This was posted 2 years 4 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wolf Folding Knife WKS170 $10.90 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ $99 Order) @ Total Tools


This knife is currently on clearance at Total Tools which has dropped from $17.95 to $10.90

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Price and store needed in title OP

  • +2

    Cheers OP ;)

    • -3

      Wow.. Neg vote campaign. May be Elon Musk should buy Ozbargain :)

  • +20

    Standard issue down Dandenong way bound to be popular.

  • +2

    Who's Ur pfp

  • +4

    Is It Legal to Carry a Knife in New South Wales?…

    • +17

      It's a ceremonial knife for my religion

      • +1

        Slashing prices, only dreams now

    • -8

      Welcome to 'Straya, where everything is either banned or mandatory.

    • +37

      I never understood you lot. You: don't do what they tell you to do! Also you: make sure you listen to me as I tell you what NOT to do!

      If I wear 15 N95 masks and another on my meat and 2 veg, it shouldn't concern you in the slightest. Just carry on. Let people be what they want to be, let people do what they want to do. They shouldn't listen to governments without critical thinking, but they certainly shouldn't be listening to you pelicans.

        • +2

          I didn't want to feed the trolls but here goes anyway. Who the hell is saying 'I tell you what NOT to do!?' Any time anyone says anything anti vax, anti mask, all that crap. Don't see people bothering with the anti heroin marches. I actually wasn't replying to you. The original turkey is so ridiculous he has got to be a parody. 'Fakenewsmedia?' contributed one deal that was something to do with that knob Ben Shapiro and that hot garbage was downvoted to oblivion. He mentioned about a knife not stopping a crim blah blah. - it was PRECISELY the talking points on daily on any Shitizen KKKane Murdoch production, Breitbart, NewsMax rubbish, take your pick - whenever they are discussing firearms. His precise words replaces gun with knife.

          2 years of mandating? I cannot recall a single time I wasn't doing whatever the F I wanted to do. No pamphlet stopped me. Worst thing about the 2 years was listening to conservatives and right wing nut jobs bang on about issues that were only made real in their Twitter feeds and Telegram invite only groups.

          And I am the average Australian. I couldn't be more average.

          A tip, there is a hide button, you can control the flow of BS spewing, I'm about to hit it a couple of times right now. Anyway! MAGA muH bASeD pEdE!

          • -1

            @seamonkey: I see you're obsessed with American politics but can you please keep the narrow minded 'us versus them' mentality to yourself? Normal people don't want to hear about it.

            • @DonkSettingsEnjoyer: Nope. I'll proceed precisely as I wish to. Don't want to hear? Would you like me to educate you on the merits of the 'hide' option? It's right below this comment.

              • +1

                @seamonkey: I meant my comment in a broader sense, not just limited to this comment section.

                You're coming across as a total tool.

        • Lol, way to contradict yourself in 2 sentences there. "Let people do want they want" and then in the same breath: "nObOdY LiStEn tO aNyOnEE w1tH a DiFfErnT oPiNiOn fRoM MeEEeEE!!!1! DePLaToRm ALL dISsEnTiNG viEwSsS!!!"

          Sorry. I forgot that I wrote the part about me giving a flying f&_# about people listening to me, or telling people to fall in line with my thinking, or whatever the F else you are trying to string together there as some semblance of a thought. Mind you, I am mighty concerned about those fake internet points though…so be sure you upvote me cuz. mmm'kay?

          • @seamonkey:

            I forgot that I wrote the part about me giving a flying f&_# about people listening to me,

            Well you clearly do since you are here replying. The lady doth protest too much 🤣🤣🤣

            • -1

              @1st-Amendment: Nope. To be 100% honest, this thread is helping me loads. Helping immensely to use hide option and take out the ozbargain trash. Keep them coming all and welcome to the club "1st-Amendment" lol MAGA Stop The Steal! Amirite?

        • Go back to /pol/ mate.

          • @ThadtheChad: lol. Best ozbargain member cleanout I've had in over 13 years. Keep 'em coming boys. Appears to be no limit to how many hides you can do in a single day. /pol is actually a pretty cool place. Though it's become increasingly clear to me that most of the muppets that are commenting here are more like those sad 4 Chan and Truth Social types. Love to chat more but I've got much to do, hide buttons and George Soros autobiographies to listen to, you know how it is.

