Can’t afford to fly for real or just simply don’t want the hassle of dealing with Qantas? Look no more.
Product does not include a useless offshore call centre, flight cancellations or any lost luggage. Travel insurance recommended.
Can’t afford to fly for real or just simply don’t want the hassle of dealing with Qantas? Look no more.
Product does not include a useless offshore call centre, flight cancellations or any lost luggage. Travel insurance recommended.
Tough crowd mate. Think the aviation literate are in the minority.
Yep, my comment got reported and removed for being inappropriate last time.
In an Airbus, retard is the automated voice recommending that the flying pilot retard or reduce the thrust levers to idle during the landing flare.
I'm a screaming leftie but I'm starting to think there might actually be something in this whole woke movement.
@Aureus: Yeah I understand it's true meaning, I'm jumping on that ironic version of the definition that's thrown around by SkyNews after dark. It's the right that has no comprehension of the term. I'm broadly attempting to mock them simultaneously.
@seamonkey: As a screaming right-wing libertarian, I'll agree that we've hijacked the term woke and twisted it for our own benefit but that's not a bad thing IMO. Anything that pushes back against the creeping, insidious influence of the 21st century left needs to be encouraged!
BTW, I'm cool with all opinions and viewpoints - the more the merrier. Western society works best when left and right arrive and agree at the centre. That's where shit gets done.
@seamonkey: Woke movement was started by banking and government operatives to distract the Occupy Wall St movement. You know the old divide and conquer. Prior to 2008 there wasn't really a strong R/L divide. While you've been distracted with wokism they've pilfered trillions.
What do you CALL ME ?!?!
It took me a few.
What about Attitude in aviation? I thought attitude is only applied to people with good or bad attitude, I didn't know an airplane has attitude too XD
My instructor is always a banging on at me about my attitude - 2/3rds sky, 1/3rd ground. Trim forward! C'mon, get it right!
What about "more rudder, use your feet" and "eyes out"
@Chridim: 'watch your ball'
'nose is too high'
'hold it off, hold it off, hold it off'
'full power for the go around'
'power is height'
'the ground can't hurt you' - which I don't really get as it very much f***ing can!
Enjoyed the description. Probably because I'm dancing that flight dance in recent days and it's oh so painful.
There is a Used - Like New one there for $192.14.
For that little difference I say is not worth the risk.
Just pointing it out for people who may want to try. I've only had one issue with a Used - Like New one before and it wasn't an issue to return it.
"Product does not include a useless offshore call centre, flight cancellations or any lost luggage."
Pretty sure the Qantas call centre is onshore, but the rest is true
They have multiple call centres, one of which is in Launceston, the rest are offshore.
Fair enough. Called them far too many time and only dealt with the one in Launceston
I guess technically, unless you live in Tasmania, even Launceston is offshore…
Have this and after using it for 15 years I recently got the thrust master 787 Boeing yoke pack. Get the thrust master Boeing yoke pack, it’s a lot better than this. On special is about $500 with the throttle got mine from the gamesmen.
Also ~2.5x the price
Buying a Boeing 787 is much better than the ThrustMaster 787 Yoke pack.
The most important information is that you were happy with it for 15 years. And it actually _lasted_15 years!
People looking at this are not the same people interested in a product more than twice as expensive. That is another level and way more options to choose from.
Any recommendations for a system that is compatible with Xbox series X?
Yoke System $209
The yolk's on you.
he’s gonna take a beating…
eh, that was weak.
can i replace my car's steering wheel with this Yoke?
You can and fly your car in your garage.
Teslas tried….
Please read the reviews which are reporting dead zone issues.
Keep in mind that it's only the yoke. The thrust pictured next to it is not included, but you can get it for an additional $88
Are you sure? checking the model number on the Logitech site it say it comes with the yoke and throttle quadrant.…
Not 100% but the Amazon listing says:
"Style name: Yoke only"
And the "buy together" section says that people often buy this and the throttle together (seperate items)
Comes with throttle quadrant and free delivery for $209
Also comes in $5 less with ebay plus monthly discount code at $204…
Please feel free to correct me if I've made a mistake
The eBay one is almost gone, but yes, still valid.
Even though the throttle quadrant isn't mentioned in the Amazon listing, I can confirm it is included (bought from the same listing about a year ago).
I'm not sure that Logitech even sell the yoke on it's own. Pretty sure it always includes the throttle quadrant.
Just to add, the RRP ($349.95) and Model Number (945-000023) on Amazon AU also matches the Full System (Yoke and Throttle Quadrant) on Logitech G Website
that makes sense to me and I assume they call it yoke only on amazon so that people dont expect it to come with rudder pedals and so forth…
happy to remove my neg now
seen people use this in microsoft flight sim and alos Xplane but dont' recommend it
For a budget price of a yoke system, at least it is more realistic than flying a Cessna 172 Skyhawk with a joystick or keyboard+mouse combo.
Great price. People might poop on this saying that there's better options out there, but there is nothing even close to this price point. This is a great way to get started.
