This was posted 2 years 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Bonus 1.65% p.a. Interest (Total 2.75% p.a.) for 3 Months on Netbank Saver Accounts (Activation Required) @ Commbank


There's a feature in Netbank to allow you to apply bonus interest on your Netbank Savers.

At present there's an offer (may be targeted) for +1.65% for 3 months on top of the base interest rate of 1.1% (total of 2.75% for 3 months).

To apply this follow the below steps

  1. Log into your Netbank
  2. Select "settings" in the top right
  3. Scroll down and select "Change account options"
  4. Select your Netbank Saver then elect the bonus you're eligible for from the drop down.

This post isn't targeted at those people looking for the best rate out there, but rather to those that prefer to keep their savings in their current bank (EG Commonwealth" and aren't satisfied with the 1.1% they're currently being offered.

I know for me personally I have a lot of elderly family/friends that aren't comfortable with the idea of branch-less banks, limiting where they can earn a decent rate on their savings. So this option makes a big difference for them.

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closed Comments

  • +16

    Just do it on the app. Hit search and type in "compare" and the option is the second listed.

    • +2

      Where's search?
      Can't see on android

      • +1

        on Android there is a question mark at top right click on that then there is a gray box of search the app…

        • Can you take a screenshot? I also can't find it on android app…

    • thanks

  • +11

    Just search for "Compare & switch account options" if step 3 is not available on the website.

    • Thank you.

  • +4

    Bonus 1.45% for me.

    • Bonus 3mths 1.85% for me = 2.95% p.a.

      Classic/Current total 1.10% p.a.

  • +1

    Literally just got 2.45 for 2 months

  • Only 0.55% for me.

  • AMP savings account 3.65%
    250 min deposit, interest applied next cal month.
    Just signed up

    • +2

      let us know if that paid next month actually costs you 1 months worth? Confused!

  • +59

    So many better rates available, why bother with anything starting with a 2?

    • +5

      Agree. Rubbish.

  • +50

    ING is 4.05%, why would you bother with this rate?

  • +21

    Lol. Bonus my ****. Even ANZ plus is giving 3.25%.

  • +18

    Highly uncompetitive. OzBargainers should know better. Nothing against you OP.

  • +6

    I hear what youre saying OP but a saver account that doesnt even compete with many other bank's everyday account interest rate does not a deal make

  • +18

    one of the worst rate, great find

  • +6

    thanks mate, enabled it for the 5 bucks I hold in savings with CBA

  • The ad says 3% introductory rate then they only gave me 2.35%. do have a bit of money in there so they possibly low balling me ….

    • This is 3% offer is for your first Net-bank account. The only realistic option is to do a bank-run on CBA. If lots of people start sending money out each week then interest rates will go up without any games or finding links that give page not found screen.

  • +13

    Really shows u how abysmal CBA are. Even a special deal is worse than everyone else's standard rate.

  • This showed no available rate change for me. The total they are offering is 2.4%.

  • +4

    only extra 0.15% for me lol taking it to an amazing total of 1.25%

    • Same here. They know I won't bother finding a better deal.

  • Hi all. I have my savings with CBA, but with other banks offering 3+% interest rate, is it a good idea to switch bank? What are the pros and cons here? Why isn't everyone flocking towards bank offering higher interest rate and staying with CBA?

    • +12

      Laziness most likely

      • Says someone who's never tried to change banks.

        • Calm down mate I am one of the lazy ones who is using a St George account that maxes out at 2.85%

    • +3

      The easiest savings account with the least hassles is ubank I find

      • ANZ Plus offer the same 3.25% with no hoops at all. The initial catch was you could only transfer $5000 out per day (making it hard to switch to a competitor if you had a pile of cash sitting in there), but that's now been upped to $30,000. Good option if you want to just set and forget.

    • +7

      Commbank jas many branches, which is a big advantage for the elderly, who do not like to do internet banking. Their rates are terrible though

      • +1

        I have CBA as main bank coz of how big they are & sheer availability of physical branches nearest that cater to my family in case we need face to face.
        (Would prefer to use ANZ/plus with my income once I can get that set up.)

        But I do route my savings from there to elsewhere, ING and :ubank atm

      • +1

        But this deal is for netbank. The net part means internet.

    • Might be the same reason you have all your savings there

    • +3

      emotionally attached to their dollarmites account from back when they were kids?

      not even my mother who's nearly 70 has an account with these "big 4" banks. she knows they're trash. she has her money split across a few online savings accounts to get the best interest. she stopped using cash for most purchases quite a while ago. any cash she needs, she does a cash-out at the shops. deposits are done Aus Post.

      neither of us has stepped into a bank branch for years

    • I have an account with most banks, just move the money to the one with the highest interest rate, and have a recurring transaction that sends $2k between banks to waive all fees.