      • I wish you had exact same attitude towards other people who didnt want to take part in lockdowns and mask mandates. Allow the same courtesy as you want for yourself.

        • +1

          Who are you freaks?

  • +5

    they don't provide any info on the blade steel. i wouldn't be expecting much unless you just needed a cheap beater knife.

    • Yeah, if it was anything other than 440A they'd be announcing it.

      • doesnt say if it liner locks either but looking at it, it looks like it does

        but a $10 knife what do you expect… just a cheapo hiker camper

        • -4

          Illegal to sell knives that don't lock from memory in Australia

          • +5

            @Deadalready: That is incorrect

            • +4

              @mapax: very much incorrect

              eg. swiss army knives are almost all dont have locks

  • Warranty Lifetime

    How does that work in reality?

    • +17

      If you kill someone with it, it's guaranteed that you will serve life time jail.

  • +2

    This is ideal for hiking and camping. TY.

  • Awesome Op and free del too thanks

    • +1

      Whens the free del? thanks see you there

  • +4

    Eshay bah, what ya doin ya gronk…

  • Was in Kmart line-up the other day and behind a man with what looks like a Leatherman multi-tool on his belt. He is dressed casually and not like a tradie. Personally I did not think much of it but the cashier said to the man he can't carry that into the store as it is illegal. Man did not protest, paid for the item and walked away. So is it illegal?

    • +2

      Going by the link above, I'd say no.

      To establish the offence, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant:

      • Possessed a knife, and
      • Did so in a public place or school.

      A ‘knife’ is defined broadly to include a knife blade, razor blade, and any other blade; which extends to all manner of cutting instruments, from regular kitchen knives to multi-purpose tools and hunting knives.

      It includes publicly owned property, as well as privately owned places that are open to the public, such as:

      • Shopping centres and stores within them
      • Restaurants, pubs and clubs, and
      • Sporting venues.
      • I thought so too. Back in the old days I used to be a scout at primary school and carry around my bowie knife on my belt except at school. Ah well that was 40 years ago.

        • +3

          Just realised I'd meant to say that it was a 'no' to being legal to carry.

          There are a list of exceptions, such as for work related purposes, otherwise there is probably no legal basis to carry around a blade.

          Times have changed in the last 40 years! Kmart used to sell rifles back then too.

          • @jwh: Yeah I carried multiple chefs knives on public transport on the way to/from work everyday (couldn't trust people not to damage them when I wasn't there).

            It was weird but I would keep them in my satchel bag thing and put a fairly discrete lock on it. Like I know it was legal but I just wanted another barrier. If someone ever wanted to mug me (eg "show us what's in your bag") it would've escalated the situation a lot by bringing out a knife and just makes things more dangerous.

            Anyway I was pretty subtle about it so it didn't look like I was carrying knives with me (wasn't a knife roll).

    • Well, Leatherman do make a model without a knife blade - Knifeless Rebar.

      Presuming it was a normal Leatherman, it's not legal to carry a knife "without reasonable excuse". The way the law is written, the onus is on the person with the knife to provide the reasonable excuse. See the link from @whyisave above for what constitutes a reasonable excuse.

      • I doubt it would be legal to carry that either, it still has multiple blades and cutting instruments even without the 'combo knife'

        • It's completely legal to carry it.

  • -3

    People that buy knives are weird

    • +1

      Totally Franco. People with wives, children and families are even more weird!

    • -1

      exactly, we need common-sense knife reform. no one needs anything more than a fork

    • -1

      The EDC disciples have a lot of incel type weirdos

    • -1

      I can almost feel how soft your hands are.

  • Mine order cancelled and payment reversed with apology email by Total tools.

    • with apology email by Total tools.

      So they admitted to being total tools, huh?

  • I received this knife, but for the life of me can't work out how to actually fold this folding knife. Can anyone advise how to fold the blade in?

    • +1

      Lol, are you sure you should be owning a knife if you can’t figure that out?

      Seriously though, judging from the picture it’s a liner lock. Holding the handle with your right hand, use your thumb to press on the the piece of metal in the bottom of the handle near the blade that has jimping on it, press it towards the right side of the handle and gently close the blade with your left hand being careful not to cut your right hand. With practice you should be able to close it with just your right hand.

      • Perfect, thanks so much. You explained it perfectly.

        And yes, upon reflection, I probably should not have bought this knife, hahaha. But you know, it was a bargain so I just bought it with no real need for it.

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