Bought a Lemon - BMW X3 with Engine Oil Leak

Hi folks, need a genuine suggestion here.

Bought a BMW X3 2006 from a private seller who offered a RWC but I didn’t check the date. Which was expired on 4/08/2022. Purchase date - 31/09/2022. Cost - $11500 all cash.

Now the engine is leaking and costing me more than $7000 to fix. I got the RWC from the local mechanic with the engine oil leak fix. But it’s not a simple fix.

Car is already registered on my name with the current RWC spent $1100 for RWC. I’m sure the seller sold me a lemon.
But there was only one thing in my mind before making purchase is that the road worthy was passed in last month then it won't take much to get the new RWC.

So now, can I go to the last RWC guy and file a case against him? Not sure what to do? Or take it as a lesson and move on?


  • +319

    Lesson learnt - at least your family and friends will think you're loaded now that you're cruising in your luxury 2006 BMW X3.

    • +33


    • +140

      someone who owns a 2006 BMW X3 is probably loaded, because they need to be able to afford all of the repair bills.

    • +17

      Whoa! Careful, they have an oil leak and burns like that could start a fire!

    • +9

      Correction “rolling in your luxury 2006 BMW X3”
      Downhill only obviously

    • +40

      Who buys 16 year old beamer? Makes no sense.

      • +35

        It's actually very common, especially with younger people.
        A lot of people who don't understand cars think "BMW" are premium cars due to their price and status and therefore would be of good quality.

        It's not until you buy one and something goes wrong and then you understand why a car that cost $75,000 new now costs $11,500..

        • +28

          This. Every friendship circle has one person who does this once. Great lesson for friends.

          Then there’s that one person who always buys a Jeep. Endless entertainment for friends.

        • -2

          Unless you are mechanically minded then you can fix anything… and get a good car for cheap but I suppose you people will justify your new expensive cars

          • -1

            @TightBungholio: If you're doing serious repairs, you're going to need a garage, car lift, full set of tools, a heap of time and a LOT of replacement parts. None of which come cheap or easy, especially for a old ass, clapped out BMW X series.

            Takes a lot more than just being mechanically minded.

            • +5

              @nigel deborah: I’ve never had a proper garage or a car lift and I’ve done “serious repairs”.

              • +5

                @mapax: agreed. I've done everything there is to do on a car and haven't had access to a hoist in a long time. Sure it makes it easier, but its not necessary. Pro tip, second hand engine cranes are cheap and don't lose value, buy, then sell for the same amount once you're done.

            • @nigel deborah: You need tools, no doubt, but people that are serious about diy have most basic needed tools or get them as required.
              All tools arent used once and that's it, it's just accepted and known you can't work without tools.

              Still don't need a lift. You can do gearboxes and engines with jack stands, jack and engine crane in a driveway or garage preferably.

              Anything huge/serious may require a heap of time especially if you are new to DIY, saying that tho no one should be discouraged from DIY on cars. You learn heaps and every job gives you experience.

              Saying all this, I agree, I'd discourage people from owning beemers, especially old ones and when they don't know or aren't interested in DIY work, clearly…

            • @nigel deborah:

              If you're doing serious repairs,
              you're going to need a garage

              No you arent. Just a big enough level concreted area.

              car lift,

              No you arent. Axle stands are fine.

              full set of tools,

              Nope, you just need the tools you need for the job. Tools basically pay for themselves if you consider the cost of paying a mechanic to do the work.

              a heap of time

              Yes you got that one right, well done.

              and a LOT of replacement parts. None of which come cheap or easy, especially for a old ass, clapped out BMW X series.

              Nope again. I got a whole Mercedes car the same as mine for $500 that had a burnt front end. I just needed the transmission from it. So I removed that trans and put it into mine, without any of those things you listed except time. It would have cost well over $8k at a mechanic. It did take me 2 days though - but mostly because its AWD so it had a huge transfer case that needed to be removed first before the trans x2 because I had to remove it from the donor car first.

        • Yep I'm one of these, first car was an Audi I saved up over 4 years washing dishes to buy. Listened to my parents and got the first service at Audi, it was $1.5k.

          Great to drive. Absolutely terrible on fuel and repairs.

          • +1

            @lancesta: It's no one's fault. Just something you either have to experience yourself for the first time or have a friend experience and learn from.

            They are great cars, if you have the spare change to look after them

            • +1

              @Windows98: Yeah spare change and if you're practical with cars I think there's a chance too, particularly if they're second hand. Met an uber driver who did all their own work on their alpha romeo, and that's the only way they could keep the cost down lol. Where you get repairs done also makes a massive difference in cost/quality of work.

              Definitely agree though. It's still the best car I've ever driven hands down.

