• expired

Belkin Connect N150 Wireless Router [F7D1301AU] $18 at HN


Belkin Connect N150 Wireless Router [F7D1301AU] $18 at HN.

  • Limit 3 per customer. While stocks last!

With the Belkin Connect Wireless Router you can share your music, videos and documents with all your home computers. This N-Technology driven router is great to share files over the network wirelessly and efficiently.

The Belkin Connect Wireless Router features wireless N technology meaning great network performance, with speeds up to 150 Mbps.

WPS/WPA2 encryption standards and preset security settings get you up and running safely. One-touch Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) securely connects multiple computers and devices with the push of a button.
Easy Setup

Get your secure wireless network up and running in minutes. Just three easy steps.
Self Healing App

The Self Healing App automatically detects and resolves network problems and runs routine maintenance scans to give you the clearest wireless channel.

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closed Comments

  • Holy **** I purchased this a few months ago when it was on sale for like $80..!!!

  • +3

    $29 at MSY, $59 at mwave

  • +1

    Just bought 2 for home :)

    • +7

      What can you use 2 for? because I want to buy 2 as well now :|

      • +2

        I'd like to know also. As far as I know I have no need for any but maybe I really need 2 also :D

        I'm guessing for extending and/or repeating…

        • +16

          Maybe I need 3! Do they get warm? could use them for heaters :)

        • +3

          I like the way you think, best buy 3 now and figure out if they are needed later :)

        • +4

          capitalism need you guys,keep it on.

        • +18

          If you buy enough of them & put them in a circle you could make a super-collider for ethernet packets!

          Although, if you're on a budget you can just use the three in close proximity to pop a kernel of corn! :p

        • +2

          lol i bought 2 so i can connect my playstation up at one end of the house and my media player up at the other end :)

        • +1

          There you go. You figure out a way to create a time machine!

  • +1

    probably a dumb question but does anyone know if this can be connected without a desktop pc?

    • yes.

      • -7

        Just to clarify, Kill Joy was referring his yes to:
        It's a dumb question =P

        • +5

          Maybe you should swap names with Killjoy Stevie

        • +3


      • Just to clarify, I was referring my yes as an answer to the question. It was an honest question that though obvious to us might not have been to this user. Maybe we should switch names…

    • +16

      not a dumb question at all. older belkin routers (aimed at noobs) required an ethernet connection and then run the install cd to be able to web login to the damn router…

      if you intend to do medium to heavy torrent downloading, avoid this router. it likes to drop out or freeze under heavy load. also the wireless range is poor.

      • +2

        you just saved me $18 thanks :)

        • In all fairness, my mate's one has had no such difficulties…it's been $18 well spent by all accounts.

          That said, he doesn't do any heavy torrenting or other p2p stuff; but he streams all but the highest bitrate 1080p movies across his network with ease! ;)

  • Want to buy but struggling to find a use for it lol

  • +1

    Picked up one of these on the way out also:

    I couldn't be bothered doing a price comparison but I think its an all right deal on a shredder.

    • Thanks thirdy. Got me a shredder. Now to return my peach shredder to officeworks and use the credit to buy the cheapo 500gb porta drive

  • Very cheap but I am afraid to buy because of its unreliability unless it has been fixed with the latest firmware.

    • +1

      Buy it. Try it. If you don't like it sell it on. Just keep all the original packaging. Worst case scenario you will break even…. :)

  • +2

    Is this any good as a wireless extender for my Billion?

    • .

    • i want to know too. i have billion 7500(i guess) in a 2 bedders. really need a serious reason to give HN $18 for this router.

    • It will work and it is cheap so give it a shot

  • Not supported for DD-WRT software :(

  • i had one like this, although might have been the n300.
    found it a little bit mediocre. could get 30mbps sometimes on speedtest.net with bigpond, then othertimes it would go quite low.
    i upgraded to bigpond 100mbps and the cisco wifi router i got with the upgrade will always give me a solid 60-70mbps. yet bridging the belkin to test at the beginning still gave me around 30-35mbps at best.
    if you have no wifi, great price for something entry, if you have wifi g you will only see a little improvement with this i believe.

  • For those interested and out of the loop this was posted 3 months ago at the same price and store. Not marked expired so does this count as a dupe =P


    Good read for those interested in previous comments and Qs

    • One of my mates picked one up in that deal, so far it's been a very capable little router, and who could argue with the price! :)

  • for the tech illiterate, please help.. I need a new wirless modem.. this wont help me right?

    • +1

      This doesn't have a modem built into it so it won't help, you are correct.

      For $39 you can get the modem+router version, see linky below

      That said I'd probably budget higher and get something better if you're starting from scratch.

      • +2

        Cheap Modem/Routers are not recommended, especially if you want something to just 'work'.
        I would go with something like this: http://www.shoppingexpress.com.au/buy/netgear-wndr3800-wirel… over the cheapies anyday, a router not working is the biggest pain in the arse!

        • Will this help solve my vodafone slow connection? Its a serious question.

        • +2

          More than likely not. More probable issues are; Distance from exchange, line noise or firmware or settings issues. Best place for support is probably whirlpool forums.

