$200 cheaper than every other store for this model so it's better than nothing i guess with these overpriced cards .
Gigabyte RTX 4090 24GB Gaming OC Graphics Card $3099 Delivered @ Computer Alliance eBay

Last edited 13/10/2022 - 10:48 by 2 other users
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Agreed, video editing these days needs all the help if can get and it's likely going to help.worlflow significantly and worth the premium.
Yeah, it's the 4080 cards that are overpriced.
Any card that has the updated encoder is all they need. If they have 3D rendering they want to do over that, there are some basic VRAM and processing requirements, but nothing fancy.
So pretty much the entire 40 series will good enough for them. Hell, a basic Intel card may be good enough for them.
The people Ryanek thinks they're describing are people who work with 3D rendering, machine learning, who work with CUDA, things of this nature.
Professionals would want a card that enables VRAM sharing, the 4090 is definitely targeting the gaming market. But this time around Nvidia doesn't have some kind of xx80 class card that's 10-20% lower performance for half the price, the two 4080 cards soon to be released are really the 4070 and 4060 - both at ridiculous prices.
Wait until AMD have actually announced anything. There's a very real chance the 4080 pricing is a strategy to sell existing 30 series, which had almost an entire quarter of stock just stop selling after manufacturers made too many orders.
It's a move they can only make once, so I hope the message is clear to vendors who did play the market too hard this year. Prices won't be the same as last generation, but they shouldn't be as far off as they seem now. That's why we don't have an actual launch date yet.
Professionals would want a card that enables VRAM sharing
This depends on the task, 3090/4090 is great for example for rendering or deep learning related tasks (the next card which is measurably faster would be something like A100, which is about 5-20x more expensive).
You say that, but the RTX line of Nvidia cards are explicitly marketed towards gamers. Quadro and co. are where you were meant to go for your commercial use products. The only reason that's changed is that the top end of the RTX line has become so bloated with cost it's prohibitive to any except those with ridiculous budgets or companies
3090 was also targeted at professionals, this is from the 3090 whitepaper:
The GeForce RTX 3090 incorporates the GA102 GPU and is built for creators, data scientists,
AI developers, and extreme gamers who want the fastest performing graphics card in the world.
The GeForce RTX 3090 is a beast. Like the previous generation TITAN RTX, it ships with 24
GB of memory, allowing data scientists to process large data sets, while gamers can experience
next-generation gaming with ray tracing and DLSS 8K. The RTX 3090 is 1.5x faster than TITAN
RTX and ships with 82 SMs, 10496 CUDA Cores, and 24 GB of GDDR6X memory running at 19.5 Gbps.
You can video edit on a MacBook Air M1 using 4K-8K, and it's half the price. There are videos everywhere on it.
of course you can, but it'll be bloody slow. Especially since the M1 doesn't have hardware AV1 encoding or decoding.
@gizmomelb: It's not slow at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GynqiCXMjM
AV1 is slow on literally everything. It's not remotely close to prime time. If it was Twitch would support it.
@checkingthisout: oh ffs. AV1 is real time on this card for streaming and twitch will be supporting it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVRN_GSJUEA&ab_channel=NVIDI…
and also faster than realtime when exporting 8K with effects - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8_QPx-IN-o&t=212s
the M1 was 'choppy' (as described in the video you linked) at 8K and the user had to drop down to 1080p for it to smoother (but not smooth, it was still choppy).
That being said - you enjoy your home editing on your laptop, I'll continue doing it on my workstation, where it is faster and I'm being paid.
Haha go crawl back under the rock you came out of.
Linus put it into perspective really well.
For the price of this card alone - remember you need to build a whole computer around it. You can get a Nintendo switch, steam deck, xbox series x and a PS5. You could also build an entire midrange PC for that price..
With its encoding/decoding features and price point I have to agree with Ryanek, this is for the professional space not the consumer space, although I have no doubt enthusiasts will go for it, the performance is pretty bonkers if you dont mind shredding money. It begs the question why they are labelling it and presenting it as a consumer card - Linus guessed that theyve had these on shelves for a while now(DP 1.4 only) or they have a lot of excess 30 series cards that would not sell if they priced this card more reasonably.. The second theory is a bit scarier because if people do buy this card Nvidia is going to think it can get away with this sort of pricing..
