• expired

20x Everyday Rewards Points on TCN Him, Restaurant, Pub & Bar or Netflix Gift Card @ Woolworths

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20x Everyday Rewards Points on TCN Him, Restaurant, Pub & Bar or Netflix Gift Card

Purchase a $50 or $100 TCN Him or TCN Restaurant, $50 TCN Pub & Bar, or $20 or $50 Netflix gift card at Woolworths supermarkets or Woolworths Metro & scan your Everyday Rewards Card to collect 20x points. Limit of 10 cards/transaction and 1 transaction/day per Rewards member up to a maximum of 140,000 points over the offer period. While stocks lasts from 5/10/22 - 11/10/22. Refer to individual cards for their T&Cs. Card images shown may vary. Excludes Woolworths Online, Ampol Woolworths MetroGo and Metro60. Standard points will not be earned on the amount spent on gift cards, but the number of bonus points you qualify for under this offer. Bonus points can take up to 14 business days to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card from date of purchase

Basically 10% of the gift card’s value returned to you in the form of Everyday Rewards points.1

Gift Card Participating Retailers
TCN Him Academy Brand, adidas, Aquila, ASOS, boohooMAN, Booktopia, Calibre, Calvin Klein, Champion, Cotton On, Culture Kings, Drummond Golf, Edge Clothing, Factorie, Foot Locker, Glue Store, H&M, Hallenstein Brothers, Hype DC, INTERSPORT, Jay Jays, JB Hi-Fi, JD Sports, Just Jeans, Kingpin, Neverland, Nike, Pivot, Platypus, Scotch & Soda, Surf Dive n Ski, SurfStitch, The AFL Store, Timberland, Timezone, Tommy Hilfiger, Universal Store, Van Heusen, Xbox, Zone Bowling
The Restaurant Card Use this gift card at restaurants that accept eftpos around Australia. (Gift card subject to individual merchant acceptance.)
The Bar & Pub Card Use this gift card at pubs or bars that accept eftpos around Australia. (Gift card subject to individual merchant acceptance.)

Any questions, check out the FAQs - Credits to WookieMonster

  1. The 10% calculation assumes you opt to redeem your Everyday Rewards points for Everyday Rewards Dollars (either through Money Off Shopping or Bank For Christmas). - Credits to WookieMonster 

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
The Card Network
The Card Network

closed Comments

  • What is the max denomination of restsurant card in wws

    • As per T&Cs, offer is only available on the $50 and $100.

      • All right

  • +1

    Restaurant card work for uber/doordash/deliveroo gift cards on shopback like the Only One Dining visa does?

    • +8

      The Restaurant gift card in this deal is an EFTPOS gift card, so you cannot use it for any card-not-present transactions (e.g. online transactions, including on Shopback).

      If you want to use your physical Restaurant gift card for card-not-present transactions or add it to a mobile wallet, you will need to exchange it for a digital Mastercard version first. You can do this by going to this webpage and scrolling down to the Pay safer and faster using your mobile wallet section. Click/tap on Go Digital and follow the prompts.

      In terms of whether you can use a digital Mastercard version of the Restaurant gift card on Shopback, I have no idea.

      • +2

        Hi WookieMonster - seen many posts before, too. Your knowledge of gift cards is truly amazing. Well done.

      • Nube question! If Restaurant card is essentially an EFTPOS card, can I use the physical card else where like BIG W or OfficeWorks ?

      • Thanks. Have done the transfer serverl times before to the google pay wallet with transferred Mastercard.
        The problem is that when balance runs low you may have to surrender the remaining balance, though not too much.

  • +1

    It have 10x bonus rewards points for the Perfect Gift Cards as well. (eftpos card, $5.95-$7.95 purchase fee applies) during the same promotion period.

    • equivalent to $17.05 saving per $500 cards

  • +1

    Watch out when buying Netflix gift cards. Didn't get my points automatically last time and seems many people were in the same boat.

    • +1

      That's me some then. Thought this represented a good way to bring down the price of Netflix buw I won't bother.

      I hate being made jump through hoops.

      • +16

        The advice from @kerfuffle actually applies for any gift cards you purchase that is advertised as part of a gift card deal at Woolworths or BIG W.

