This was posted 2 years 4 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBay Plus] LEGO City Express Passenger Train 60337 $69 Delivered @ Big W eBay


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Cheapest historical pricing

The LEGO City Express Passenger Train set (60337) includes a remote-controlled bullet locomotive with working, dimmable headlights and LEGO Powered Up technology, a restaurant car, passenger coach, station platform, 24 track pieces and 6 minifigures for endless hours of train-themed role play. Designed for kids and train enthusiasts This amazing buildable toy train set comes with an easy-to-follow building guide for each model. Kids aged 7+ can choose to build independently or join friendsand family members for an awesome group build-and-play experience. More than just cool toys for kids LEGO City playsets take kids to the heart of the action with realistic vehicles, feature-rich structures and inspiring characters. Kids learn about the world around them as they play out stories and scenarios that depict life in a fun and exciting way.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    bought one, good price

    • +1

      Half the historical best price. You are hard to please!

  • +1

    Amazing price! Thanks OP

  • Thanks got one :)

  • Thanks OP, got one.

  • +2

    Queue flippers in 3, 2, 1…

    • +1

      can't wait for the FB resellers to flood the market

  • Nice!

    • +1

      Apply the coupon PLUSGOGO

  • +8

    Another one for the cupboard(s) of shame…

    • Just what I was thinking

    • +2

      Just pivot from hoarder to Christmas hero like that old fat guy in the red suit did.

  • Awesome!! Thankyou for sharing!

  • HOLY!!! BOUGHT!!!

  • 5 5 5! GO GO GO!

  • +3

    Bloody hell. Buy first, think later.

    Unfortunately eBay seems to have figured out that thing where you combine gift cards with offers. Couldn't pay using gift card for either this deal, nor the Afterpay 25% off one.

    • +2

      Damn! You would have almost got it for free šŸ˜‚

    • +1

      Which gift card are you referring to?

      If it the eBay Plus Sign-up voucher, they don't stack with any other codes.

      • Just the normal gift card that you buy from Shopback (3% cashback), etc.

        • I have no issue using gift card for this deal

          • @ozvictor: Huh, weird. For some reason it didn't let me. Once I put the gift card in, the price went back to $159.

    • Gift cards work fine. Guessing you had a voucher, which generally aren't stackable.

      • Pretty sure it's a gift card, not a voucher.

    • I could for this just fine.

      For afterpay I could as long as my gift card is less than the total and a little bit is paid by afterpay (but doesnt work if fully paid by gift card).

      • That's odd. The one I tried to use was redeemed from one of those Shopback Super Swap gift cards. Looks like a gift card for all intents and purposes…

  • amazing deal… purchased 1, who doesnt love lego trains

  • amazing price. Thanks OP

  • +3

    Bought. Wife is going to kill me

    • +1

      Yep, mine still doesnā€™t know about the cheap big animal one yet šŸ˜¬

      • Ahhh, I missed that one, How dare you !!!

    • I find it very interesting that some guys can't have hobbies of their on these days..

      • +3

        I have too many hobbies….thats my issue. Besides, its for the "kids"

  • Was just about the post this beat me to it haha. I don't collect city but I bought it anyway.

      • +3

        Can't believe saying you would like to buy two of these in order to put them together is now considered "trolling" on this website. And a penalty box offence, really? WTH

        • Maybe the mod doesn't have experience with Lego (MOCs with 2 pirate ships, 2 castles, etc.) or train tracks. But still…

          The commenter probably also meant it's so cheap, you can get 2 for less than the usual price of one - which is a compliment of the deal (if you had 2 eBay pls accounts).

        • That seems very heavy handedā€¦ I didnā€™t see the initial comment, but with these city train sets, if you want a ā€œfullā€ train, youā€™re almost obligated to buy two because each set only comes with one head(front of train). Seems a bit harsh to remove the comment let alone put into the penalty box.

        • That's not what the comment said, at all. I think you may have assumed what the comment was, based on the reply, rather than actually having read the comment. That reply has been removed now as part of thread, was a timing issue that it remained.

          • @hamza23: I saw the comment when it was live. I don't remember the exact words, but it was along the lines of "Gonna buy two so I can add them together". A moderator has effectively banned someone for daring to voice ordering or wanting to order more than one of a limited item. What a crime! To deign it "trolling" and worthy of a ban is some serious overreach IMO.

            • @sparkles: You may be thinking of someone else's comment? What you wrote is not even vaguely similar to the removed comment (and the removed comment was not edited, there is no revision history on it).