Most people don't even have the monitor that will make full use of this card. I think Optimum Tech said it best
For 3k you can build a beast of a PC that will keep up with AAA games for 5-10 years at least
Having seen the benchmarks, to truly benefit from this GPU, you'll need the latest and greatest CPU, 4K or 8K display, high wattage and stable PSU, DDR5, else it's going to significantly bottleneck it's performance…is it a great card? hell yeah, but is it worth all the investment just for gaming? go ask your parents
go ask your parents - Very nicely put
With its encoding/decoding features and price point I have to agree with Ryanek
Considering that those features will be in every 40 series GPU, I don't think you should be agreeing at all.
The 4090 is reasonably priced for the largest full die at a reasonable binning at launch. This is an expensive chip to make, with expensive board costs, and reflects a level of wafer use that is vastly less efficient than the smaller dies.
What's unacceptable is the 4080 series pricing, but I expect that to change.
My problem is it exactly justifies the price.
You want something about 70-80% faster than a 3090? Well, it's about 70-80% more expensive.
Too bad if you want something faster and cheaper. Last time that happened was with the 10 series and that was 6 years ago now.I think 3090 is 70-80% cheaper because 4090 is 70-80% faster, so NVidia adjusted the price of 3090. Overall we very seldom have the performance increase proportional to the cost at a high end of price, more often you'd pay 2x for like 20% improvement.
If you don't ever get better performance for the same price, prices are just going to increase infinitely.
I've been stuck on 1060 for about 5 years now because performance has only slightly improved in the price bracket i'm looking at. It's about 50% in 5 years.
I guess im just stuck dreaming of the old days where a new generation would release at the same, or slightly higher prices as the last one, with more performance to show for it. And I should just accept I now have to spend $600+ on a gpu or piss off to poorsville.@Lief: Over two years, the price has increased around 10-15% for x090 series (comparing the launch prices of 3090 and 4090), with about 1.5x-2x performance increase. You can also have the same 3090 as 2 years ago at 1/2 to 2/3 of the original price.
Do you compare 4090 with the current 3090 prices? It was reduced exactly because 4090 is so much better, the launch price was quite similar.
No it doesn't, just because nvidia calls it something doesn't really mean it is that thing. If there is no performance increase you won't upgrade, the 4080 16GB is more like a 4070 and the 12Gb is more like a 4060, the gap between the 4086 and the 4090 is just too dam big, meaning there is no real 4080 yet. It's all just smoke and mirrors and people need to look at the history of GPU lines not just 1 or 2 data points.
As Steve from Hammer on Box put it so to the point- "as fast as this card is, gaming doesn't mean that much to me to purchase one" (paraphrased)
20 sold.. almost gone
Get in quick guys! Don't miss this bargainBut only after you’ve measured your case to make sure you can fit one…..and helped me out with 3k please
and bought a PSU that can run this….
Surley these cards are priced based on bitcoin being worth $60k?
Haha no they are not
pretty sure these will get snapped up quick
Holding for RTX 9090 Ti
Link to this deal ?
By that time my 3080 RTX would have caught on fire, I could claim my house on insurance and then I could spend my $300k on that 9090ti sir :)
Can they use sli?
$3099. Gulp 🥵
Once upon a time me spending $150 on a card was living it up. Times sure have change.
The 3dfx Voodoo 4 cards were very expensive many moons ago.
Founders edition $1600USD..
Granted no one was going to be able to buy thatWhat was the cheapest USD aib?
Except when you look on Nvidia's Australian website for the card, it says "Starting at $2959".
$1600USD was never going to be close to reality in Australia, they never are. It's cooked.
I didn't know Ozbargain was a place for memes now?
It's a brand new flagship card above MSRP, what on earth is it doing here?
Different AIB cards have different prices compared to the founders edition that Australia does not get.
above MSRP
Which universe are we talking about here with this 'MSRP' thing? The 4090 is stated by Nvidia themselves as 'Starting at AUD 2,959' and thats the founders, not AIB.
This universe, the one you're apparently in as well I'm just paying attention.
"The RTX 4090 will release on October 12th and will start at $2,959 AUD." That's the 'starting' price, that doesn't mean the minimum price, that doesn't mean the maximum price, that means that's where Nvidia are starting the price at.
So if a product simply releases now, that's somehow become a bargain, what a world. It is, in no sense of the imagination, a bargain.
The pricing is disgusting, look at the asus ones frig me few hundred off 4K. Cannot justify the pricing for 1 card alone as a new gaming enthusiast pc builder ha.
For comparison (umart prices, techpowerup 4k avg fps)
Gigabyte 4090 Gaming OC
154.0 fpsASUS 4090 ROG Strix OC
156.8 fpsAsus 4090 Strix OC model is 15% more expensive, for 1.8% more performance, compared to Gigabyte 4090 Gaming OC.
'gaming enthusiast pc builder' is not the target market for the 4090
This product literally has "gaming" in the name.
