What's Your Experience with Fixed Wireless nbn?

I'm about to leave the rat race that is Sydney and move to the country. NBN Wireless isn't connected so I'm looking at getting that. Does anyone have it and what's your experience like? In Sydney I'm using FTTC with ABB on their 50Mbps d/l plan which is adequate. Can Wireless NBN get those d/l speeds even in bad weather? We both WFH so need reliability over raw d/l speed.


  • +1

    just an FYI… if you're a heavy downloader/uploader, NBN are introducing a "fair use policy" for FW users. https://www.nbnco.com.au/utility/fixed-wireless-fair-use-pol…

    • +1

      Wow, they're fairly low limits really, if you download more than 400GB or upload more than 120GB per month you're classed as a heavy user.. That's only about 13GB down or 4GB up per day… Bad luck for the people that like to watch HD streaming of an evening…

      I guess it's easier to implement limits than upgrade the network, lol, good for lighter users like myself I guess…

  • +4

    I'm about to leave the rat race that is Sydney and move to the country.

    Congratulations. I'm glad you've seen the light.

    I'm on NBN fixed wireless with ABB 50Mbps plan in regional VIC.

    I live 4.3km from the tower as the crow flies.

    Typical speed is nearly always in the low 40's. Saturday evenings will drift into the low 30's due to tower network congestion. Never noticed slow speeds due weather. I've got a clear line of sight path between the tower and the antenna on our roof. Apparently dense foliage and moisture on the foliage, in the line of sight path, can influence speeds but I can neither confirm or deny.

    If you are into online gaming the ping speed might be annoying. Typically I'm in the mid 40's.

    Speed test result from 2 minutes ago

    There are a lot of variables in FW technology so your mileage may vary.

    • Thanks for your thoughts. I'm tossing up between the Fixed Wireless NBN or Starlink

      • My experience with ABB 50 Fixed Wireless is identical to Muzeeb's. Like, I could have written it. My brief experience with StarLink, on the other hand, was not good. While the down speeds were incredible, the up speeds were not. The ping was good for the most part. StarLink has very consumer unfriendly hardware, expensive and comes with no ethernet port, so I had to buy a $60 StarLink dongle to connect my mesh router.

        All OK if I could rely on the service, but the up speed was very flaky, and every so often (usually on client calls) the connection would drop out for 20s every five minutes.

        StarLink is a great idea, but like all tech from that guy it's been shipped to paying beta testers.

  • +1

    I just spoke to ABB and the Wireless hardware is already installed by the previous owner so there will be minimal downtime when changing over. YAY FTW!!!

    • Don’t use their standard router and get something a bit better. I’m currently using a full Deco set up and it works very well. When you do set up your router give them a call as they have to change a couple things on their end.

      Regional VIC and my speeds are similar as others.

      • I already have a Netgear Nighthawk R7000p that I'm using at my current place that will be repurposed at the new place.

  • On FW with ABB, not sure the distance form the tower but would have to be 10km at least? Have the occasional NBN issue but not too often.

    Just did a speedtest 65/5 ping 34ms.

    Speed doesn't seem to change with the weather, not that I've noticed anyway. Tress can get in the way but nothing that can't be fixed with a chainsaw.

  • -6

    I'm about to leave the rat race that is Sydney and move to the country

    Hope you don't need any medical services in the future.

    • +1

      Lol. OP is not moving to a cattle station near Cameron Corner. My regional town has amazing medical services. Even if I get cancer or have a heart attack I don't need to leave town and I'm 2.5 hours from a capital city. Time to open your eyes dude and not believe the media.

      • OP is not moving to a cattle station near Cameron Corner

        OP didn't actually mention where they're moving to.

        Even if I get cancer or have a heart attack I don't need to leave town and I'm 2.5 hours from a capital city

        Glad to see you're covered for those, but what if you have a farming accident? What's the trauma capability of your local Emergency Room?

        Time to open your eyes dude and not believe the media.

        My comment wasn't based on any media depiction of the issue. It's personal experience.

        • Country folk can fix anything with a pair of pliers and an old coat hanger.

          • -1


            and an old coat hanger

            That's pretty funny, cos I've heard abortions are really difficult to find in regional Australia!

  • no chance with 5G or 4G coverage from other telcos?

  • Looking at the NBN map I'm about 2.5km from two towers.

    • Only one will be relevant. If you're lucky and have line of sight to both, you might be able to try the other (by paying a technician to point your dish at it instead)

  • For wfh, you also need to look into upload speed. Maybe give it a go and if it doesn't work, move to starlink.

  • I'm on fixed wireless in the middle of bumfark nowhere and get about 20 down. It could be better, but it beats ADSL.

  • Oh yeah. FW 50 unlimited plan. It's this or [gasp] satellite.

    https://ibb.co/9scHmG7 <- Speed as regular as a clock from the $2 shop

    [CLICK on pic to enlarge]

  • As a fixed wireless user up until a few weeks ago, I doubt the 4GB/day upload limit would ever be a problem as uploading is so slow, you'd be unlikely to ever be able to use that much. But the slowness was relative as it was still much faster than ADSL. Downloading was usually fine (compared to ADSL). When we first switched, we were the first in the street and never had any buffering/lagging. As our neighbours took it up, I noticed slowdowns in the evening. Its other advantage was that it eliminated the frequent dropouts we got on ADSL.

    We've now moved to the city and I'm still marvelling at the super fast upload speeds from fibre to the curb, soon to be upgraded to fibre to the premises.

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