        • +7

          Nothing can solve problems with a Yodafone connection! It's a serious answer. ;)

        • agree, i have three cheap modem dead in last 4 years, value more than a good one.

        • agreed, the netgear modem routers are much better than the rubbish belkin and linksys available

        • +3

          You certainly don't speak for everyone when you say cheap modem / routers are not recommended.
          I and plenty of other Whirlpoolians would recommend buying a TP-Link TD-W8690N if you want to buy a good, reliable cheap unit .Mine has been switched on 24 /7 for the past 3 years and has used for downloading squillions of movies etc and for connection my Gigaset base.


        • tp-link W8960N it's a good one for its price!

        • +1

          Linksys, rubbish? I don't think so..

        • I spend a fair bit of time on WP also, most of the DSL hardware complaints are from cheap ones… if you dont have the cash then yeah get a cheapie but I think spending the extra is worth it. Ive had so many cheapie routers that are bricked after a year…if that.

        • @Anthony Check it for yourself. Look at any review for their cheap models.

  • Just bought the router and realised that I have absolutely no use for it.
    Im such a sucker for a good deal.

    On the off chance you want to buy the router, consider taking it off my hands and PM me.

  • +1

    Can this be used as a bridge?

    • +1

      No. I brought one last time they were on sale and they work ok.
      Wireless signal isn't the best. Mine seems to restart every hour or so.
      No 3rd party software when i looked last

      • +1


  • Can anyone confirm if this can be used as a Wirless Access Point or Repeter?

    My modem router is in another room and I want to recive the wireless signal, make this an AP or Repeter and then connect my old xbox via wired connection to one of the rear ports?

    If this does not anyone got ideas on a cheap reliable router that would without lag for my online gaming?


    • AFAIK it can be used as an AP, but only certain model Belkins can do full wireless bridge mode using stock firmware; and again AFAIK this isn't one of the chosen few.

    • It can be used as a pure AP with an IP address, but cannot be used as a repeater.

  • Can you flash 3rd party firmware into it?

  • Assume the 4 wired ports on this are only run at the older 100mb speed?

  • Tech newbie here. I am currently have problem with streaming HD movies smoothly from my PC to my Netgear DGN3700 modem router to my WDTV streaming player.

    Can I use this Belkin router and connect wirelessly to DGN3700, and then connect my WDTV using cable to this Belkin router, and stream the movies?

    If possible, can someone point to me on how to set up this Belkin router to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

    • There's lot of reasons for choppy videos. It could be your router but if you're sharing your videos using normal Window file sharing, your videos are probably choppy because SMB sucks. Use NFS instead (something like Hanewin on Windows). This is natively supported on the new WD TV Live Streaming (I believe, I don't have one) and is definitely supported on the older WD TV Live with WDLXTV firmware.

  • +2

    Got one, by the way what is this for?

  • got this last year for $79 from JB hi fi… i would recomend buying 2 because mine crapped itself after 10 months.

    • Not really needed, warranty on these is exchange. Store should just swap it for you.

  • Brilliant and free pickup! just ordered 2 and picking up from mlc center today =)
    Thanks heaps

  • Probably a noob question, but can you use any wifi extender with this or does it have to be a Belkin one?

    • Any wifi extender will work.
      You could even buy 2 of these belikn units and use one as a wifi extender

      Setting up a router as a wifi extender is easy, have a look here if you want some information http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ConfiguringTwoWirelessRoutersW…

      • +1

        Ha, Setting up a router as a wifi extender is easy? Famous last words! If the 2 routers are the same brand you've got half a chance. Otherwise it's pure gamble.

        • +1

          I have set up 4 or so routers to extend the range of a wifi network using the method above and never run into any problem.
          I dont think any pairs are the same brand

        • Thanks guys, I might just buy a wifi extender just to be safe.

        • You could buy one of these to try.
          If you cant get it to work i am sure you could sell it for $15-20

  • Can this be used as a ethernet Switch?

    • yes. it has 4 ethernet ports so you can connect 3 computers to it.

      • Ok so it can be used like this -

        Ethernet Cable from switch in another to this router in another room and used as a switch to give internet access to my other devices. Will the wirless still work along with the ethenet ports?

        • +1

          That will work,
          You will need to disable DHCP on the belkin so all of the devices are assigned an IP by your main router AND manually set the IP address of the belkin to be in the same range as your main router (Give the belkin an IP address outside of the DHCP range on your main router).

          There may be an option in the belkin to set it to bridge mode so it will act as a switch only but if not doing the above should do the trick.

          You can also disable the firewall on the belkin as your main router will already have one

          This may explain it better than I can. It speaks about wifi but the same applies if you want to make the router a switch http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ConfiguringTwoWirelessRoutersW…

        • Ok thanks now would it be best to buy this or just get a switch

        • +1

          It is up to you.
          A switch will be easier to set up as you plug everything in and it works, there is no configuration.

          If you can get a switch for about the same price and do not want wifi then that is what i would buy as there is no setup do do.

          But if you do not mind setting things up to make them work get the belkin and you will also have wifi.

