LG P690F Unlock Codes $2

Alot quicker than before
paypal ebdap@hotmail.com, pls send your imei and email address.


  • +2

    Can you please supply the code for my LG P690f
    My IMEI is 358191-04-262479-6
    Regards xalky43
    PS I also sent an email

    • 6844133213521699

      Dial 2945#*690# then put in code


      • I have tried three times and it has been unsuccessful, i have 7 attempts left.
        regards xalky

        • Xalky what was your paypal reference?

        • I am happy to pay the $2, but it didn't work, and i am unsure what you mean by my my Paypal Ref
          My Name is Bruce Small, and my email is b_small@bigpond.net.au if this is of any help.

          I would still like to resolve why the code did not work.

        • Take the simcard out and try again.

        • I realise i still had the telstra sim card in and was was wanting to unlock the phone in readiness to going to the Philippines, the phone is for a friend. I assume I have to have any locked sim card from another Service provider to complete the unlock process. Is this correct?
          My Paypal Ref is probably my Ebay Ref b_small6196


        • hi bruce

        • +1

          You haven't paid!!!!

        • Sorry John, i have just paid it on Paypal, this is the first time i have paid anyone myself through Paypal. Many thanks for your patience.

        • Hi altomic Well i finally got the message, i had to pay myself direct through Paypal, first time i ever did taht

        • 2122305628121707

          There is your code.

        • Worked great first time.
          Many Thanks

        • How do i get on to ilostenemo? my email is julie_ks@bigpond.net.au

        • Email Sent :)

        • Do you want to pay him or email him? his email is ebdap@hotmail.com

        • thanks xaljy i have paid him now (yesterday) but have still not heard from him!

        • I've sent you a second email with the code this morning, if needed I'll post the code here.

        • To unlock your mobile, make sure no sim is in the phone.
          dial this first 2945#*690# choose the top option, then put in code.
          that is for you julie

        • thanks that worked, it's fantastic, excellent deal

      • Hi I sent payment my IMEI and and email address on PayPal..how long will it take to receive a reply?

      • -2

        hi ilostnemo, Can you Plz provide a lg optimus spirit imei 358191042969506.I would be great thankful to you Thanks.

        • +1

          Unlock code is 09736485738

          Seriously, no sympathy for idiots.

    • -1

      Hey it would be so awesome if you could please unlock me phone.
      IMEI: 358191-04-108817-5

  • $2 is a good price if ya gotta pay.

  • Can you please supply the code for my LG Optimus (Telstra coles Flybuy Deal)
    My IMEI is 358191-04-2686803

    • +2

      Please use the paypal address in title and I'll process immediately.

  • Which Address? How/where Shall I mention? please guide me, Thanks in advance

  • papyal address in ebdap@hotmail.com in the note section put your imei number and I'll reply back with the code.

    • Sorry, I am still not clear, What to do? Specially you say 'Note' section. & Paypal address

      • I assume ilostnemo means send $2 to ilostnemo via paypal, to his/her paypal address, and in the note section during payment, write down your IMEI and your email address so he/she can reply with the code.

  • paypal address is ebdap@hotmail.com

    • I do understand, its cost me $2. But I have no idea how to send this money, I think check-out in paypal matter. By the way, I have given my IMEI#. could you please send me the code I shall pay in due course. Thanks in advance for the help.

  • You can use this link as well http://unlockmymobile.net.au/

    • Is this the same area you are talking about?

      • Yes I believe we can.

        • What happen if code does not work? is there any refund policy? just wondering

    • I have just purchased from here and can vouch that the code worked and was delivered quick. Thanks

      • Stuart,
        I have also paid 4 hours ago and am hoping to hear from you. Julie

  • xalky that isn't your code.

  • Hi John
    payed thru paypal
    transaction id :9AH265142G5794235
    my imei 358191041131074

  • HI JOHN,
    i paid the money using paypal.
    Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID 4J553148PH0207126)
    my lg optimus spirit IMEI no. 358191042630637

    • thanx for the quick reply…worked wonders..keep up the good work.

  • Just sent you 2 bucks. Thanks again.

  • Paid through your website, glad to buy Australian.

  • Can you please supply the code for my LG P690f
    My IMEI is 358191-04-270850-8
    Regards mamatthew
    payed thru paypal

  • got the code

    thanks john

  • Hi John
    My IMEI :358191042593090

    Can you please provide the unlock code?

    have made the payment thru paypal.(transaction id:9BM97033AM823702R)

  • Hi

    My new LG P690F comes up with "This phone is permanently locked, it can not be unlocked"; Will I still be able to unlock it if I buy the unlocking code either here or at the http://unlockmymobile.net.au/ ?


  • Hey, i've send you $2 to unlock this phone :)

    This is going to sound really stupid, but where do you enter the unlock code? It doesn't come up when i turn the phone on.


    EDIT: Nvm, worked out how to get to the section where you enter the unlock code.

  • Hi there,

    Could you please unlock the Coles mobile (LG Optimus Spirit P690f)

    IMEI: 358191042471818


  • Hi there went through the website
    hope to hear from you soon.

  • I would like to hear back from you as well John, i have been checking my e-mails eagerly!

    • xDefine,

      What was your email address.
      All codes have been sent!!!!

