I was at my local Coles last night and didn't have a coin to unlock a trolley. Usually one of the attendants has a tool to unlock the trolley, however they told me to go to the Service Desk counter and obtain a free token. Aldi charges $0.99 for this and this is free and reusable that can be attached to a keychain, so I think this is worth sharing with the community.
Free Trolley Token - Ask at Service Desk @ Coles

Last edited 11/10/2022 - 12:09 by 1 other user
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Yeah same, instead the trolleys lock when they are taken out of the car park.
I've always wondered how this works
magnetic strips on the ground activate the lock on the wheels when the trolley rolls over them.
@tinothy: Yes, the brakes only engage when rolling over the special mats near they install outside the doors. After that, they work fine again
@Philthy Phill: Do people think customers carry the trolleys 1-10 kms or so to throw in the local creeks/bushes/drains etc….
@lost in transit: I live in Perth, on Friday I saw a Spud Shed trolley in the CBD, the nearest Spud Shed is 10km away lol
@bleeder: From when I lived in WA (missing it severly) I’m pretty sure Belmont Forum had them. No surprise there I guess…
@stickyfingers: @stickyfingers I've since realised they have them at Subi Woolworths, tried to take my trolley all the way to my car and then thought the wheels were faulty when it suddenly got jammed. Makes sense there too as they probably don't want their trolleys all over Subiaco.
@bleeder: Come to Maylands Coles in WA. They have it. Still find trollies scattered through the neighbourhood. With a massive flat spot on the wheels from being dragged. @lost in transit
@lachhelix: my local woolies and coles doesnt have this magnetic strip haha I always see trolleys in random places like near my house which is 3km from the actual woolies and coles. Bozo kids probably riding in them
@catchtheaman: Not all woolies and Coles have this trolley.. but for example the Coles in Concord has one … I was very confused the first time it locked on me lol
@catchtheaman: Also people who live within walking distance or without transport options, but either unwilling or unable to physically haul a grocery load home by hand, followed by being too lazy/dishonest to bother returning them.
@maskedmustelid: I’ve seen them listed on fb lol ‘Free trolley, the owner doesn’t want to collect’ A lonely-looking worn trolley in the picture.
What would happen here? Carry the trolley over the strips and then push it over the strips back in.
Not if you push hard enough, heh, heh, heh. (They deserve square wheels for telling me to park further away for exercise, then locking the trolley wheels.)
Why did your supermarket tell you to park further away for exercise? Were you buying a lot of chips and chocolate or something?
You must not live in Broadmeadows, Frankston or other surroundings ghettos.
dingley village dont have
Frankston Coles has the wheel locks not the coin locks.
I'm not from Melbourne but Frankston must be the only crap suburb on the water
Nope… Mornington, Rosebud, etc.
Where I am we have locks on the trolleys at the Woolies at one end of the shopping centre, but not the Woolies at the other end. I just 3D printed a removable token to unlock the trolleys so I don't have to worry about it. Just insert in coin slot, twist it out and remove trolley. You can buy them on ebay too.
I do it as I never have coins and these tokens always fall out/off the keychain after a short while, the 3D printed ones don't. Always put my trolley back and lock it though, because I hate it when people leave them all over the carpark.
Edit: the comment below may explain it, the end with locked trolleys is the one that's next to Aldi.
cough Crimebourne
Yes same.
Geez wtf do you all live?
We have had these everywhere around my area for years on end now.
I miss the good ol days when I didn't need to prep for the shops. Tokens, bags and packing my own shit…even paid less for things back then.
I live in a suburb where people don't steal trolleys and return it back to the trolley bay after use.
I think this is a decent way of checking to see if you are buying in a decent neighbourhood. Just visit the shops first.
Surely some didn't abuse woolies previously and would find this handy
{insert your username}
So a token can be collected from your place instead of going to Coles?
or from Woolies
they denied when i asked
@capslock janitor: I find it more ironic that this all stemmed from your post - which was in all lowercase too.