  • +2

    As others have said, poor deal

  • +3

    I've been generously offered 0.15% bonus

    • +4

      Better than a kick in the nuts I guess

    • +1

      I recieved both the 1.65% bonus and the 0.15% bonus. (sad you can only choose one at a time and the other one might expire, but I'm content with my extra 1.65%.)

  • +24

    The OP isn’t advertising this as a deal to switch to from another bank, and specifically points out it’s for those who don’t want to move. It’s a good deal for those who were getting a really shit rate with CommBank and through this technique are getting a boost of 1%+ to a less shit rate

    I got a 1.05% boost I wasn’t aware of. I boosted before but didn’t realise it had run out until the OP directed me

    I have money in UBank and ING, just like to have some sitting in CommBank too and this has helped

    • Obviously none of these neggers have actually read the body of the post…

      • neggers

        What's that?

        Yeah, we have. CBA customers could be less lazy and have ING + ubank + Macquarie if they needed many accounts, and keep their CBA account empty for using physical facilities. I'm sure oldies have figured out online banking.

        • -1

          People pressing the negative symbol as you have.

  • +2

    Why 3mths only?

    • +5

      for the same reason they can't even give more than 3% interest

      • What reason

        • can't have this prestigious bank going broke from being too generous now, can we?

  • +1

    Still not a deal lmao

  • loan to saving rate difference is as high —> banks just getting more of the cut unlike other offers out there. not a deal.

  • +4

    Conbank is the biggest tite backside bank in the world! With the profits they make why do they offer the lowest savings rates?
    Corruption at its best!

    • +1

      With the profits they make why do they offer the lowest savings rates?

      Haven't you answered your own question?

  • -3

    OP posts a deal about essentially free money in ~20 seconds for those who weren't looking to switch in the first place

    "b-but MY Bank IS bettEr Than YouRs"

    Who asked?

    • Couldn't you argue the same for an OP posting a lazy deal with a product price that isn't the lowest available?

  • -1

    With everybody given a different rate this is proof that current banking regulation does no longer work under this government. It did under the last one!

  • +1


  • +6

    Cba removing all their physical ATMs and bad saving rates, better off going to a neobank

    • Didn't know they removing?..
      Seems to be here still

  • Up, down, up, down, left, left, right, right, down

    • +5


  • +2

    So not only do they give poor interest rates, they make customers go searching to activate them..

  • +3

    So many other banks offering better rates..

  • This is bad / not a good rate

  • Uncompetitive rate with conditions attached

  • Uncompetitive rate, do better CBA

  • +3

    in my app it's 3% for 5 month

    • Same :)

      Not that i will bother

      Plenty of others much higher.

      • how yall targeted for more?

        wouldnt that make it 4.1

    • where does it show 3% I can not see it. Mine shows 1.1%

      • Just thru the App

        Never opened a netbank saver before
        ? maybe as stated earlier by many people it varies for some reason.

        • +2

          Yeah, I have the 3% for 5M offer also, never had a Saver account with them, I assume it's for new / first time Saver accounts.

  • So you get a new keycard for new savings account…nice

    • it's applied to current/existing saver acc?

  • Offering almost 2% less than other competitors and then again it's targeted lol

  • +6

    I was in a CBA branch a few months back closing my accounts due to the poor rates. The branch worker said, yeah I understand the rates here haven’t changed as most of our clients don’t know how to switch banks.

    • +2

      cba are like harvey norman…they're only propped up by people too scared to shop around.

  • +1

    Targeted rate … banks should give the same conditions to everybody.

    • I did NOT vot for the joker!

      • What's wrong w joker

        • -1

          responsible lending laws kicked out, banking regulations relaxed
          but round your back tightened up withdrawals!

  • They have a "prison" saver with conditions

  • Only 0.15 for me

  • So I guess this should be applied on the day it adds interest to get the bonus for the complete duration of 3 months?

  • NOTHING for me or my wife

  • +2

    Negging because it doesn’t meet the criteria for a deal. It’s not the best savings rate out there by far. It’s targeted, requires activation, and is only for 3 months. Absolute joke. CBA rely on customer laziness and being a big name and aren’t competitive at all.

  • +3

    Yet they charge me >5% for my mortgage, cunning.

  • +5

    Laughs in Ubank.

  • +5

    ING - 4.05%, up to $100k
    AMP Saver - 3.60% from 1/11, up to $250k
    Macquaire - 4.00% 4 month intro rate, 3.20% afterwards up to $250k
    UBank - 3.60% from 1/11, up to $250k

    — Commbank Can??? —

    • Commbank can… give you an uncompetitive return on your hard earned savings…

  • +1

    the bigger the bank. the more stingy they are… same like their home loans Cash Back… ridiculous…

  • plenty of decent rates out there, this is just embarrassing

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