              I had never even changed oil before and learnt how to change a timing belt when attempting to repair it. Need to scrap it lol, think I've learnt all I can from it.

          • @lancesta: Alright, it was an exaggeration. Happy to accept you can downgrade it to a large concrete area, axle stands or alternative, the tools you need (going to be a fair few depending on job/car), and a lot of parts (which may sourced from wrecked cars if you're able to get them and store them). Still puts it out of reach of lots of people, which was my point.

            • @nigel deborah: Oh mate, I wasn't disagreeing with you at all. I learnt a lot trying to fix it but in reality it's sat in the shed for 5 years and isn't gonna run. Probably $1000 in parts/manuals but I just took it as the course fees for me learning lol.

              Even if you're practical and have experience, if it's the only car you've got it's not really an ideal situation. Like if the car is apart and you wanna replace a bolt you've snapped and can't get to the shops. And as you said the cost of all the equipment, stands e.c.t all adds to it.

              Anyway I'm kinda happy to have something that just works.

              • +1

                @lancesta: Sorry, I actually meant to reply to the other comment. Appreciate your reply though and definitely agree

      • +7

        I wouldn't buy a 6-year-old one let alone a 16 year old, thinking of their long servicing BS and the oil sludge makes me cringe.

        • +1

          yeah totally agree, even if i got a new one for free i wouldnt bother driving it around the block.
          To cut the op some slack, if you dont know anything from cars, are from overseas and on a budget i can understand someone get bitten.
          i'd suggest learn to cut your losses if the maths work and discomfort work out

        • Are we still talking about BMWs?

      • +2

        irony is the older ones (pre 2000s or so) are still solid and fun to drive.

        • Still pretty crap on fuel relative to today's standard. But yeah I'll admit they go well

      • I bought a 4 year old X5 long time a go and got screwed with endless repair bill

        Now I have a Mitsubishi outlander with 10 years (07 year when I purchased it) factory warranty and I can sleep at night

        In the last 4 years I have only paid for a replacement battery and annual capped-price services.

        Could not be better - Lessons learned

      • Obviously dumbasses

    • +4

      Has the OP considered making lemonade?

    • +6

      OPs post has to be a troll post no one could be that ignorant.

      1. RWC does not cover oil leaks, that BMW probably has 10 oil leaks by the time it was 3 years old. Ever wondered why BMW warranty is only ever 3 years?

      2. I just paid amounts ranging $1-3k to fix some older BMW and Mercs we have for oil leaks. It is just the nature of the beast. It is what happens to these cars. It is what you get with ownership. If you didn't know this beforehand, everything is 100% your severe degree of negligence.

      3. $7k is that a BMW dealer price? You could probably get it fixed at an indepent euro specialist for much less.

      4. It's a lesson, move on. Tip, never buy a BMW older than 10 years. It's had it. Your car is now 16 years OLD. 16!!!!!! That is like 100 in human years.

      • +10

        RWC does cover oil leaks.

      • You can't be serious?

        Oil leaks are absolutely an RWC item.
        We are talking leaks here. Not drips or moistness

        • +1

          Not if the previous owner steam cleans the upper and lower engine prior to taking it to the rwc. Very common trick.

          There's no way for the mechanic to know if there's no evidence of the leak.

      • +1

        I mean does a head gasket even cost 7k. That's like the cost of a transmission or something.

        Not everyone has a good understanding of everything important in life phones, cars, electricity, superannuation, insurance e.c.t. there's a lot of heavily opinionated information available so it's not always easy to distinguish it. So I don't think I can blame op too much for the choice. Maybe it had low KMs too so seemed like a great deal or something.

        Very good point about the dealer. They can often charge rediculous prices and I haven't found them very descriptive of the issues and things to look out for (as they're not likely to say, oh yeah this model has this problem).

        I've definitely learnt my lesson though.

    • Very under rated comment

    • Why you gotta do him like that lol

    • +6

      I was about to say this is the Austrian way but really, its the quinessential Australian way, especially if you're from the area of Greenacre…

    • You being Classy as usual, huh ?

      • +2

        like your mate Gervais and a 2006 bmw x3 i guess

        • +1

          like your mate Gervais and a 2006 bmw x3

          lol what ?

  • +22

    Could have bought a Camry's instead of he Beamer.

    • +9

      $11500 could get the sweetest Camry around

      • +7

        The one that comes with a satin tissue box cover? Sweet.

        • +1

          That one went straight to the pool room!

      • +6

        not really these days

    • And a roof rack for a potential kayak.

  • +69

    Bought a bmw x3 2006

    Stopped reading after that lol just had to have that badge huh

    • just had to have that envy badge

      • +1

        But it turned out more slick than they'd hoped.

