Home for 6 Months/Overseas 6 Months

Looking for the cheapest way to manage internet while away from home 6 months of the year.

I need:
50GB/month for security cameras while overseas.
300GB/month for watching HD TV while at home.

I was thinking to use Launtel where they have a daily rate and turn it off for 6 months and use 4G mobile for the security cameras but I'm not sure of a cheap 50GB 4G data plan, probably a pre-paid?

Another thought is just use https://felixmobile.com.au/ for $35/month. I think 300GB would be acceptable while at home and speed for HD TV would be ok.

Any ideas on this please?


  • +1

    What is the price difference for your home plan between 50GB and 300GB? if it's $10-$20 difference per month, is it really worth going to the trouble of switching providers, etc?

    • +1

      C'mon mate we are on OzBargain here.

      • +3

        I thought most of us were here for "value" rather than just "cheap". haha

        From OP's post, using Launtel seems to cost about $3.50/day - so it works out to be $105 per month already. (That's about 50% more than other providers. So the cost of using Launtel for 6 months is the same as paying for 9 months using another provider). Plus once OP turns off Launtel after 6 months, he/she will have to pay for the 4G for the other 6 months (for the security cameras).

        So when looking at the cost of Launtel for 6 months plus a 4G connection for the other 6 months, the total difference isn't that much from if he just did a normal $60/$70/month unlimited NBN plan all year round.

        • +2

          I thought most of us were here for "value" rather than just "cheap". haha

          Haha exactly. The amount of people on here who (apparently) are happy to spend hour upon hour of their time to save $20 regularly astounds!

        • Cheapest Launtel at the moment is $2.25/day (nbn25/5) or $68/month.

          Ooops yes "value" haha

          • @Amazingly: By the way, Felix Mobile has a condition of use around "tethering". No idea whether they actually enforce it or not, but here it is:

            Tethering is when you use your device’s mobile data to connect a phone, tablet, computer or other compatible devices to the internet via Wi-Fi and/or USB cable, also often referred to as mobile hotspot.

            The felix plan is intended for personal mobile use only. You’re permitted to tether to a personal device such as your laptop or tablet from your mobile hotspot. Note: the felix plan cannot be used to tether to other people’s devices (for example members of your household), nor as a substitute for home internet or in a modem.

  • +2

    FYI - Your home insurance may have exclusions for long periods where no one is living in the property.

    • Thanks, didn't think of that. Will have to look at my Coles insurance PDS.

    • +1

      Something I learn
      Alianz no
      AMMI extra fees apply

      • Thanks, have searched the Coles PDS and can’t find anything about it. I should check with them to make sure.

        • +1

          Search again, only took me 30sec.

          your home or the site, if your home is unoccupied for
          longer than 60 consecutive days, unless you have told us
          about this and we have agreed to provide cover,

          • @boomramada: Ohhh thanks! Keyword "unoccupied".

            Hopefully having security cameras make a difference.

            Thanks for the AMMI tip too.

            Edit: note ANZ is 120 days.

            • @Amazingly: GIO is unlimited past 60 days but bump up the excess. I believe it’s $1000

  • +1

    Use Aldi mobile you don't have to top up for a year and you can still receive SMS overseas for free. Just recharge on a data plan when you fly back in. That would save about $100 or more on a monthly plan over 6 months. Use the savings on a 50/20 plan.or jump NBN ships every time you get back

    • Thanks jizmo, I already have the Aldi yearly sim for overseas and is great but not sure how it would work with the above.

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