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LG Optimus Spirit Telstra Mobile Phone $79 - AUSPOST


Not as good as Coles deal few weeks ago. But this is the cheapest one. Very good android phone for sub $79. Im just sharing the deal. I got mine from coles. Easy to root and very cheap to unlock via ebay.

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  • I am after a cheap android that I can wifi or btooth to my laptop when travelling and that I can make voip calls on. Unlocks easy so I can swap sims. Reasonable battery life. Would this be the go.

    • yeah its pretty good, though battery life is an issue as it is with any smart phone…

      I bought two from coles last week, some stores still have them… Think i bought the last two from essendon… though may keep my eyes open for a third one for my dad.
      My wife is running hers on optus (so they are easy to unlock)…

      They are great phones, though my daughters seems to have issues with GPS - my wifes seems to pick up GPS relitivly quick, though i had trouble getting a lock on the other one.

      airport west had heaps but they scanned at 99….

      • Do you need to pay to unlock though? Looking at getting phone for a friend on OPTUS.

        • You can buy an unlock code off eBay for about $1.50. They work perfectly.

        • Could you please.send me the direct link via ebay?thank you

      • Thanks for that. I will try the local Coles shops. Did your wife purchase hers as a Optus phone or unlock it?

        • You need a flybuys card to buy at this price.

        • Can you sign up for one in the store. We had one years ago but it seemed you needed to do 2 years shopping to fly to the nearest corner.

        • I didn't have a flybuys card and they sold it to me at this price…(Maybe thats why they didnt at airport west though) so bought though coles as a telstra phone….then unlocked it though the guy on ozbargain that does it… (would rather support the locals, and only 2 bux!) flybuy deals is active until 22 July

          he also has a website:

          (some people even unlocking them for free: http://www.austech.info/mobile-phones/73158-unlock-lg-optimu…)

          just keep in mind they are only for the optus 2100 network (ie no 900, as they do 850) though i haven't had a great deal of troubles getting reception with the wifes phone.. (specially in the city) - though think i was on GSM when i was visiting my folks near bendigo.

          Benmc, if i remember ill try have a look tonight, though if someone has one on them, may be easier to get them to check.

        • "just keep in mind they are only for the optus 2100 network (ie no 900, as they do 850) though i haven't had a great deal of troubles getting reception with the wifes phone.."

          Sorry, what do you mean by Optus 2100 network?
          I am using Live Connected plan (also under Optus network), can I use this LG phone connecting to Live Connected?

        • http://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/mobile_phone_frequencies (the LTE section is mostly my work :D ;) )
          optus basically use two frequencies for transmission of 3g signal…900 and 2100

          you can use them, but where they (optus) use 900Mhz for 3G (IE rural areas), you'll probably drop back and get GSM speeds (IE ok for phone calls but slower internet)

          should be no difference in the city/burbs though.

        • I have no trouble using this phone with Live connected once I unlocked it from Telstra (also rooted and installed a custom mod), mostly for data usage with the android apps, although at home I am some distance from the Optus tower so don't have great reception at home so I use wireless of course, which drains the battery quite quickly.

        • Confirming the temporary Fly Buys card in the brochure works as well. No discount without it though.

      • Hey Wisc…

        Just wondering what are the language options under settings?

        Is English the only language on the phone?


        • +2

          mine comes up with the following language selections:
          Deutsch (various)
          English (various - including canadian & NZ, so I guess it will work if I voicedial 'Bro' - lol)
          Francais (various)
          and several Russian and chinese looking options along with a few others I have never heard of.

  • +4

    Inexpensive phones like this is the real reason Samsung have over taken Apple in the "smart" phone market. What Apple fanboys don't understand is Samsung would never alienate themselves from this budget market segment.

    • +1

      Words of wisdom right here. RIP PainToad.

      • What happened to PainToad?

        • He got served: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/72897#comment-916125

          (You'll need to expand it as it's collapsed for being off-topic)

        • -2

          Not quite sure how I got served? Sure, lot's of vote downs, but none of the idiots made any case for my argument being invalid. Samsung's market share is skewed by the lower end of the market, which Apple historically is rarely interested in. Do you deny any of this is true?

        • +1

          You got it spot on - served by virtue of the downvotes, which at -37 is no small feat (unless you are jv).