        If you want to see whether you will earn bonus points on a gift card deal at Woolworths or BIG W (and you are using a self-service checkout), do one of the following as soon as you press Pay Now to go to the payment screen:

        • Check the points counter on the top right-hand corner of the screen to see whether any points from the bonus points deal will be credited.

        • See whether you get a pop up saying you have earned Qantas points, saved money off your next shop or saved money for Christmas. (This will only happen if the bonus points you earn during that promotion will push your points balance above 2000.)

        If the points counter still says 0 after you proceed to the payment screen, it means that you will not earn any points at all for the purchase. Although some Everyday Rewards staff will tell you that points from a gift card deal may be credited after you leave the store and within 14 business days of the transaction, that is simply not true in my experience. You either get the points at the checkout, or you never automatically receive them and will need to contact Everyday Rewards to get them to manually credit the points.

        • Thanks for the information.

          So I would get 5 or 10 cards to make sure I get more than enough points.

          • @FatTofu: If you can see the points counter on the checkout screen, it will not matter whether you purchase one gift card or multiple gift cards. You should earn points whether you purchase one gift card or multiple gift cards in the transaction.

            The slight issue that I forgot to point out in my comment above is that you sometimes cannot see the points counter, due to an Everyday Rewards promotion where you will earn credits towards some sort of collectable. There is actually a tableware promotion starting on 19 Oct (which was supposed to start in Jan 2022, but supply chain issues meant that Everyday Rewards deferred it to now), which means that the points counter will most likely be obscured on a self-service checkout. In that case, you would need to scan enough gift cards where the bonus points you will earn will push your points balance above 2000 (or a multiple thereof) to trigger the pop-up message.

            • @WookieMonster: This morning I got a $100 TCN restaurant card, supposedly giving me 2000 points. After hitting Pay now at self check-out, there's no pop up window showing rewards dollars (my default setting). So I guess this is not working at my local woolie.

              • @FatTofu: same. Got $350 HIM cards and no bonus points.

      • +1

        once you waited the (2 weeks or whatever it's on the T&C) contact everyday rewards on the chat and tell them, they usually give you the points straight away.

        • @Gooddeal21 @RENERO @FatTofu @WookieMonster

          I bought about 30 cards in last 2 days.

          On first day I bought 20 cards using 2 different reward cards, of which the older account got instantly credited with points but the newer account did not get credited.

          I went back today to buy 10 more gift cards and scanned the older rewards card but I did not credited this time.

          I asked one of my mates to go check so he just bought 1 card to test out if the rewards is working or not and he got credited instantly (FYI he had just created his account)

          So not sure what's happening.

  • if you get 10 x $50 TCN Pub & Bar cards - will you end up with 10 diff eftpos cards or can they all be added to 1 $500 card ?

    • +1

      You will end up with ten different EFTPOS gift cards. There is no way (I know of) where you can consolidate 10x $50 Pub & Bar gift cards into 1x $500 Pub & Bar gift card.

      • +1

        The fact you can't consolidate them means most cards will expire with a balance. This is where they make their money and why they can offer these deals.

        • can't you like combine payments to use whatever is left over in a card?

          • @Jackpot518: You need to keep track of the balance and convince the staff to do it. Some places can only do one card payment and the rest cash. The average punter wouldn't bother.

            • @JIMB0: 'Convince' them to accept… MONEY?!? if you were a shop, would you need convincing? I don't think so. That is why people are in business.

              • @Tim349850: A lot of places think you're trying to pull a scam paying over multiple cards.

                • @JIMB0: Just pretend you are poor and maxed out your credit limit. You can miss out on a lot of life if you worry too much about what other people think, usually they are too busy thinking about themselves to think about you.

  • +1

    No extra points for Everyday Extra members?

  • Anyone know if JB Hifi allow you to use the HIM gift cards to buy apple gift cards in store?

    • +2

      The JB Hi-Fi checkout system will let you do this.

      Whether JB Hi-Fi staff will let you do this is another question. Some JB Hi-Fi staff don’t care, whereas some other staff will keep an eye out for what kind of card you are wanting to use and will stop you if they see you wanting to use a TCN or Ultimate gift card. I had one staff member one time instruct me to show the type of card I was going to use to purchase a $100 Apple gift card. (I was actually using an AMEX, but I strongly suspect they were trying to weed out people using TCN or Ultimate gift cards.)