    • -2

      TBF they do drive very nicely.

      When they're working.

    • +1

      maybe not, they are pretty cheap and the form factor looks nice, not everyone knows they are all made from cheap plastic since 00s

    • Good to pick up potential chicks as all they know of is the badge, regardless of how old it is.

    • +1

      Lol and this post is now up to 4 pages, and OP hasn't commented once…

  • +3

    Photo of the lemon beemer or it didn't happen

  • +52

    You bought Big Money Waster.
    You might want to Borrow Money Weekly
    Or Bring Mechanic With you at all times.
    Stop the Bitch Moan and Whine

    • +7

      also remember to bring your toothbrush…

      oh that's not right… its Bring My Wallet

      • but hey they're the preferred vehicle of Bloody Massive Wanchors …

        • sounds like OP has been bent over and (profanity) by a Black Man's Willy.

    • Forgot bullish!t motor works….!

  • +37

    Which Model X3? What have you been told is the cause of the oil leak?

    The fact is all BMW's leak oil from various places after 8 years due to the rubber gasket material hardening, losing flexibility and turning to something resembling plastic, no longer being able to provide an effective seal. The most common general oil leak is valve cover gasket and oil filter housing gasket. Depends on the engine model though. These gaskets are a consumable and considered a mandatory maintenance item. They will leak, eventually. This doesn't make the car a lemon. Depends on where your leak is coming from though. $7k sounds serious.

    • +2

      Rear main seal I reckon, still, 7k…

      • +1

        Rea main is the most reliable seal on most of these, its usually the VCG first, then other things like tensioner o-ring. At age the oil pump housing seal… etc. All are dirt cheap as they are maintenance items.

        If the cost is sky high, its because you are going to the wrong mechanic. I'd go to the dealer and ask them to verify the source before quoting me if I can't find a good indy

    • All BMW's dont leak oil.

      We have a 2011 that is tight as a drum.

      • +3

        Famous last words

      • +1

        There's a difference between all BMW's don't leak oil and not all BMW's leak oil

        • yeah could have worded it better.

        • +1

          Seriously though, pre covid I bought a used Mazda trying to get a safe car to drive to work……(profanity) engine shit itself.

          I had it checked and serviced by Mazda when I bought it….(profanity) never told me there was water not coolant in the radiator.

          overheated and blown less than a year later

          • +1

            @Franc-T: Wtf. How in the hell would they miss that on a service. If it wasn't so hard to prove/procecute I feel like it should've been covered (even on a second hand car).

  • +45

    Im not sure what is the biggest mistake that OP have made, buying a used BMW or post the issue on Ozb. RiP

    • +2

      Not getting a pre-inspection

    • "I bought a 15 year old BMW which is not a lemon" said nonone ever…. Isn't it just common sense?

      • 15 year old BMW motorcyclea are generally ok

  • +57

    *laughs in mechanic*

    Really. And what possessed you to buy a busted arse Euro trash wagon? Let alone paying over $11k for a 16+yo BMW.

    Caveat emptor. Should have got it inspected before you handed over cash for it.

    The rule is; “If you can’t afford a new BMW, you certainly can’t afford a used one…”

    • +14

      It's truly outstanding that with the amount of information out there, people still buy used beamer and then be surprised it's a lemon.

    • +26

      There's nothing more expensive than a cheap BMW.

      • +2

        There is… A cheap Merc

      • cheap lambo a mechanic bought, 10+ years later it still doesnt run right

  • +12

    Need a genuine suggestion here

    Now the engine is leaking and costing me more than $7000 to fix

    This might be the right time to learn how to fix certain engine problems yourself. If your mechanic has given an itemized list of the problems, spend some time on YouTube, figure out what parts and tools you need and give it a go.

    My thoughts are that $7000 of repairs on an $11000 car is damn close to an economic write off (I.e. a complete loss of your money, although if you part it out you might, might, cover that $4k difference)

    • Or parm it off to someone else who dont use ozb, just as the previous person lol

      • +6

        Parma or Parmi I don't know of this parm??

      • *palm

    • This is ONE issue. If you gets that fixed, he might then have to move on to the next issue, and the next, and the next…

  • +50

    That doesn't sound like a lemon, it just sounds like a typical mid-2000s BMW X3

  • +6

    Few things in life more expensive than a free puppy or a cheap Euro car. You must have been desperate for the badge with a $12k budget to buy this.

  • +7


    That is a high price in any language.

    So now, can I go to the last RWC guy and file a case against him?

    You won't be able to prove the leak was there when they did the RWC.

    Not sure what to do? Or take it as a lesson and move on?


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