              Obviously we would not remove a comment similar to one you are talking about.

              You have also incorrectly assumed that the ban (and length) was due to this offence/comment alone. As someone who has been a member for 13 years with over 6000 comments and no bans, or even a warning, I would hope you would understand that we don't just remove comments or ban members for no or little reason. The member in question is aware of the comment, the offence, the reasoning and any applicable history regarding this, as was sent to them at the time.

            • @sparkles: fairly sure you have it wrong and it referenced buying something like 20kits

  • got one

  • yoink

  • +2

    Had already bought all the Lego needed for Xmas but can't resist for that price

  • Hard to say no at that price. THanks!

  • +1

    PLUSGOGO go go go

  • bought one, was sad missing the Lego Optimus Prime

  • Bought thanks

  • +1

    Reactivated my eBay Plus to snag this for the Christmas stash - thanks OP!

  • +3

    I played with an old Lego train set as a kid about 30 years ago. So much fun. Screw the kids, this one's for me.

  • Got one, thanks

  • Tempted to buy 2 to have a longer carriage. Thanks op!

  • Bought one for the boy as an extra to the one he already has. Crazy price.

  • +1

    Crazy price! Didn't like the set but totally worth the parts even though I've got the other two older sets sitting in the cupboard already for when the kids are older

  • +1

    512 sold in one hour!

  • +1

    69 dollars… wow! i scored this puppy for 119 with discounts and such and i thought that was insane…. let alone 69!! wth!!

  • A surprising amount in stock, 548 sold in one hour.

    • It's how Lego gets you to invest into the City ecosystem

  • +1

    EBay plus is finally worth paying for.

  • That's a steal. interesting eBay advertise on the front page of the deal and telling people it's selling for 69 with code. Anyway didn't need another train. but maybe a Xmas gift sorted for the kids.

  • +3

    My kid is too young to play with this right now. But bought it anyway!

    • +6

      My kid isnā€™t born yet. Still looking for their mum. I still bought it.

  • +3

    I love how people often post detailed explanations of their rationale for buying things they donā€™t need. Iā€™ve learned to make peace with my idiotic Ozbargain habits. Should change the site name to BargAnon lol.

    • But haven't you seen my username??!

  • Great find, one Xmas present sorted now!

  • Xmas present sorted

  • Stonking good price. This is why Im on Ozb.

  • Thanks, I bought one

  • Code no longer works?

  • Still in stock, but code didn't work? :(

    Edit: out of stock. Must have missed it by seconds :(

  • Got one - awesome - thanks


    • Still there I guess. Just applied it before a minute

      • no mate

  • Just signed up for plus and it says the PLUSGOGO code no longer works! anyone had the same problem?

    • yea the ebay banner said 1000 units only

      • -2

        Damn. Was about to buy 2.

    • Ahh.. thanks - I was about to sign up for plus too for this.

  • Out of stock, wouldve made a nice christmas present for my son.

  • I tried applying the code in the voucher/promo code section during checkout but it wasn't working.

    Has the deal expired? Or is there somewhere else it needs to be inputted?

  • +2

    Code has expired.

    1,035 sold in one hour

    • oh man.. wasted my $5 sign up fee

  • Can I ask a question :P
    Are these train tracks compatible with the Lego train tracks from 25-30 years ago when I was a kid?

    • +1

      It sounds like you have the 9V tracks, which are grey and have the metal rails. If so, yes, they will connect with track form this RC set as the mould is the same. The only difference is the RC tracks do not have metal to make the rails conducting. And the old track was dark grey, whereas LEGO replaced that colour in 2005 with dark bluish grey.

  • It's over. They were selling about 20 units every minute towards the end.

  • Do they ever reactivate the code and add more units, ie is it worth keeping an eye on it over the next hour?

    • not for this time

      limited supply and it's oos now too

  • Signed up and got one… Seems a great special šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

  • Crazy price

  • missed sad

  • Thanks +++++++
    Signed up to eBay plus and purchased at 11:54

    Hopefully they fulfill

    • +3

      They will. BigW never let me down, before :)

      • You are right!! they just confirmed

  • Good price

  • Crazy price. Just missed out. If anyone bought an extra one or decided they dont want it and lives in sydney. Let me know.

    • +1

      u don't thing they would sell to you $69 bucks.

  • Arse missed it too

  • Damnit just bought this yesterday!

  • Dont forget Shopback 4%

    • Doesn't work if use a code

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