      In your case, if you tell staff you would like to pay by card, you should be fine, because the physical TCN gift cards in this deal operate on the EFTPOS network, so JB Hi-Fi will handle it the same way as a debit card that supports EFTPOS. Do not mention anything about TCN gift cards (or gift cards in general) as a payment method, otherwise you’ll either confuse staff or have staff ask to see what sort of card you want to use and then you’ll increase the chances of staff stopping you from using a TCN gift card as a payment method.

      • Are staff only difficult when buying off another gift cards or are they equally difficult when buying off an actual product using multiple gift card in Melbourne?

  • I think I have seen this posted before but not sure where it is now. Looking at the TCN HIM cards - What is the maximum number of cards I can use for JB hifi online purchase? And do I need to exchange it for a JB hifi card first? Thanks!

    • +3

      Both of your questions are covered in the FAQ linked in OP’s description, but in summary:

      • +1

        thanks v much!

      • When you swap the Him Card for the JB Online, can you select any denomination? For example if I have $1 left on the Him Card can I swap it for JB GC?

        • +1

          I believe you can only choose $30, $50 or $100 denominations when exchanging, but it has been a while since I used a TCN gift card with JB Hi-Fi as a participating retailer.

        • Hey @JHoliday
          Were you able to swap Him Card for JB Online?
          If yes, how many were you able to swap?

          • @craigcan05: I think the minimum you can swap is $30… the option to do it was there yesterday morning.. I didn’t go through to the final screen though

      • +1

        Hi @WookieMonster,

        TCN's FAQ explicitly now mentions that the swapping the gift cards will not work for Jb-HiFi and GoodGuys.

        Are you sure is it still working after TCN changed it's T&Cs?

        Check under TCN-FAQ Q4 for the note, or any other type of card, it doesn't matter.

        • +2

          The TCN FAQ item you are referring to actually says:

          • JB Hi-Fi: Cards cannot be used to purchase gift cards issued by JB Hi-Fi

          • The Good Guys: Cards cannot be used to purchase gift cards issued by The Good Guys

          It looks like this FAQ item was brought in around November 2020 around the same time as TCN adding into their terms and conditions a $500 limit on the amount of TCN gift cards you could redeem in one transaction at JB Hi-Fi or The Good Guys (although this $500 limit was later scrapped).

          TCN regards purchase and swap/exchange as two different processes:

          • Purchase is where you go directly to the retailer (e.g. JB Hi-Fi, The Good Guys) and use the TCN gift card to buy the retailer’s own gift card.

          • Swap/exchange is where you go through TCN to swap or exchange the TCN gift card balance for a retailer’s own gift card.

          If you look at the TCN website, you will see that you have the option for exchanging a TCN gift card balance for a JB Hi-Fi gift card or a The Good Guys gift card. For example, on the TCN HOME gift card webpage:

          • Scroll down to the How To Use section.
          • Click/tap on the Select A Retailer dropdown list. You will see that JB Hi-Fi and The Good Guys state Instore & Online next to it.
          • Click/tap on either JB Hi-Fi or The Good Guys from the dropdown list.
          • To the right of the dropdown list, select Online.
          • You will get a message saying that you can exchange the TCN gift card for a digital gift card from JB Hi-Fi or The Good Guys (depending on which retailer you chose).
          • Click/tap on Proceed and follow the subsequent prompts.
          • +1

            @WookieMonster: Woah, thanks for clearing that up for me.

            I'll go buy some of the tcn gift cards today and get myself a nice present from JB then

  • +2

    These gift card posts are when WookieMonster shines - he/she has a phd in this topic

  • Paging WookieMonster

    What would be the best approach to this to purchase an iPhone 13 from JB Hifi?

    Buy 13x $100 TCN Him gift cards and then go in store and ask staff to pay with 13x cards?

    • How you pay should not be an issue, I’ve paid 6 x100$ gift cards at JB and 26 x 100$ gift cards at TGG. Time consuming transactions, both occasions I went on Saturday evenings after 4pm when it’s not so busy.

    • Buy 13x $100 TCN Him gift cards and then go in store and ask staff to pay with 13x cards?

      Yep, that works for in-store purchases.

