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The Lord Of The Rings [Illustrated Edition] Hardcover $47.26 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Cheapest yet, $3.60 cheaper than last time ($50.86). Previous deals: May - $54.20/$52.50, March - $58.25.

There is also an eBay store that has it for $46.64 Delivered(ebay.com.au) if you prefer, only 8 remaining. Which I noticed at Booko(booko.com.au).

There is a third party seller on Amazon for $37.21 (Shopabroad), purchase at your own risk. Feedback is 86%, there is no prime delivery and the delivery time is about 1 month, indicating it will come from overseas.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    What’s the book about?

    • +52

      One woman's quest to find personal growth, acceptance, love and eventually marriage in the courts of Europe. When it turns out the lord who proposed is already married her life takes a tragic turn. But all is not as it seems..

    • +5

      The power of friendship

    • +1

      Its a bread review

    • +3

      poh. tay. tohs.

    • Michael Flatley's Autobiography.

    • I can tell you if you can confirm you are over 18

  • +15

    Wish I hadn’t read it already, would be great to read this beautiful volume.

    Having said that, the faded brown pages of the 1970s copy I read made it feel kind of magical and mysterious.

  • +16

    Anyone else think the cover looks like a front loader washing machine?

    • +7

      Great, now I won’t be able to unsee that

    • +6

      The Eye of Sauron is a real prick for stain removal.

      • -1

        Halbrand is hot though.

      • +2

        I think that's the Eye of Samsung

    • -1

      looks more like a top down view of a sunny side up egg cooking on a frying pan

    • +5

      The Lord of the Rinse Cycle.

  • +1

    I am not one for fantasy, so have no real interest. But my closest friend LOVES fantasy/LOTR, and has just had his first kid. Would the illustrations in this make it easier for him to read to his son in a few years/and over a few years? I need to get him a bday pressie

    • +3

      Who is reading LoTR to their toddler?!

      • +3

        The illustrated Hobbit book is pretty fun to read to a ~4 year old, lots of interesting and fun conversations.

        • +3

          Yeah that's the Hobbit, not LoTR…

      • It would more be a symbolic 'for when he is a little older' gift. I swear I've heard of people being read LOTR when they were primary school aged, but given the feedback so far, I'd guess they meant the Hobbit/I just lumped it all together in my mind.

      • I have a friend that is reading it to their new born so getting it for him as a present!

      • “And they went forth into Glorgoranthianonan, and they walked, and they walked, and they walked. “I say,” said Calemboriancaladan, “it’s high time for a fifteen page poem about a walk once taken by my forebear Thraomduindolanur in the First Age…”

    • +6

      Not a chance. The Hobbit is one to start with and that is better suited to 8-12yo. If he's reading it maybe 5-6.

    • +1

      I know adults who didn't make it through the first book of LOTR. There is quite a bit of background, history and poems that would put off a young child, especially when they arrive in Rivendell (book II, 2nd half of The Fellowship of the Ring). In my opinion, LOTR hits its stride in book III (the first part of The Two Towers).

      Reading The Hobbit around age 11-13 makes sense in my opinion, then LOTR a few years later.

    • +1

      I also love LotR (got into it via the movies that came out when I was a kid) but couldn't get through reading it until 15-17 years old. They're pretty dense… not really bedtime story for a child kind of stuff.

    • No, get the illustrated Harry Potter books instead.

      When I was a 9 years old kid, I came across a book called "The Hobbit". I read it, loved it and though that it would be a good idea to read other books written by the same author. Horrible mistake! Through sheer stubbornness as a kid, I plowed through the LOTR trilogy but the language and concepts were all beyond my understanding. I had a vague idea that it was about a quest around a ring, volcanoes, elves and an old wizard. It was only after watching Peter Jackson's movies that it all finally felled into place for me.

    • Definitely get The Hobbit if you're planning on doing this. I read it to my son's when they were 8 and 10 and it was an enjoyable experience all round.

  • Not sure if it's just me, but showing as $86.95 now. OzBargained?

    Update: Found it. Amazon was showing me the 2021 published version for some reason. This one is Feb 2022.

  • Is this Hobbit + Trilogy or Trilogy only?

    • +1

      Trilogy only.

      • +1

        Is hobbit a definite read?

        • +2

          Opinion on that will be subjective, but both are considered literary classics. Whilst LoTR is the main show, The Hobbit is a classic in its own right.

          • @CamM: Thanks! Wish it included the hobbit illustrated too!

        • +1

          It is a much lighter book in tone, more accessible by kids but good for everyone. It is absolutely worth reading. The reading order imho is
          1 Hobbit
          2 Lotr
          3 (optional) The Silmarillion

          The nerdiest of the nerds will nerd on with the dozen or so books of unfinished stories and notes (very, very optional).

          • @CookieJacker31: Thanks for the information provided! Will read them in that order!

        • +1

          Hobbit is an excellent read, and way more accessible than the Trilogy. It's lighter in tone, and easier to read.

          Definitely read the Hobbit first.

    • +4

      Freezing cold take, my dude.

    • +6

      Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass!

      • +3

        He was clearly a servant of Sauron hoping people wouldn't read about how his master got wrecked by two little dudes.

    • +5

      Good god, imagine thinking Harry Potter is better written than LotR.

      • +6

        Imaging thinking the movies made LOTR famous

    • +1

      Harry Potter is aimed more at children in my opinion. LOTR is extremely well written in my opinion. There is a bit of background to catch up on as you read along, but that's because the world building is so detailed and precise. It doesn't feel like a generic money grab like a lot of popular fiction. About halfway through LOTR, it doesn't feel like you're reading a crappy fantasy book. It feels like you're experiencing a place that actually exists.

    • maybe you work for amazon ? and prefer your own version of middle earth

    • I'm perplexed that you think Harry Potter was actually well written.

  • Is there a matching Hobbit edition?

  • +2

    I hope amazon hasnt changed the book version also

    • +5

      In this version Jeff Bombabezos tries to convice Frodo to give him the ring to help defeat the dark threat over middle earth, unionisation

      • well as long as they don't gender swap Frodo and make him into a warrior princess

  • +1

    Hi any owners of this please some advice:
    I love lotr just read it for upteenth time and I want an illustrated edition for myself
    Is this one sparsely illustrated here and there, or does it a lot throughout?
    I know the illustrations are done by Tolkein himself
    There is the other edition with illustrations by Alan Lee who has done lots of Tolkein art and also did concept art for the Jackson trilogy
    The Alan Lee set is a lot more expensive but I am looking for one with a lot of illustration.
    So any owners of this edition? Is there just a sketch here and there or is there a lot of art?

    • +1

      It's in the description of the book that Amazon provides……

      This one-volume hardback edition contains the complete text, fully corrected and reset, which is printed in red and black and features, for the very first time, thirty colour illustrations, maps and sketches drawn by Tolkien himself as he composed this epic work. These include the pages from the Book of Mazarbul, marvellous facsimiles created by Tolkien to accompany the famous ‘Bridge of Khazad-dum’ chapter. Also appearing are two removable fold-out maps drawn by Christopher Tolkien revealing all the detail of Middle-earth.

      • +1

        Thank you for this
        I'm gonna get the Alan Lee edition

  • I recently read the illustrated hobbit to my son (nearly six y.o). Was a great read. Tempting to get this but sounds like we would have to wait a few years based on people's feedback. It's been ages since I read lotr.

    • LOTR definitely a lot more involved than the Hobbit!

  • Thanks OP, been waiting to buy a LOTR set.

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