Really popular board games and highly rated on BGG.
Also discounted is Codenames Duet $22.09
Codenames Pictures $19.95
Really popular board games and highly rated on BGG.
Also discounted is Codenames Duet $22.09
Codenames Pictures $19.95
A solid staple party game. Great for all ages.
Love pictures, picked it up, thanks OP!
Thanks OP, got one :)
Codenames Deep Undercover is one of our most played games.
So much fun!
Half the words in that one were solid. The other half felt like they’ve never seen use outside of Urban Dictionary.
Regular price is $25 @ Kmart
Love this game! Play the online version with workmates every couple of weeks
Kmart $25 everyday price if you don't have prime for free shipping…
Have seen these regularly on sale before
Great game. And with the way it is set up, it's almost infinitely playable (you'll never have the same combo of words / board layout).
If you’re after a fun team based word game, try Decrypto. Codenames has too much downtime (waiting between turns) and kinda drags a bit imo
Just One, it’s another great one
Awesome game! I have the board game version but I prefer to use the free, online version of the game:
This haa been cheaper hasn't it?
Thanks OP. Was just reading about this. Games night with 12 peeps, not easy to find a suitable game.
Well worth it at full price let alone this, great for groups of 4 or more and very easy to pick up.