      If you want to purchase the iPhone through the JB Hi-Fi website, you will first need to exchange all 13 TCN HIM gift cards for digital JB Hi-Fi gift cards, then redeem the digital JB Hi-Fi gift cards on the JB Hi-Fi website.

  • +1

    can you buy a $ 507.95 perfect card .. then use that to buy multiple TCN cards?

    • +1

      That should work as long as you purchase the Perfect EFTPOS gift card pictured in the Woolworths catalogue.

      Woolworths (and BIG W) have implemented automatic blocks for some prepaid gift cards when you are attempting to purchase a gift card, so you will get a Items Not Allowed error on the EFTPOS terminal screen as soon as you swipe the card. However, last time I checked (which was a couple of weeks ago), they have not implemented automatic blocks for the Perfect EFTPOS gift card pictured in the catalogue for any purchases of gift cards.

      If your local Woolworths for some reason is still selling the older Perfect EFTPOS gift card, you may not be able to use that to purchase a TCN gift card at Woolworths (or BIG W). EFTPOS gift cards with a card number starting with 502125 (which includes the older Perfect EFTPOS gift card) is one such prepaid gift card where Woolworths and BIG W implement an automatic block for some purchases of gift cards.

      • Apologies if this has been asked , I had a check but couldn’t see anything
        Are you able to use the monthly 10% off discount from my mobile service on the purchase of giftcards? Thanks

  • Just a heads up, my local only had $50 denominations and I bought 10 - it took a few minutes to activate the 10 gift cards :)

  • couldn't find any perfect cards at my local ..
    bought $250 of restaurant and HIM cards but points still showing as 0 currently

    • +1

      Did you purchase the $50 or $100 denomination of TCN Him or TCN Restaurant?

      • thats what i did?

        • +1

          I guess wait the '14 business days', then contact support if the point isn't added (make sure to keep receipt/proof).

          • +1

            @RichardL: 3079 Highpoint West
            200 Rosamond Road
            Description $
            Gift Card Restaurant Card 100 Dollars 100.00
            Gift Card Restaurant Card 100 Dollars 100.00
            GiftCard The FashionCard Him 50 Dolars 50.00

            • @droodle: no points for me as well

              • @hihi: I did chat with ER support .. they said all looks good in system .. just need to wait.

            • @droodle: For me the points added for
              The Restaurant Gift Card $100x 5= 10.000

              But The Perfect Gift Card $500x3 is missing

    • My points for the Restaurant GC are still not showing after almost a week. Anyone else?

  • Hello good fellows, I have asked the staff here in WA they didn't know this promotion, and none on the rewards card site..
    does it works on yours?

  • +2

    It’s worth mentioning that Woolworth’s is doing 20x points on Ultimate Home, Her, Style, Baby & Mum, Beauty & Spa and Eats gift cards starting from the 12th of October. If you are planning a big JB Hi-Fi purchase this might be worth waiting for as the $500 Ultimate Home gift cards are easier to deal with than lots of $50 or $100 TCN cards.

    Hopefully I don’t get in trouble for mentioning this. The marketing signage for this forthcoming promotion was prematurely displayed at their Campsie store and posted to the Qantas Points Collectors group.

  • Can I use the restaurant gift card for maccas?

  • Can I use woolworths gift card to buy the restaurant gift card?

  • Is there any chance to use at Costco?

  • What do people do when their balances are like $11.53 ??

    • Get chips, coffee yoghurt at mackas.

  • My points for the Restaurant GC are still not showing after almost a week. I bought 4, I should’ve got 8.000 points added. Anyone else?

    • +3

      I would say your points will never be automatically credited to your account.

      In my experience within the last couple of years, any bonus Everyday Rewards points you earn from gift card deals at Woolworths or BIG W are only ever credited at the checkout, and you will be notified of this when you:

      • Check the points counter as soon as you move to the payment screen (assuming the points counter is actually shown on the checkout), and/or
      • Get a message popping up on the screen after going to the payment screen saying you have earned another reward (assuming the points you earn from the purchase will push your points balance above 2,000).

      I never had points from gift card deals within the last couple of years automatically credited to my account after the transaction was completed. In other words, I never had points automatically added a few hours later or the next day or the next week.

