$600 of Expired Westfield GCs - Advice?

Hey All,

I've got $600 worth of Westfield GCs that expired in Sep 2021. I had thought they were expiring in Nov 2022 for some reason, because I was under the impression I bought them in Nov 2019 (3 year validity).

A natural question to ask here is, it's so easy to spend Westfield GCs, how did you even "let" these expire? It's because I don't live in Australia anymore and I can only really use them when I'm in Australia. Nov 2019 was in fact the last time I was in Australia.

I've reached out to Westfield who've basically politely told me "tough luck", despite me explaining that I no longer am in Australia and that I haven't been back since Nov 2019, with Covid being a huge contributing factor to the fact that I haven't returned. They mentioned that they do have a "6 month grace period" for expired gift cards but that they are unable to assist as mine expired over a year ago.

Long shot by asking here - I know - but just seeing if anyone just so happens to have any tips/advice that might help. Thanks in advance.

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  • +7

    Australian Consumer law says minimum 3 yr validity if purchased on or after 1st November 2019(consumer.gov.au) so you may be in luck!

    Fundamentals of gift card legislation
    The information below relates to gift cards sold on or after 1 November 2019.

    With some exclusions, the fundamentals are:

    a minimum three year expiry period for gift cards is required;

    • +2

      I'm not in luck! It was purchased in Sep 2018 - I wrongly thought they were purchased in Nov 2019 :(

      And despite being purchased before that date, it already had the 3 year validity

      • +6

        Jees it was in your first sentence, my mistake :( sorry mate

        • +3

          Yea it's ok - thanks for thinking of it though!

      • -1

        I got some yellow rectangle shaped $50 gift cards from my local ATM the other day with no expiry date.

    • Honoring Gift cards is purely at the discretion of the issuer.
      The 3 years validity is not hard and fast.
      I would escalate the matter citing the high value.
      As long as we are not talking about $20 gift cards, are we?
      Anyway, keep pressing on.

  • +5

    That is tough.

    But from an accounting standpoint I can understand the need to shift the $600 off the liabilities list in the balance sheet and be done with it at some stage.

    • +2

      I totally agree. There's no business incentive to help me out.

      If it helps (I'll probably propose this) I'm wiling to pay some sort of admin fee…

    • I can understand the need to shift the $600 off the liabilities list in the balance sheet

      where do they shift it to?

      • +2

        To income on the profit and loss

        • -3

          But it's not income and not their money…

          • +14

            @jv: When the 3 year limit (as it then was) expired, the money went to being their money.

            The liability (risk) of having to give the cash to a third party became free money to them, thus income.

            sorry, I forgot to bold random words, but hopefully you'll still understand it.

              • +11

                @jv: Yes, the terms and conditions say after 3 years if you don't use the money, it becomes theirs. You give them permission by undertaking that agreement.

                Fairly standard stuff.

                Is there anything else you need ELI5'd?

                • -6

                  @Crow K:

                  You give them permission

                  No I don't.

                  I got the card as a birthday present.

                  • +3

                    @jv: "I didn't purchase it, so I'm not bound by the conditions applying to the use of this card, now it's time to use the card as I see fit, checkmate athiests"

                    Shitposters get to argue with a dialtone.

                    • -6

                      @Crow K:

                      so I'm not bound by the conditions applying to the use of this card

                      You said I gave permission for them to take my money when I clearly didn't.

                      • +4

                        @jv: Under that twisted sovereign citizen logic, you don't have a right to use the card at all. You haven't paid them anything.

                        Also: what is this "money" of which you speak, jv, when you say you haven't given them permission to take your "money"?
                        Did you get some "money" in the birthday envelope as well as the Westfield card? (and so the shitpost shoe is on the other foot, et bloody cetera).

                        Enjoy putting up mental fences where somehow all the (positive) rules about where the card is permitted to be used and when have been transferred to you, but none of the negative rules.

                    • +1

                      @Crow K: Ignore JV, he's contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. It's a common trope of someone who isn't "all there" to deflect and make it seem like they're more intelligent than they really are

                      (Bolded, just the way they like it)

                  • +6

                    @jv: Happy birthday jv

                    • -2

                      @MS Paint: Not according to Westfield who take people's hard earned money without their persmission.