      • Hey,

        you can click on my name and click "start conversation"

        It is also in the paypal notes,

        or send it to xdefine—@hotmail.com (my spam e-mail, would prefer you to do it via other methods)


    • I've issued you a refund.

  • Hi stuart,
    Just paid through paypal regarding following:
    Paypal Transaction ID: 85C69154SA215832L
    Please provide me the code in my 2 emails as mentioned notes in the website, & confirm here.

    • Thanks got it in my email. By the way, Do I have to unlock with the supplied code before the activation of the phone with Tel sim card? please confirm.

      • Thanks mate, its working now.

  • No , I've unlocked many of these phones where the person never goes with Telstra ie they bin the card. You can choose whenever you like to unlock phone.

    • you can give unlock code LG-P690f for me
      my IMEI 358191042509450
      thank you very much

  • +1

    Hi Stuart,
    Just send through some loot. Can you believe my 80 y/o mother in law picked one of these up?
    Haha Go Mum!
    Included email and imei in the comments.

    Cheers mate

  • you can give unlock code LG-P690f for me
    my IMEI 358191042509450
    thank you very much.
    you can send via yahoo: green_kt89 or mail green_kt89@yahoo.com

  • Thanks ordered mine yesterday via his site, and got it in (about) a couple of hours… all working, no problems. will also get a second one for my daughters phone.

  • Can you give me unlock code for LG-P690f, my IMEI is 358191042871108.
    Please send to paul.ngo99@gmail.com

  • Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID 49P21159FP496501T)

  • Is sending the imei and email details in the contents section of the Paypal transaction the way to do this? As that is what I did. Haven't heard anything since paying last night.

    • yeah but i also sent him an email and used his web site to do it…(found his web site after doing a web search for unlocking and linked from austech - dont have access now as im at work)

  • p690f imei 358191042549498 unlock code please

  • I haven't heard from ilostnemo. Have paid yesterday. :(

    • If he's wise he probably has a life outside of providing $2 unlocking codes - not unreasonable to expect to wait a couple of days or so.

  • have made payment just now, waiting for unlock code too

  • All codes have been sent.

  • Hi ilostnemo,

    i have made payment to you and i am waiting for the code.

    IMEI - 3581 9104 2697 636

    Thanks again


  • Hi,
    I made the payment already, please help on
    My IMEI: 358191042861083
    email charles.qld@gmail.com


  • Hi john.
    I made a payment.
    My IMEI:358191042308697
    email : loveisasong17@gmail.com

    Can you plz send me a code as soon as you can. Thank you.

  • How long is this taking people to get their codes please?

    • Never mind, used an ebay service recommended on another thread, and had the code within 5 minutes. Can't ask for better than that. :)

  • Hi,

    Just paid via PayPal:
    Transaction ID: 0XX42357AA957354V
    IMEI: 358191042949094


  • All codes sent.

    • Phone unlocked, thanks

  • Hi
    Just paid via PayPal for 2 x unlock codes
    Transaction ID: 4CC87168HG348261R
    IMEI 1: 358191042546387
    IMEI 2: 358191042832787


  • Hi
    Just paid via PayPal for another 1 x unlock code
    Transaction ID: 20746181HJ2012U
    IMEI: 358191042865381


  • Thanks i did my second one over the weekend and also got it in a few hours… pretty good and no issues.

  • Hi
    Just paid via paypal
    Unique Transaction ID 3UA53413M02328408
    IMEI and email in message.

  • +2

    G'day Guys,
    You don't need to post your details here.
    To the guy from Tasmania, I charge $2 per unlock, I don't think it's to much to ask. Anyways I refunded your money, I sensed you weren't happy with the price.

  • -3

    Can I please have a code for my LG optimus?
    The IMEI is: 358191042102413
    Thank you for your kind support. Have a good day

    • -1

      Good morning Stuart,

      I have just completed your payment.
      The IMEI is: 358191042102413
      Thank you for your kind support. Have a good day

      The receipt number for this payment is: 2440-8279-3559-9175. PayPal *EBDAP.

      Kind regards

  • -2

    Can I please have a code for my LG optimus?
    The IMEI is: 358191042427018
    My email is iztan59@gmail.com
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you for supporting us. Have a good day

    • OMG did you not even bother to read the last post from ilostnemo!?

  • -1

    Good morning Stuart,

    Can I please have a code for my LG P690f?
    I have just completed your payment.
    The IMEI is: 358191042102413
    Thank you for your kind support. Have a good day

    The receipt number for this payment is: 2440-8279-3559-9175. PayPal *EBDAP.

    Kind regards

    • +1

      OMG they are really just doing this to P me off arent they?

      READ his post…

      "G'day Guys,
      You don't need to post your details here."

      I sware im going to grab your IMEI's and do nasty things to them… hey dont blame me if you get OS charges on your next phone bill :P

      • Sorry please do accept my sincere apology

        • +1

          yeah so you should be! :P (kidding :D) at least now you know :D

        • Thanks now I do know your kindness :)

      • LOL you tell em dude :)

  • G'day
    Unfortunately, I can't keep up with the demand, ATM due to server issues I'm restricted to 5 codes per day, so I need to put the brakes on, Hopefully this is short term, there is only 1 person with outstanding codes atm.
    Thanks, will keep you guys updated.

    • Any progress on lifting the brakes? It has been a week.

      Patiently waiting for your update before I send $2 and IMEI your way via PayPal…

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