      If you bought a gift card as part of an advertised gift card deal, but the points were never added at the time you purchased the gift card, it means one of two things:

      • The gift card you purchased was never intended to be part of this deal (which would usually happen because there was a misprint in the catalogue).
      • Everyday Rewards forgot to program their system to automatically credit you with the correct number of bonus points for when you purchase a gift card as part of an advertised gift card deal.

      14 business days is unfortunately the standard waiting period for points from in-store gift card deals at Woolworths, so you will probably need to reach out to Everyday Rewards after waiting 14 business days in order to get your points manually credited to your account.

      • +1

        I got my first 20000 bonus points instantly n day one of purchasing 10 Gift Cards for $100 each. The next day I went to buy another 9 of them. I didn't get the 18000 bonus points automatically as I should have. I will probably have to reach out to Everyday rewards to get them manually added.

      • +1

        Thanks for that. I’ll try to get in touch with Everyday Rewards and see how it goes,

  • WARNING: For those who are thinking of using these cards for online orders at JB HiFi, I just found out the only gift cards that would work online are the ones issued by JB Hifi. I was able to use these cards in-store to backorder iPhone 14 Pro. There was some resistance from sales staff initially, but the store manager approved it.

    TCN cards website is misleading, it suggests you can use them online at JB HiFi.

    • The TCN HIM gift card in this deal (and other physical TCN gift cards featuring JB Hi-Fi as a participating retailer) can be indirectly redeemed on the JB Hi-Fi website.

      You cannot directly redeem them on the JB Hi-Fi, as you cannot redeem EFTPOS cards online. However, you can go to the TCN website and exchange the gift card's balance for a digital JB Hi-Fi gift card that is emailed to you. JB Hi-Fi gift cards can be redeemed instore and online at JB Hi-Fi, which is the reason TCN say you can redeem TCN gift cards "online" at JB Hi-Fi.

      Having said that, TCN should probably call the redemption options Instore & Exchange, not Instore & Online.

      • +1

        Thanks, mate. I will keep this in mind for next time.

        • +1

          No worries!

          Btw, if you are looking for instructions on exchanging a TCN gift card for a JB Hi-Fi gift card through the TCN website, have a look at another comment in this deal.

          NOTE: There is one extra step for the TCN HIM gift card, where you will need to enter the gift card number before you see the dropdown list for participating retailers.

    • I did eventually figure out how to exchange the TCN cards into JB HiFi gift cards, similar to what’s posted by WookieM before coming across his excellent guide. It was a very frustrating and tedious process. Lol!!

  • Just bought 100$ worth of Pub and Bar cards with no points being added, while yesterday i bought the same with points being added automatically.
    Also had the rewards points converted to 10$ shop credit and not qantas points which is weird as have had the qantas option switched on for awhile now. can i change the 10$ to the 1000 qantas points i want and who do i contact?

    • If you change your account's redemption option from Money Off Shopping (or Bank For Christmas) to Qantas Points, all Everyday Rewards Dollars on your account will be converted into Qantas Points at a rate of $10 Everyday Rewards Dollars —> 1,000 Qantas Points.

      You can change your redemption setting any time through the Everyday Rewards website or app.

      However, the conversion of Everyday Rewards Dollars into Qantas Points is not reversible, so make sure you are comfortable with having Qantas Points (which you seem to be).

      • However it still has added 10$ to my rewards account which only shows up at the checkout one day and 1000 qantas points the next. Must have been a glitch.

  • +1

    We're allowed to buy them on separate transactions but different day, right? I just realized that I did $200 of TCN Him on Thursday and got the points, then another $500 TCN Him the next day, that gave 0 points. The digital receipt was showing correct receipt on 2 different dates :(

    • +1

      I just rang them they said its abnormal for the points to be credited straight away, they usually show 0 points and to wait 14 days when buying gift cards.
      They also changed the 10$ credit to qantas points for me as it was a glitch.

      • +1

        But I did 3 transactions in total for TCN (2 last week, 1 today). First one I got right away, other 2 showing 0. I noticed might be different stores having set their pos incorrectly 🤦‍♂️

        • The screen shows 0 pts today after scan the TCN HIM card, EDR and press PAY so that I did not bother to buy. Thanks for the heads-up.

  • Had to wait the arbitrary 14 days before they would even investigate the missing points. Make sure you don't forget to follow this up!!!

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