As usual, available from 3am AEDT.
This week's freebies - Alba: A Wildlife Adventure + Shadow Tactics: Blades of The Shogun.
Man didn't Evil Dead just come out?? Glad I didn't buy it
You shopped smart.
You shopped….S-Mart!
Lol, it is always puzzling when people upvote the responses like these but not the set up - do people really think it is a pure coincidence that I would talk about "shopping smart" in an Evil Dead related post. Maybe I should bold the tiny syllables.
yup I don't even buy games now
Wow, Evil Dead is still a recent game. Must have been a bad idea being an Epic exclusive.
Epic pay the developers for the free game "purchases" though!
Surprising as it's fairly new, better early than later with a multiplayer based game.
From the looks of let's plays it's good but doesn't have staying power.
Evil Dead is a great game, have been playing since launch.
Was really excited for dark deity when it first came out, it looked similar to fire emblem in many ways.
The actual game itself however…felt hollow (first two hours in)
Thanks for this! I'm glad that I held off from purchasing Dark Deity on Steam - it came up on sale a couple of times for $26~ or so and I wasn't that interested so I held off. This will be a great chnace to try it.
Good bot! :)
Didn't like dark deity as much as fire emblem 6 - 8.
Evil dead? Give me Knights of Xentar please!
Sweet I was looking for a couple of games I’d never play, and it looks like these fit the bill.