• expired

Sony Bravia 75" X90K, Full Array LED, 4K Smart TV $3295 Delivered (+ Bonus $500 eGift Card) @ Sony Store


Today I noticed on the Sony store that the 75" X90K TV is selling for $3,295 with a $500 gift card and free delivery.

The price seems good so I went to JB Hi-Fi Joondalup for a price match and they agreed.

In summary, I paid $3,295 - got a $500 JB Hi-Fi gift card (on the spot, no expiry) and free delivery!

EDIT: Sony store has increased their price to $3,995 - initial price must have been a pricing mistake. No more deal.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Could have got 12% off further from Sony with Cashrewards?

    • +4


    • How do I get Cashrewards when buying in-store? On the spot, I bought a soundbar with the $500 gift card. I'm not waiting for weeks/months to enjoy my new TV.

      FYI Sony store promises gift card in 5-7 weeks!

      And if you look on JB Hi-Fi website, it's 2 weeks wait for the gift card if you buy online.

      • +6

        12% cashback is only for Sony online store. Their gift card is a pre-paid Visa card which can basically be used anywhere instore/online. 5-7 week wait though like you said which may not suit everyone - like yourself.

        All that matters is you're happy with your purchase!

        • +6

          Nah I'd be pretty annoyed that I didn't get 12% cashback

          • +2

            @RADICALIST: I would go one step further.

          • @RADICALIST: If you need a soundbar - could also price match with JB online via their chat sales team. Get the chat rep to add a sony soundbar to the cart along with it and it should get you an additional 15% off, plus the $500 gift card.

            Note, I don't know if JB has closed this 'loophole'. But the last time they did the TV + soundbar promo, I got a TV price matched and with a soundbar in the same cart, it applied the additional 15% discount. Didn't go ahead with the purchase though.

            • @BW296: Depends on the sales person I guess. I needed to buy a tv when they ran that 15% off promo with a soundbar last, I was told it’s 15% off the sticker price not negotiated price.

              • @spc12go: Actually, you're right. It was the 10% off site-wide they did that also stacked with the tv + soundbar offer.

                Ignore my previous post!

  • Not much people buying it at that price, Sony needs to do better.

    • +2

      Sony generally do the best with video processing and are reliable, so that's what you pay for.

      • They excel at blooming too. At this pricepoint it's pathetic.

        • +1

          They excel at blooming too

          Keep telling people, LG, Samsung, Sony all have blooming, what do you want to buy?

  • +1

    Isn't this worse than the older x90j?

    This or tcl c835?

    • +1

      Isn't the c835 half this price?

    • Would like to know this too

      • TCL mini LED, Sony full array

    • Yes this one has a lot of blooming as compared to x90J.. TCL is a mini led, X90K is a FALD LED.. different techs..With TCL picture quality is way better as is the sound with onkyo speakers..build quality wise I have rarely heard complaints for a Sony TV but TCL has had issues.

      • build quality wise I have rarely heard complaints for a Sony TV but TCL has had issues.

        That is why quite difficult to decide, better tech or better brand.

        • I got the 75C835 for 1600 odd from the TGG sale.. at that price.. there is no question which is a better buy

  • Further $100 off if you have the Amex offer

  • buy it from thegoodguys with frenzy 20% off + $500 real cash - might be better

    • Realcash expired yesterday. Was only till 09/11.

      Edit: Nvm, just checked. Still available

    • Can you price match sony in Goodguys and then use frenzy 20% off ?

      • Was looking at another tv and would love to know this. TGG price is far higher than everyone else.
        edit: Can't see anything about it in their t's & c's, would need to call the online sales team.

        • +2

          Probably price-jacked. I kept watching 65" XR65 X90K. The price was $2,295 during the past few weeks. But when checking this morning, the price was jacked for $800 in TGG. Other retailers including JB jacked to $2495. I will kick sony out of my watchlist.

          • @Wencong: Price match against their own Sony ebay store $2295 minus 5% code plusnov1.

  • +1

    Over priced, it’s not even OLED.

    • +2

      75 inch Oled at $3300?

  • +2

    With 12% cashback and $500 e-giftcard it is effectively about $850 less so $2400 for 75" Sony is not bad.

  • +1

    Price match Sony online against their Sony eBay store $3295 minus 5% code plusnov1 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/284981639465

    • Ebay TV cashback is 1.5%

      • +1

        No, price match at Sony online store, point to the discounted price on eBay. So you’d pay 5% less, plus the 12% CR cash back, plus the $500 gift card, a trifecta!

        • +1

          Does CR works with price match?

          • @spc12go: Yes according to past comments on OB.

            • @Buy2Much: Unless someone actually got the Cashback approved. Having it tracked doesn’t mean much. I had CB tracked from buying Sony through the partner portal and there was no payout at the end. It was denied.

              • +1

                @spc12go: There were a couple of comments from people who received the cash back on OB…

              • +1

                @spc12go: I've had multiple price match requests approved and paid out from Cashrewards in the last few months.

                As for your purchase, their T&Cs say that partner portal purchases are not eligible:
                "Cashback is ineligible on purchases made with exclusive discounts provided to employees, corporate and commercial partners of Sony Australia. Cashback is also ineligible for Sony X Members, Alpha Pro Support, Student and Educator program members, and Service Centres."

                Better off just price matching through a regular account just to avoid any uncertainty.

        • Sounds great however, assuming you need to talk to a online rep to manually change the price, so there is a risk to void the 12% cashback but I didn't find on CR T&Cs if pricematch will void cashback.
          Edit: saw your comments on price match works… then nice one!

          • @VXCT: There’s an online form to request price match, you don’t need to talk directly to rep.

            Price match instruction:
            1. Create a Sony account if you do not have one.
            2. Add item to cart.
            3. There an option to request price match on the same page, enter details of the price match vendor etc.
            4. Within a business day, Sony will email you yay or nay. The price will be updated in your cart. Note: my recent requests took them 3-4 days to respond.
            5. Activate CR or SB for tracking. Make payment.

  • +1
  • Will wait for OLED TVs

  • -1

    Sorry folks, the Sony store has increased their price to $3,995 - initial price must have been a pricing mistake.

    No more deal ;)

    • Good thing I wasn't going to buy it.

    • Their eBay store still have the “old price” which you can price match 😉

    • If it is a pricing error they honored my order and dispatched. :)

      • Are your tracking details showing anything? I ordered and received a tracking number with a link to DHL which never loads. It showed up in the auspost app for me but its still on Ready for Processing..

        • I got a text message saying it is to be delivered today and the DHL website only updated today.

  • Fantastic TV. I got the x90J 75 inch on the student sale for $1950.

  • Agree, x90j is an awesome TV. Do not compare with TCL or Hisense rubbish. There is no comparison. Dont just go by the specs on paper. Often reality is very different to their marketing spin.

  • The price needs to drop to around $2200, it's too much. I'm interested in this TV too but not at this price point.

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