Sub 2000 waiting room
the RRP at every store for the gaming oc is $3299
6% off an already inflated price trying to clear RTX3000 stock, such an OzBargain
In-stock availability of scarce products are still a deal. If you don't like it, keep scrolling or block the deals in your feed.
I wonder there'll be many sales for these cards at this price as there are no more miners out there wanting to upgeade any of their rigs.
It's only the true gamers this time.Does this come with a PC?
Who are the main target audiences for these cards anyway? Surely gamers are out of the equation or, not?
People with 4K monitors, 3090 still struggled with some games at high settings even with DLSS
The difference was those people could make the cost back mining. 3090s could make close to $20 profit a day in their peek. You could pay off a 3090 in 6 months so it was a no brainer. All the dumb idiots that said hold hold for 2 years.
I’ve always been a mid level system person but mining allowed me to be a high level system. Now the 4090 is 3k and there is no tangible way of making that money back.
Yeah, this comment right here, without ETH profit these cards are woefully overpriced and cost for gamers is just laughable. Outside a few niche areas, there's really no need to spend $3000 on a graphics card.
@gizmomelb: Yes they were aimed at ETH miners, because the roadmap for this card would have been in place 3 years ago. But they're not for that anymore.
@checkingthisout: which is even better, hopefully miners never have any incentive to waste money and electricity on speculative currency ever again.
I run 3 4k 34" inch monitors and a standard 27" FHD, need all the grunt I can get when I sit and watch my screens procrastinating.
3k for a graphics card. Wtf has the world come to.
Where were you during Covid?
Playing games on my 1500 dollar fully built PC
yeah some of my mates do low end gaming as well.. but they literally pick up old PCs from the curbside and run 20 year old games on them as they're too tight to spend any money on gaming. I sold one my old GTX 1060 and he initially complained it was faulty (there's light and dark patches on the ground).. I told him to look at his settings and he then realised it was the clouds in the game causing shadows on the ground.
Is this priced to make the previous gen cards look like value? And once that stock clears, surely these will go down
Once 30 series stocks are cleared, I doubt this price will go down as nvidia will try to take advantage that if u want something this good, u need to pay an unreasonably price. Once people actually start buying these cards, they would think it's easy to sell cards super expensive and no one would be able to compete or stop them (for now)
Thr way the AUD is going price will probably increase in a few months.
Its only showing the GPU specs for me. What cpu is this PC running?
u funny…
At least the price in AUD isnt $4090
Missed opportunity, NVIDIA!
Rip cheap high end techfast machines
I ended up impulsing purchasing one. Anyone have some good recommendations of good RAM, CPU etc to run with it?
U bought a 4090 but have no idea what ram or cpu it needs?
It's an artisan coaster
I know roughly, but wanted to know that is the best combination. OzB brains trust has never failed me.
Lol well 32gb of ram DDR4 3200mhz or better, at least 5600 processor or better, probably a 1000w psu, m2 drive, couple of ssds or decent sized HDDs, I’d recommend a auros board to go with it or better; X570 chipset. Next Gen is insanely priced but depends how much you want to spend. 4K gaming was to an extent GPU limited until you bought that haha
@DemocracyManifest: If they bought a 4090 you better be buying DDR5, the best CPU available, a 4k 144hz monitor and 10tb of SSD storage
@ginormousgiraffe: only while they do their 4K video editing and high end raytraced rendering. Otherwise they don't need 10TB if they're using it just for gaming.
@gizmomelb: He's saying the fact he "impulsed" bought a 3k+ gpu on IMPULSE, then whats stopping him from buying at least 10TB of storage? If u can just buy something like that then cash isn't an issue at all
@LuslecGrace: it's their cash, so they can do what they want. As said, otherwise they don't need it (I didn't say don't buy it to save money, did I?). The amount of salt in this thread all seems to be from the gamers who can't buy it on impulse.
@LuslecGrace: don't blame the listener for failing to get the joke when the joke/jokerr is pointed out as not being funny
@LuslecGrace: Relax champ. I was tossing up for quite a while between the 4080 and a 4090 and was, for the most part, leaning towards the 4080. But I saw there were still 4090's in stock and a "decent" price from the eBay deal so I decided to purchase it.
@pharcyde: If you were set on 4000 series you made the right choice. 4080 is terrible value compared to the 90 counterpart this gen. Enjoy 🤙
Just put it in a refurb Optiplex
(Leave the case off)
And check your home insurance will cover PSU fires caused by negligence.
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The performance of this card is nothing to sneeze at but it’s not enough to justify the price imo