    • +1

      Debit cash

      credit liability

      Credit goods

      Debit liability

  • +1

    Is this the deal from which you got them?

    60% net loss makes you feel better.

    • Yep it is….

    • +2

      Your research ability is amazing haha

  • +5

    This prompted me to check mine… found one expired last month… reading the grace period, I might be in luck.

  • +1

    Um, where does the money go then…

    We$tfield Profit or Government Unclaimed Monies Fund?

    • Westfield profit surely. I don't own the money.. I think?

    • Um, where does the money go then…

      Free money for them.

      It's the reason that everywhere does GiftCards. They're a licence to print money when they either expire OR people leave a few bucks on it.

  • +2

    it's so easy to spend Westfield GCs, how did you even "let" these expire?

  • +6

    If their policy is a 3 year expiry, and you’ve followed up and they can’t help, I would say you’ve exhausted your avenues and should try to let it go.

  • if anyone just so happens to have any tips/advice that might help

    Cut them up, give them some violence and put them in the bin.

  • +1

    Realistically, your only avenue is to be a PITA and they might give it to you … on the other hand you could spend an enormous amount of time on the issue and still end up exactly where you are now.

  • -2

    Complain to ACCC and Fair Trading, you've got nothing to lose

  • +3

    Another example of why I don't purchase gift cards for myself.

    • Not even when the 10% discount rolls around?

    • +1

      You can buy for me

    • +3

      Yeah. You might win 10% here and there, but if you lose 600 bucks like op, well…

  • +1

    send them to me and i can try them out, who knows it might still work!

  • +1

    They mentioned that they do have a "6 month grace period" for expired gift cards but that they are unable to assist as mine expired over a year ago.

    To be fair, you have been sitting on these for 4 years now. (purchased Sept 2018).. So while it's tough as, you did have nearly 18 months BEFORE covid started to spend them, and 3.5 years from when you purchased them to use them. So lots of time.

    If you're not in the country much as claimed, it might be best to leave your money as cash and not in giftcards next time round.

    • +1

      This 6 month grace period was this in writing or over the phone? The person I'm speaking to, isn't even budging over 1 month…

  • +4

    That is the purpose of gift cards, the issuing company is hoping you dont use them before they expire so they get your money for free.

    For the company they give you a small discount usually 5-10% on purchase, and if they win that bet, you lose the other 90% due to your own stupidity.

    • Perfectly sums it up. I imagine the proportion of gift cards that go u used is quite high, companies must love the things. $600 for a piece of plastic with a number on it.

    • +5

      I thank op for their contribution to the gift card system.

      • +1

        Yes, people like @illumination subsidize the 10% discount. We salute your philanthropy 😜

  • Ive always used gift cards vouchers as soon as possible lucky to stay in my wallet for more than a month.

  • +1

    Have you tried to use the cards? You should send them to someone you know here.
    I just found out that the Westfield cards are Eftpos cards, so can be used anywhere (not just inside a Westfield).
    They can't be used online though.

    • Yea they are EFTPOS cards so they're absolutely not difficult to use (in Australia). I haven't tried.. But are you suggesting that they might still work despite having expired?

      • +1

        If you balance check it… it will say $0 remaining.

  • +2

    My cards are only 1 month expired, and they said:

    *On this occasion, we are not able to offer an extension of your expired cards. This is due to the age of your expired gift cards, given that as of the 31st of March 2018, all of our gift cards have been issued with a 3-year validity. Additionally, the Westfield gift card provides for many opportunities to be redeemed, given that it is able to be redeemed at a variety of retailers throughout Australia where eftpos is accepted, both inside and outside of Westfield Centres.

    This decision was reached with full consideration of our Terms & Conditions (T&Cs).

    Many of our customers appreciate our cards as a gifting alternative due to their presentation and functionality. However, validity periods cannot be amended, nor can we guarantee that a solution can always be offered for expired and unused cards.*

    • Thanks for sharing. Whoa, even for just a one month expiry..!

      • I might get better luck if I ring them… will see.

  • Damn, good thing I have a tendency to use gift cards soon after I get them. Though sometimes it's not the best decision, it does save me from letting it expire.

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