          PS: I'm not actually responding to your argument or claiming others have. What you say may very well be true, but it has absolutely zero relevance whatsoever as to whether or not that Galaxy Fit is a bargain. The first reply to your comment on that thread very correctly categorised your comment as forum banter, which is what led to a mod collapsing your post as off-topic.

      • If you want to use a subpar phone everyday go for it, I don't care. My post in the other thread is merely pointing out Samsung VS Apple comparisons based purely on market share isn't relevant for judging how a company is performing.

    • +6

      whats this deal got to do with Samsung? its an LG phone :S

    • +1

      Apple's budget segment is iPhone 3GS, except no phone companies here is interested offering a deal with that phone anymore.

      There is a market for $50-$100 budget smart phone, but Apple isn't interested. You get what you paid for, low end Android phones are slow, memory limited (even if you root it and push everything to SD card, it will still be slow and sluggish).

      What I hope Android phone makers will do is take iPhone 3GS as the low end phone benchmark and release budget phones that can take on 3GS and make them much cheaper, rather than continuing to make budget phones which cannot even beat iPhone 3g. These low end Android devices can give new Android users bad experience and could drive them away from Android.

      • +3

        damn, have you even used the LG? I thought it was going to be slow and sluggish, but ok for a phone, i can't believe how good it actually is…

        for 50 bux, it has bluetooth, GPS, wifi, none of this teathering crud that apples make you do,
        an 800mhz cpu…

        apples 600 MHz Cortex-A8 VS 800 MHz ARM 11
        The lg is slightly thinner and ligher, has expandable memory, a removable battery, same screen res/camera, later version of BT, The apple has slightly higher FPS for video and slightly higher data speed…
        The LG feels solid and looks good. (thats not even getting into the argument of Ios VS Android)
        have you done any research at all "besides being a fanboi" before shooting your mouth off?
        I dont get how you can say that with obviously no knowledge…

        looking at the stats they are pretty well matched, however the LG phone is under 50 bux outright!
        given the choice and people i know who have switched from apple to android(and there praise of android) i know which id date even if they where the same price… heck even if the apple where cheaper id still take the spirit!

        basially apple have no interest because they know fanbois will eat whatever they are told to eat, and they probably couldnt if they wanted to.

        have you noticed how most people in the know… (EG IT teams) have android based phones, while other "hipsters" seem to have apples.

        • I got my mum this Optimus Spirit as an upgrade from her Sony Erricson X10 mini pro, and she absolutely loves it.

          I had a quick play around with it and for the price it is really impressive.

        • oh almost forgot about hdmi,
          the LG does HDMI out the Apple only does
          "Video out support at 576p and 480p with Apple Component AV Cable; 576i and 480i with Apple Composite AV Cable"

        • +1

          The LG Optimus Spirit does NOT have HDMI out… i have 2 of em …. no hdmi port

        • http://vschart.com/compare/lg-optimus-spirit

          possibly via mhl cable…? (which uses the micro usb… could possibly be wrong specs though)

      • +2

        To wisc… I have one of these. I don't like it. It is my backup phone but I really want to change it to a different one. Please do not assume. I have multiple Android phones (inc. phones with roughly the same specs). In terms of reliability, this phone is below par.

        It crashed a few times (zebra colour pattern - zebra screen of death). Whatsapp can be sluggish. I thought the higher clocked CPU will help a bit, but no. Sometimes, the phone starts typing on its own in Whatsapp and Messaging app. Hanging up a phone call is a bit slow. By the way, that's with zero game installed on the phone (and phone memory is not full). Even though this phone can support Adobe Flash, LG simply couldn't be bothered putting it in. It is possible to install it manually, but it shows LG does not really care about this phone.

        Personally, I try to give objective reviews if I can. If the phone is bad, just because I bought it, I am not going to say it is good.

        Read my other comments. I am generally slightly pro Android. I do try to be objective if I can. $49 phone - have realistic expectation. Get a decent Android phone, it is worth it.

        • Thank you for clarifying your position, seemed like you didn't have anything to base it on. that reads much better.

  • Coles FlyBuys deal is still on until 22 July for $49.50 (plus Flybuys points & petrol discount) $30+ saving.

    • which coles? I tried to buy another one last week but they are all of stocks. If anyone in brisbane can inform me which coles stores still got a stock please share here.

  • coles is $49 + $10 telstra sim card

    • no, it is 49$ with 10$ telstra credit, so only 49$(bought one last weekend from werribie vic)

  • Unlock Code for <$1.00

    Search "LG"

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