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Google Play - Longest Day - Flash Sale - 99c


Many Android apps and games are having a "flash sale" (24 hours?) for $0.99.

Shazam Encore
mSecure - Password Manager
Jamie's 20 Minute Meals
RepliGo PDF Reader
Alarm Clock by doubleTwist

Mini Motor Racing
Moo, Baa, La La La! - Boynton
Grand Theft Auto III
Guns'n'Glory WW2 Premium
Draw Something by OMGPOP
Clouds & Sheep Premium
Order & Chaos Online


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  • +2

    NBA Jam and Mass Effect infiltrator are on sale too

    • -5

      i cant find the play store on my iphone :( i thought its supposed to do everything. it has the three gees

      • This guy.

  • I don't see GTA3

      • I don't see it because it's imcompatible with Galaxy S2 :(

      • That version is saying
        This item cannot be installed in your device's country.

        This one works

        • Damn, not compatible with my device (Galaxy S 1).
          Does anyone know if there's a way I can buy the app anyway? So that I can use it on a compatible device down the track?

        • Weird. I bought GTA3 about 1 month ago for my Galaxy S1 when it was $0.99 using this link:


          Despite the fact it says installed on my account (and is installed on my phone), it says "This app is incompatible with all of your devices."

          It runs a bit slow on my Galaxy S, but I'm running a custom kernel which is not overclocked and uses a conservative governor (i.e. Speedmod). I may be able to get better performance with either the stock kernel or one which allows overclocking

        • Hmm, maybe they found it's bad on an S1 and removed it from the supported devices list.
          I'm going to be upgrading to an S3 in the next month and I'd like to get GTA3 now for this cheap price.

          Ooh, just had an idea, I'll edit the build.prop and change my phone model to a different device. That might work :)

        • Failed :(
          I can't seem to edit the right properties to trick Play Store into thinking my device is compatible.

        • Worked… Thanks George D

        • +5

          I hate these type of posts.

          "I can't figure it out"
          "edit: I figured it out, and I'm not telling you bitches"

        • would you prefer they called us something else other than bitches then?

        • I wasn't sure if anyone cared so I didn't want to leave a huge message, someone down the line did so check my comment here:

  • Tempted by the DoubleTwist Alarm clock, but im not sure if it will be that much better than the standard alarm in the SGS2

    • Sorry but why in the world would you buy an alarm app? I thought all android phones have them? Or is it just me (have an Xperia)

      • +2

        Why in the world would you buy a smart phone when your 8 year old nokia 3315 still works?

        • I understood the sarcasm :)

      • -1

        Not just you. Every mobile phone since about 1995 have had some form of alarm functionality. Magnate: read fuzor's comment, then read yours. See how your reply is ridiculous?

      • +5

        Fuzor, I use Alarm Clock Plus so that I can have features such as:
        - choose any song as alarm tone
        - gentle alarm over a specified period
        - choose length and number of snoozes
        I'm sure many don't need these features, but others enjoy the ability to replace system apps with better alternatives

        • I use it because it has the Math Problem dismiss as an option and you can configure the settings on it

    • +2

      I have the DoubleTwist Alarm and love it!
      Get woken up to a different song from my playlist everyday. Great app. and it looks really nice standing up in my dock as well.

  • Now that Max Payne is finally out on Android, I wish it'd go on sale.

    • +2

      1.3 gigs worth of download plays nice tho

      • I've been playing on my tablet and it's pretty fun. Plays much better than GTA

      • wtf max payne is like a 10 yr old game how the hell is it 1.3 gigs

        • +2

          The original Max Payne game was about 900MB on PC. This mobile version has had an HD upgrade so that would explain the increase in size. Games take up space, man. I'm pretty sure Unreal Tournament recommended like half a gig of space in 1999. And that was back when a 20GB drive would set you back about half a grand.

  • Nice. Picked up Flight Tracker and Jamie's cook book. Deals.

    • +2

      I'm a little bit disappointed to find that there is still a FlightTrack Pro upgrade (for $4.99) if you want full functionality.

    • Is Jamie's cook book better than looking up random recipes on the net? why?

      • +2

        I bought it, I won't be able to watch the videos etc until I get home later but I reckon the answer is no.

        Plus by the time you download all the content the 15 minute refund period is over.

        I hope you enjoy my 99 cents Jamie.

      • I bought it on a previous sale, the answer is no. Just youtube stuff.

  • Anyone else getting "This app is incompatible with all of your devices." message for GTA3 and Masseffect ?
    My devices are : HTC One X (Stock ROM not rooted), Transformer TF101 (Revolution HD custom ROM), Galaxy S1 (CM9).

    EDIT, saw the earlier comments just now..

    • The settings I adjusted were:
      ro.build.description=GT-I9100-userdebug 4.0.4 IMM76D eng.onecosmic.20120328.194209 test-keys

      Most of it was just changing GT-I9000 or GT-I9000B to GT-I9100, and then the ro.product.device to galaxys2
      I'm not sure how much or little of it was needed, I just kept editing properties that I could find online until it worked.
      If you're on CM9 you're probably familiar with this sort of stuff, if not, download this app for free to do the edits, make sure you back up your existing build.prop first and copy it to another dir, otherwise it will be overwritten the next time you open the editor.

      Good luck!

  • Sorry, my phone doesn't support "flash" ! :P

  • which app to buy? any recommendation

  • Hot damn. Mass Effect on a mobile platform complete with gorgeous 3D graphics.I wonder what sort of system requirements you need to run this game?

    • +2

      It's not 'Mass Effect', it's a Mass Effect game called Infiltrator.

    • system requirements:
      microsoft surface

  • Is there a way to purchase the app once and download on multiple devices. I have multiple android devices. In case of Apple devices, if it is with the same account, syncing with itunes does it. Does andriod has something similar.


    • You can do it through the web browser, just click install and select your device.

      You have to do each device individually(there is no one-click install on all devices), if that's what you were asking.

    • Yes. As mentioned by ozhunter you can do it on multiple devices. Just go on the application's page on play.google.com.au and select the particular device from the 'install' drop down menu. The device you select will automatically start downloading the application when it is connected to the internet.

      Remember that all your devices need to be on the same google account. For instance - if your gmail is 'someone@gmail.com' then make sure that all your android devices were setup with the same gmail account and then all your devices will be automatically added to one gmail account.

  • Hmm can't get Mass Effect on my One X.

    The international version says it isn't available in my country; the other version just says it is incompatible (although is compatible with my old Incredible S?)

    Any workaround?

    • +1

      may be you could look for the application's 'apk' file on google? But doubt it would be a legit copy.

      • Haha yeah, I can do it the non legal way. I'd just rather pay the 99c and get it legally

        • Have you tried buying it in your web browser and then if it won't let you install just download the apk from google? That way at least your purchasing the app.

        • +1

          no go, I think, as it forces you to pick a device you have connected to your google account.

    • haha, yeah, same here. what a massive fail for EA to not support one of the fastest selling devices on the market.

  • Thanks OP I got 3 apps for $3!

  • Thanks OP, grabbed Jamie's 20 minute meals and mini motor racing

  • +2

    Bought GTA3 two days ago for $6 >_< Only small change, but I hate missing out on a good bargain!!

  • Thanks OP. Got me a few apps myself.

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