Excellent price for the EXOS X16 12TB. This is the SATA version of in case you're expecting SAS. Once formatted usable space is 10.9TB
Warranty may be a bit difficult as it is registered as sold in China, output from the Seagate Warranty Page
Warranty Valid Until 18 September 2026
Regional warranty restrictions apply. ❓
Went with the X16 rather than X12 due to some newer technologies being used, and just looking to use it as a backup drive
Some speeds from the drive in a USB 3.0 Dock using hdparm
Timing cached reads: 19682 MB in 1.96 seconds = 10050.26 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 692 MB in 3.01 seconds = 230.18 MB/sec
Seller also has other 12TB Drives listed for the same price