App Store Optimisation Jobs, Real or Fake?

Was approached by a randome recruite lady on whatsapp lately asking me if i was interested in full/part jobs, i looked up her company info it's a real recruitment company in sydney CBD, i said yes, then she passed me onto someone else. days later i was engaged by this guy asking me if I'm happy to do the so called ASO work, basically give reviews to apps to increase their ranking, pay is about $800/week, there may also be commission. I thought typing some words on keyboards or doing some mouse clicks don't sound too bad for 800 pw, anyone had experiences with these things?


  • +10

    Whatsapp recruitment spam is rampant at the moment. Wonder where they got your number from??? LOL … thanks Optus.

    Rule 1 of the internet: If its too good to be true it probably is.

    Sounds like review fraud to me. I'm sure you'll get paid — scammers are usually people of high integrity.

    • I think that is the number one rule in life in general!

  • +1

    How many reviews do you have to pump out for 800 bucks?

    • +4

      Probably 10-20 in one hour until your account gets flagged by google / apple as fraudulent and you have now burned yourself for many years to come….

      This fake fb like / fake youtube like / fake app store review stuff is super common in low income countries, but since they block those from foreign IPs pretty quick, they need "genuine Aussies" with real billing history, verified mobile number etc for the reviews to seem more genuine… until you're discovered at least.

  • anyone had experiences with these things?

    Not really (t. out-of-touch boomer), but if their business is legit (pro-tip: it's not) then you've got a perfect opportunity to undercut them here. $800/wk for copy-pasting a template review response and clicking a bunch of links is a little too respectable of a salary, and if you're (i)morally inclined you could get way more impressive profit margins on an outfit like this by exploiting the fact that you don't really need your 'workers' to be able to understand the text they're copy-pasting for something like this.

  • +6

    Randomly contacted on WhatsApp for jobs. What could go wrong?

    Jobs & employment scams

  • +7

    randome recruite

    Will keep an eye out for your reviewse…

  • +5

    What will happen is either your account will get banned from reviewing before you ever finish the week, or the money will be taken away from you as it is from stolen accounts. They might start you on this and change you to "paying accounts" and keeping the excess as a bonus (using you as a money mule). If you get unsolicited messages like this on Whatsapp just report, block, delete.

  • +4

    Good luck, looking forwarding to your next post. "Scammed, what should I do?" or "We want recruite more people to help us!".

  • +6

    Was approached by a randome recruite lady on whatsapp lately asking me if i was interested in full/part jobs, i looked up her company info it's a real recruitment company

    So she told you the name of the recruitment company, you googled it and think she's legit because it turned out to be a real company? Hi, I'm Elon Musk. Google me, you'll see I'm a real person. If you send me $5k I'll totally give you a Tesla. I'm just that kinda guy.

    Call the recruitment company, ask for the person you spoke to, ask for a position description and details on the award/EBA it falls under, the hours and rates of pay, whether you need your own ABN or not and how you will receive the work.

  • basically give reviews to apps to increase their ranking, pay is about $800/week, there may also be commission.

    What commission is there in making fake reviews?

  • +1

    Do they have a real office in Sydney or is it a shared or a virtual office?

    Make sure you see them face to face before you hand over any bank, ato or any other personal info and verify that their ACN ifs valid and visit their real office in the CBD (not a virtual or shared office, so make sure their company name is on the list of companies that occupy the building).

    • +1

      The company is likely real, but they won't work there.

      I can say I work for apple and how do you know?

      • Google the company and get their phone number. You then call the number and ask for HR or PC or what they call the department and ask if the person works for them. Then you know the person works at the company.

        As for being a legit company that's why you check for a real office and ACN, but this can also be faked, but it is allot harder.

  • +1

    It's likely that these people do not work for said company and are just saying they do.

    How do you know they do? Because they said so?

    How naive are you op to fall for this scam

  • +2

    thanks for all the input, I have realised this is highly likely to be a scam. Will not take the job.

  • I have been approached on whatsapp as well. However in the first few days i made money until salary was added. Then account went to minus and i lost $1300 aud. Can the person who wrote this post email me on [email protected]. cheers

  • Hi, I have been approached as well. Seems really dodgy. Is it legit? Same story 800$ for few clicks.

  • If someone proceed further and give some information which is asked for accoaccount setting like Drivers licence and felt not right, how to secure oneself ?

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