          How many devices would you be connecting to the belkin?
          If you only want to connect 2 you could buy an Ethernet splitter.
          You would then run an ethernet cable from the switch (like you would need to with the belkin).
          The ethernet splitter would then let you run 2 devices over the same ethernet cable.
          The splitter will cost you a little more than the belkin however it needs no power so you save on power costs.

        • I have this unit, and it does work as a switch, if you ignore the WAN port and plug your incoming cable into one of the four remaining ethernet ports.

          If you use the WAN port for the incoming cable (i.e. the cable from your modem), then all of the attached devices will get addresses in the 192.168.2.xxx range, which may not be able to talk to devices connected directly to your modem (usually 192.168.1.xxx range). Port forwarding also won't work, unless you are a guru at network settings.

          I found this out the hard way. My VOIP ATA would register with my provider, but no audio data came through. Ignoring the WAN port, as described above, solved the problem. The only downside is that the LED on the front of the Belkin will continuously flashing yellow, its signal for "I think I'm not attached to a network".

        • how does the connection get spread when not using the WAN port?

        • I'm no network guru, but I can tell you that when you use the router as a switch, it doesn't do DHCP any more. Anything attached to the switch, when booting, looks around for a DHCP server, and only your modem will reply as being a DHCP server.

          The PC must either assume the DHCP server is the gateway to the internet, or perhaps there is a similar mechanism used to determine where the gateway is - independent of DHCP.

      • It has 4 ethernet ports AND 1 wan port so you can connect 4 computers to it

  • Linksys e1200 $35 at HN , Linksys e2000 $44 at DickSmith. I prefer those two…

    • Where's the link for Linksys e1200? I've search on HN website, but didn't get it.

  • +3

    Purchased 2 with no use for them as of yet. Cheers OZB :)

  • Great finding OP - but I controlled myself this time, I'm on a mission not to click the Add to Cart button till Monday, lets see :-)

  • I had this wireless router for a few months till I upgraded when it was on sale before ($19 at HN). I'm with TPG ADSL2 and had to input the prepferred DNS servers for TPG into the modem settings before it started working better. It was otherwise cutting out / losing connection after a every few days of use. Downloading anything pretty much slowed the connection for other users on my network to nothing.

    Not bad after I tinked with the setting though, and good for basic use.

  • Remeber to buy online first, if you go into the store its still priced at $80.
    This special is for online purchase only.

    I made the mistake of going down to my store and only to have the rep tell me its only $18 if I purchase it online.


  • +1

    This is a POS router got one the last time round kept cutting out for no reason and needed to be powered off and on again a few times to get it going again….

  • My experience with Belkin wireless router has not been good as far as reliability and quality is concerned. Just my 2 cents

  • Anyone one to buy them off me? Tried to get them to connect to my modem but its not working, I remember the frustration I had with my old wireless router connecting to my wireless modem. Im located in Brisbane, PM me if you want to buy it off me

    • I always have the same problem, cannot access the router in my computer through the modem. Use the wifi network and connect to the router and then access the router setup.

    • Connect the belkin to your PC first then you can configure it and assign it an IP in the same range as your modem.

    • When you say "wireless modem", what make & model are you talking about; and how are you trying to 'connect' them?

  • +2

    Bought one last time HN had this deal.
    It sits beuatifully on my book shelf with the plastic wrapping still unopened!

    • +1

      LOL, hoarding, the curse of the OzBargainer! :)

  • Excellent, have been using my desktop and Connectify as an ad hoc wireless server (messy option) waiting for an ultra-cheap router- this worked out of the box.

    EDIT: Quick question, have this linked up to a cable modem via the WAN port. Is there any benefit in having the router set as AP mode?

  • hmmmm, purchased yesterday for pickup and got an email today to say there would be at least a 10 day wait for stock. Go, Harvey…..

    I actually wonder whether it I'll see it at all………

  • mine said 28 days!

  • +5
    Tried to get one collect from local store got email response:

    Thank you for your recent order.

    Product Details:
    1 x Belkin Connect Wireless Router - F7D1301AU
    Includes ONLINE ONLY
    Includes Limit 3 per customer. While stocks last!
    Total Paid
    (Incl. GST $1.64)

    Unfortunately we have sold out of this model and I would like to offer you an upgraded model F7D1401AU- CONNECT MODEM ROUTER rrp $129.95.

    Can you please confirm if you are happy to take the upgraded model for the same price?

    Kind regards.

    So I just popped in and picked up my Belkin Wireless MODEM/Router for $18!!! Gimme a Pos if thats the true OB spirit!! haha. Very happy indeed, thanks OP.

    • Well played sir! :)

    • I got a call from my local store and they offered me the F7D2301AU. I think it's the 300Mbps model w/o the modem.

  • I saw this at my local HN yesterday and it is not certified for 802.11n!

    Reading the specs on the box closely, it said "with some wireless-n features…" Neither the N150 router nor the N150 modem-router are certified for 802.11n

    • +2

      It's $18 dude, suck it up!

      • I know what the price is and that is the reason why I haven't negged the deal. I am simply pointing out a potential pitfall to our less technically minded friends. Belkin isn't playing fair by printing in a small font.

        The deal is fair but you are not buying a compliant router.

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