Eligible games have to have $10 trade in value each.
With the right games to trade in, the prices for each game could be as low as ~$50-60.
Good to stack with the $10 JB perks coupon to buy games for trade in.
Eligible games have to have $10 trade in value each.
With the right games to trade in, the prices for each game could be as low as ~$50-60.
Good to stack with the $10 JB perks coupon to buy games for trade in.
That's always the mystery. The list is for staff only. You can call them or come in store to check. But rule of thumb, I always look at the prices for preowned games to have an idea about their trade in value. Trade in price is normally around 1/3 of it, Switch games are slightly higher from experience.
So PS/Xbox games at around $30-32 mark, Switch around high $20s.
1/3 of preowned price or EB RRP?
Is the Deal still up and if it is how long is it up for?
usually higher than selling price of $28
Is the deal still on and how long will it last?
Heads up EB Games don't price match the launch edition.
Depends who you get ;)
Asked for a price match with Big W. He replied "$95 right?" ( that was the price yesterday, not today). I just nodded, used my discounted gift card and left a happy man…
Ahh well done!
I paid $95 weeks ago for the god of war ragnorok ps5 preorder at ebgames to price matching bigw price at that time. When i went to pick up today, Only been told i have to pay $99 if i want to matching bigw, because it is their price today. they can not matching Amazon's $95 because it is not a physical store. And bigw ebay store price can not be matched because ebay funded their price. I missed ordering the $75 copy from bigw ebay because i think i already have a preorder. I was so angry, i asked a full refund, and bought one from JB next door for $89 using my $10 loyalty vourcher. Can't understand why ebgames peoeople thinks they are so special that they can play with their customer.
Did you try price match Amazon's $95 with JB?
I forgot doing it, wasnt in a good mood.
@czqlj: Even though I paid more than I wanted, after playing 4 hours today I would have paid double! Great game so far.
The store manager at my local eb has changed his name tag to say "King Bob" (Bob is not his real name but you get the idea…).
The previous manager at the same store was such a lovely guy, so it's luck of the draw.
Exactly what I experienced in Officework. Staff tried to sell for a few bucks more but ended up losing the whole sale.
Eb Games tried this with me too, I asked they put a note on the pre order (which the system allows free text) stating that was the preorder price on the day I ordered and will honour that price on the day of pickup.
Definately a shady thing to do taking pre-orders at one agreed price then changing it later in hopes the other retailer is out of stock or no longer cheap on the day.
TLDR: EB Games suck
I don't understand why anyone chooses to shop at EB. They are never the cheapest unless you get them to price match. Why not reward the company that is already offering it at a cheaper price by giving them the business?
Their price match system is also one of the worst.
Only brick and mortar stores (makes sense), has to be within the shopping centre/postcode, the price cant be too low (i.e. theres a maximum that they can discount each item) and can't price match consoles.
@jjsu: I got told that they wouldnt price match jb hifi, 30m metres away, if its on sale, that they can only price match their base or 'normal' price.
Was only asking for an $8 reduction to match as well.
I would have felt more respect for them if they just said they dont price match.
Cairns store price matched Harvey Norman at $95 for me before I even had a chance to ask.
Ofc this is a thing after I traded a few games during the extra credit towards a preorder.
I was just thinking about that.
Pretty scummy, EB.
Give it a few weeks heck days , there will be a few on Marketplace for around $50
And Black Friday Sale in two weeks 25th November….Game will be used as a carrot. Prediction it will be on sale somewhere around <$70 price point.
Hopefully you’re right.
I don't know others, but I barely shop with EB, they are just too dear. Maybe the carrots??
Trading in games I get for really cheap from OzB posts towards releases I want is one of the main reasons.
I mainly purchased from them through the Trade 2, Get it for $X.
I know a lot of people shop at EB to get their exclusives or collector editions.
I went in today and I can confirm that a copy of CoD Black Ops 4 (ps4) can be traded in as one of the two games required for this deal, I unfortunately did not have a second game valued high enough to trade in for this offer.
Just walked in to my local EB Games, the deal is still on. I traded in Kena spirit of the bridge and Resident evil Village, got the PS5 version for $49.
Where can we find list of eligible games?