It sounds like you have saved these tokens extraordinarily successfully.
Where is this ? Never seen them in Qld.
Hold on we are 10 years behind.
Thank goodness for that!
Is that all?
Or just not regressed. Years ago I learned QLD doesn't have daylight savings so I wanted to move there. Is that still the case? It's @#$%^ ridiculous trying to go to sleep with the sun still in the sky, even at 9pm sometimes!
Extremely confusing when I fly into Gold Coast and had to get a bus down to Byron Bay (NSW being on daylight savings time). Was very worried I was going to (profanity) up the times. And somehow Google Maps (profanity) up the estimate time to drive, telling me it would take an additional hour (but it did the same thing on the way back!).
@bleeder: I'm in NSW, it's 4:57PM, about to get dark, I already had to turn the light on a while ago because I couldn't see my keyboard. Most people are still at work. So it's going to be dark when they get home. So most of us work for someone else while the sun is out and later at home all we can do is go inside and veg out because it's too dark outside to do anything without floodlights. It's crazy. Why not change the clocks permanently so it gets dark about 6:30-8:00PM all year round. Most people eat about 6PM so they'd be heading inside about that time anyway. So at least we could get an hour or two outside to wash the car, mow, fix something for the wife or kids that they broke, then go inside to eat and get ready for bed. We'd get something small done over 5-6 days. Instead we have to get up when it's dark, drive home in the dark, and weekend/relaxation time is spent doing more work like mow the yard, leaving even less time for ourselves. Then summer comes around and everyone's time clock is knocked out of whack with the sun going down at 9PM, after knocking it out of whack in the other direction for weeks before!? LOL!
@[Deactivated]: It's designed to align first light at sunrise which is supposed to suit farmers. In winter the days get shorter AND daylight savings shifts the daylight earlier.
There are interesting statistics out of hospitals that show increases in admissions related to cardiovascular issues around daylight savings changes.
me either… people must steal trolleys a lot interstate
They turn em into bbq grills
mining rig frames
I know people used to steal the bars for the metal poles.
@xoom: is it still a thing people steal the metal netted front gates from people's houses and use them for BBQ
@xoom: You can if you are a minor in qld, our government is so wonderful you can rob anyone without much consequence. Latest example being the attempted car jack with a knife of the ex Matilda athelete at a street in Cooparoo.
Ah the classic trolley pole.
Double trolley is the best, the broadsword of metal poles!
My local coles has been trialling it, once the Aldi opened up near it people would take the coles trolleys to do shopping at Aldi and left no trolleys for the coles customers so this was their solution I guess
this happens at my local shopping centre as well but coles hasn't done anything for like the past 8 years
This is always free at my local coles in ACT.
Really? I've gone to service desk at Canberra City Coles and asked "I don't have any coins for trolley, can I swap this $5/$10 note for some?" and they've always done the swap instead of giving me the free trolley token :(
I always get it from Coles/ww woden for free.
Next time, try -
“Can I get your help to unlock a trolley?”They happily unlock one and it always works for me.
I've had to pay for these little tokens before. They're $1 each. Whenever I haven't had coins or forgot the last one of these I'd bought, they've made me pay for one of these. Must just have 'pushover' written across my forehead.
Try Coles in Gungahlin. I got two (one for me and one for my sister) when we first moved to Canberra
I paid a couple bucks for one off ebay years ago. I feel cheated.
Paypal price protection?
can you keep unlocking the trollery without returning the trollery?
Yes, it comes out.
Only if it's a Trollery. Doesn't work on Trolleys
facts. These tokens would definitely not work on Trolley(buses). XD
Comes with free trolley as well?
Umm I think what it means is you can rent the trolley for $1/$2 coin/ Trolley token, (BUT no time limit) SO yes a rented trolley for no specified time limit.
you can rent the trolley
does it include insurance?
CTP and green slip. But you need a full license to rent one.
All my local coles and Woolies don't have coin token locks