The Logitech Extreme 3D Pro isn't half bad if you don't mind a sidestick either.
Depend of what airplane type the player into,
Boeing, Cessna - yoke
Airbus, ultra or lightsport aircraft - side / center stick
Who said a Boeing or Cessna can't be flown by sidestick? :)
@Techie4066: Should be more model specific. Like the example I've given above - Cessna 172 Skyhawk - is flown with a yoke, not sidestick. Of course you can fly with a joystick or keyboard+mouse combo, but then it wouldn't be as much of a "flight sim" right?
@edfoo: Flight sims are what you make of them with the means available to you. Some people only have a phone and an app, might be less immersive/realistic but it's passable. There's obviously a limit to realism anyway (and a keyboard+mouse is clearly a non-attempt).
@Techie4066: Just like you said, if keyboard+mouse combo is considered a non-attempt while joystick is real enough to fly a Cessa 172 Skyhward for you, then same thing can be said by other players that joystick is considered a non-attempt and a yoke is a must.
@edfoo: Keyboard and mouse is never used to fly real aircraft. Joystick is (incl some light aircraft). Poor analogy.
@edfoo: Keyboard and mouse is not model specific.
You can't have a 1:1 experience for every aircraft out there due to variations in joysticks, yokes and so on.
@Techie4066: Yes you can. Own both a yoke and a joystick, best of both world for all the planes in MSFS 2020.
A bit of fun for the DIYer is to get the USB joystick PCBs from AliExpress and make your own switch panels.
I'm learning to fly and recently got the Thrustmaster T.16000M Flight Pack ($309 from Catch) for FS - not so much to use for flight training but more so for learning all the procedures and checks - AAPT, PATF, BUMFHIE, checklists etc. A joystick better simulates the y-stick of the Jabiru and the rudder pedals, while not great, are okay. It's been really helpful for learning circuits which are procedures, procedures and more procedures. I'm currently hating circuits!
I really enjoyed the circuits part of RPL. There is so much actions. On the other hand, it is so boring in the training area lol.
Fair enough. The crosswinds yesterday were horrible and making my landing approaches really difficult but I've got to learn it. I've been landing okay though. The Jabiru is somewhat challenging to fly, especially to fly precisely but my instructors are saying that when I've learnt to fly it, I'll be able to fly anything!
The Jab is an excellent trainer (just don't fly it over tiger country, the engines are shit). Use your feet and fly coordinated turns and it'll sharpen up your flying far more than any Cessna.
The key to a good approach is nailing your airspeed (trim is your friend). The key to crosswind landings is keeping your nose aligned with the centerline with rudder and controlling your lateral position over the runway with aileron, I know it feels weird to cross control but you gotta do it. Ask to practice slips when you're more comfortable because this will help solidify that concept.
If you get a chance to try it, VR is pretty good. It wasn't a thing while I was training, but I can see it being useful as you actually build some muscle memory by physically looking at and reaching out to each item, and flying circuits etc. feels very much like the real thing in terms of sense of attitude and distances. If I were to buy a headset with good enough resolution to actually read approach plates etc, I'd use it for IFR practice. But for basic VFR stuff a cheaper set could be quite useful for practice procedures with that extra bit of immersion if you find a sim aircraft close enough to what you actually fly.
I would imagine that VR would be a good thing to do but it's not an investment that I really want to make ATM. PC simulators are okay for certain things, procedures checklists etc but they just cannot come close to replicating the real thing - the 3D aspect, thermals, gusts, the sinking feeling (!), ground rush etc. If you think about it, humans basically live in a 2D world and we are not designed for 3D. It's how we're wired - and we have to learn how to handle it if we want to fly.
No I'm pretty sure we are designed for a 3d world😅.
We do spend a lot of time in front of 2d screens though.
VR is pretty good, but you need to sink a lot of money for the best hardware around(3090 for the 4k headsets). But even then its just making a 2D flight sim into a 3D experience. Its great, im one of those investors, but its not mind boggling just yet.
Imagine how hot this would've been when MSFS2020 came out and everyone was in lockdown…
Flashbacks to Knight Rider. No turbo boost button though.
(showing my age)
Braising is a combination-cooking method that uses both wet and dry heats: typically, the food is first browned at a high temperature, then simmered in a covered pot in cooking liquid. It is similar to stewing, but braising is done with less liquid and usually used for larger cuts of meat.
Dear OzB fam,
I know these aren't officially mac compatible but has anyone tried? (many of the ones that aren't supposed to work on Mac do in fact work just fine.)
I had one of these years back, and have since upgraded to the Honeycomb Alpha. Worlds apart, but these are good for starting out.
You have to be yoking?
Do these have any force feedback, like some shudder as you come into stall ? I have found the lack of that sort of feedback the more difficult part of using PC sims vs when flying light real aircraft.. (And modern flyby wire aircraft have "Stick Shakers" to provide realistic feedback to pilots.. just had a discussion with a friend who drives 777's about that )
Loved the description - gave me a good chuckle thanks op :-)